Getting to the car and heading back to the school direction it was almost five, but I didn't feel like going to the house so I decide to go to the woods but first stop at the gas station to get some beer.
Parking my car close to the woods and walking to the dirt path just breathing the air. Noticing how cold it feels in my lungs and refreshing it feels. Walking to the old tree that I normally past my time in, sitting and opening the first beer of the day even thought today its just Monday can't wait for to be Friday just so I can get hold of a beer. Lighting a cigarette and feeling my lungs of smoke.
Enjoying my peace and celebrating that my plans have worked perfect. Taking few swings of the beer till it was empty, while I was reaching to get my second bottle. A figure caught my eye, walking to my direction the same guy I seen in here. What's his doing here at this hour.
He stopped when it was like 7 feet's away from me, I starred at him he just stares at me back.
"You lost?" I asked him not knowing what more to ask."no" he just simply said. His voice sounded raspy and low "mind if i join you?" he asked
"Okay" I said while handling him a beer. He took it and sat beside me, I got another bottle for me and opened it fast. I might not be the most social active person but I do know what its awkward silence, and we we're having one. Not knowing what to do I asked the first thing in mind.
"Never seen you in school" I said while I took a swing.
"I dont go to school" he said quietly
"Which school then" I said looking at him
"None" I stayed quiet thinking what more to ask or do, busy thinking he stretches his arm and took the cigarette I was holding and inhaled. He stared at me "Damion"
"Ah?" I said kinda lost of what he meant by that he took a last puff and handle me the cigarette back. "My name" he said letting the smoke out of his body "oh, Aria" I said taking my knees to my chest, like we stayed few minutes in silence.
"Wanna play a game?" He said out of nowhere "game? Of what?" He looks like a strange kid starring at him, looks dull and gloomy.
"I don't know Lying game"
"Lying game? How doe s it work?"
"Just tell something that it could be a lie or true" he explained, he sounded bored already
"Sure then you start" I said while taking a swing.
"I love you"
I spat all the beer I had on my mouth "what!? Great way to start the game that's completely a lie" I said while I dry my mouth.
He just chuckle "your turn"
I closed my eyes leaned at the tree thinking of what to say " I do things that aren't right but I can't stop what I love to do"
"Lies" he said. "Why you think that?" "Can't stop? That's a lie people can stop what ever they do, they have control of their choices" I starred at him deep inside I know his right and that I'm to selfish to admit it out loud that I'm doing all of this consciously and aware of my actions.
"This is getting boring"
"How old are you?"
"You look younger"
"Your still a kid" he said laughing
"Well this kid its giving you free beer" I told him
I looked at my clock it was 7pm was time to go back home. Standing up and picking my bag I looked at him "gotta go keep the rest of the beers see ya Damion" he just nodded and kept drinking his beer. I just headed out of the woods to my car. And drives back home.
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