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Michael's Point of View

I'm finally getting married. Again. Jenny's spent all my time and money planning this thing, so it had better be amazing. She finally agreed to move to Italy with me, only because it would look good for the wedding pictures. Whatever. Anyone who was anyone was here, and was in my face, asking questions, being annoying. I'd never admit it to her but I'm beyond nervous, I can feel my heart in my throat, and my hands are shaking. Everyone stood and I lifted my head to see the woman that would always take my breath away. The woman I'd want to wake up to every morning. My beautiful wife, Jennifer.

"Please be seated." My heart started beating faster and faster as she stared up at me with her award winning smile. The priest went through the formalities and asked us to recite our vows. Of course I had to go first. I didn't want to do it and wish I could opt out but she wanted today to be special.

"Jenny......." I forgot my entire speech. Fuck she looks horrified, what the hell. I'll make up something that should work.

"Umm.....Jenny. As you know from the first day I met you, I knew you'd be my wife. I know that we've had many ups and downs but I wouldn't want to do it with anyone but you. You're there for me when I need you to make me laugh and smile. Or when I'm down. And that makes all the difference in the world. Sometimes I wonder how my life would be without you and it's seems so mundane and bleak. I find happiness with you whenever you smile, snort, or when your nose twitches in your sleep. I love that you always make me try new things and are always taking me places. Thank you for dragging me behind you because I'd follow you anywhere." Nice save, even though the ending was cheesy. Score for Michael her eyes are watering, it was sentimental enough, but all jokes aside spending all of my days with her would be a dream come true.

"That was so corny and you know it!" She wiped her tears and took a breath. "Michael, I'm so happy that you stole my coffee that day, because I was lost and silently hoping that someone would come and find me. Never in my wildest dreams would I expect it to be someone as amazing as you. I thank God everyday that you put up with me, because I don't deserve it. I don't deserve any of the love you've shown me but I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to earn it. I love you with all my heart babe!" Fuck, if this tear doesn't suck itself into my eye, I'm going to murder my eye sockets. We exchanged rings and kissed one another, much to the crowds happiness.


"Oh Jenny it gets easier and easier each child. I promise." My mother said holding her hand. Jenny just had Leo and I was over the moon. It felt amazing to hold his little hand. It really is a journey trying to be a father. But it's rewarding. I helped Jenny out of bed and helped her get ready to go. My mother picked up Leo and we made our way to the car. I looked down at her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you Jenny."

She smiled up at me and we walked hand in hand into what I knew would be our forever.

The End

And the next few events is what leads into the original book.

I'm so sorry it took so long for this! If you were waiting forgive me. This is my favorite epilogue so far.

Please tell me what you think. I read EVERYTHING!! Thank you for coming with me on this journey, again I wouldnt wanna do it with a better bunch!!!!!!!!

Much love!

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