Chapter 5

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We're driving to my mums house. The thieve and my cat in the front seats. My stuff on the backseat and me in the trunk, again. I still can't believe he put duct tape over my mouth. I listen closely to my surroundings. There's barely any noise coming from outside the car other than other vehicles.

I can hear my cat meowing and moving around in her cat carrier. I hear him talking on the phone again. He's not talking loud enough for me to understand what he's saying. I honestly don't even care.

I can feel the car make a turn and pull up a driveway. As I sit up my head fills with hope. The sky is lighter. I can see lighter colours appear from the horizon. It's turning daytime.

"Yes." I whisper to myself.

I turn my head and see him take my cat out of the car. She doesn't make any kind of noise. I try to yell, wanting to know what he's gonna do to her, but obviously fail 'cause the duct tape is still over my mouth.

I watch as he knocks on the door. Wait- he said my mum wasn't home.. Who's he waiting for then? My heart drops as I see a stranger open the door. A white man who's also wearing a balaclava. He's slightly shorter than the man who kidnapped me.

I try looking closer. They give each other a handshake. The other guy must be a friend of his'. I watch as he enters the house and seconds later returns. He walks over to the back of the car and I immediately go back to laying down out of fear.

He opens the trunk, "Hey, do you have any paper?"

I give him a puzzled look. He just tied me up and threw me in the trunk of my own car and expects me to have paper? At first I wanted to say no but again get reminded the stupid duct tape is still over my damn mouth, so I shake my head.

After he sighs and drops his arms next to his body, clearly being upset, he later returns with a little notebook and pen. His friend is with him. I look away as the other guy looks at me sitting tied up in a trunk, feeling really uncomfortable.

The tall guy sits me up, "Here." he says as he hands me the notebook and pen. "You're going to write down exactly what I say."

I furrow my eyebrows. With the cuffs on? I think to myself. I then realise it's actually possible as I hold the pen steady against the paper. It's not easy thought. My back hurts as I bend halfway to the side to see what I'm writing down.

"Alright, so write down:"

Hi mum

I'm going to be away from home for a while. I don't know how long I'll be gone for, but don't worry about me, I'm fine.

Please take care of my cat. I already gave U everything she needs. You'll find it in the box underneath this letter.

Lots of love


I felt my heart aching while writing the letter. They asked me if I normally put a heart as I signed it but I shook my head. I reread the letter, letting it hit me harder and harder each time. Not only was I lying to my own mother, my whole life was about to change.

It's either going to end soon or I'll end up traumatised.

'Out of town'? 'I don't know how long I'll be gone for'? What does all that mean? What the fuck do they want? I can feel all the hope fade.

He then takes the letter out of my weak grip. He pulls the single paper out the notebook and tells his friend to put everything in place.

"Your mum will be home soon, so your cat won't be alone for too long."

Little does he know she doesn't care at all. She likes being alone, which was ideal for me since I barely had time for her due to my job. Which is also maybe the reason she doesn't love that much, 'cause I don't make time for her.

He takes the pen out of my left hand and calmly closes the trunk again. I can feel my heart pounding in my throat. They were really going to take me with them. I'm getting trouble breathing since I can only do it from my nose. I try taking deep breaths and staying calm but cannot help but struggle.

I look out of the back window and see the sky lighting up. I can't tell what colour it is but it must be red-orange-ish.

I freeze for a second as I hear the two boys enter the car. They slam the door shut really aggressively.

"I told you to hurry the fuck up."

"I hurried man, breaking in isn't easy."

I listen closely, they're whispering but it is still clear enough for me to understand.

"I didn't expect you to find him that quickly."

"Oh well, neither did I. You have any idea how stressful this was for me? The entire plan is messed up now. And I basically had to kidnap him all by myself and do you see me complain. All of you are useless."

I feel like throwing up. There's more of them, and they have a whole plan. But on the other hand, they were planning on kidnapping me anyways. 'So me showing up to the museum has nothing to do with it' I tell myself trying to look at things optimistically.

It's daytime. I can hear a few cars in the distance, but my mum lives in a really calm neighbourhood so no one's near right now. The car pulls out of the driveway and I can see us drive in an unknown direction.


We have been driving for what feels like hours, but in reality just 40 minutes. I heard one of them say that. They don't talk that much to each other. Sometimes I hear one of them ask if we're almost there, just for the other one to get mad at him.

I hear one of them ask to stop at a gas station, and sure enough we do. I can tell they parked the vehicle a bit further away, out of the open. I can hear one of them say he needs to use the toilet so that means that there will be only one guy left for a few minutes. It sounded like it was the shorter guy who got out of the car.

'Shit.' I think to myself. I knew I couldn't take the taller one.

To my surprise he also steps out of the car. He walks over to the trunk and opens it. I squeeze my eyes shut as the bright daylight shines in my face. He leans forward and observes me for a split second, then asks me if I want anything to eat.

My eyes flicker from his right to his left eye. He was still wearing that black balaclava. I didn't think about food for the entire ride. But now he asked me I had to admit I was kind of hungry, so I nodded.

He gives me a small nod in return, then grabs his phone, probably to tell the other guy. He doesn't close the trunk right away. He's just standing in front of me, but there's enough space to escape if I was fast enough.

I hear people in the distance. Of course there's people at a gas station. I move my head up a bit to see the outside but before I could even see another person the guy already closes the trunk.

I sigh to myself, already tired of all this bullshit. I wanted to know what was going on. I wanted to know what they needed me for, and why me specifically. I'm thinking what would be the best way to deal with this.

If I had the chance, would I run or call for help. Or both. But in what order then? I had no idea what to do, but it didn't seem like they were going to hurt me.

After a minute or 2 I already hear the other guy settle in the passenger seat. They start the engine again and drive off. I can feel my stomach turn and my head spinning. I hope my mum and cat are fine. And I hope my mum isn't worried, I mean not that she shouldn't be.

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