Chapter 10

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I was making dinner with puffy eyes that could no longer shed any tears. I heard the shower turn off and I knew I'd have to face his eventually. I set the table and I could feel his arms snake around my waist. 

"Bella, what have I done for you to want to leave? I provide for you, don't I make you happy."

"You do know that paying for all of my shit won't make me happy right?" He had to be kidding me. 

"Watch your tone of voice with me Jennifer."

"Or you'll do what? You are literally all bark and no bite. So you know what I'm taking my shit and my candy bars and I'm leaving your ass. Because if you think I'm going to put up with you chauvanistic pompous ass for one more day you clearly have me fucked up!" His face was red but he was completely silent. 

"Oh you don't have anything to say!" His eyes looked down and grew wide. The front of my sundress had blood on it. He picked me up and we raced to the hospital. He didn't say anything the entire time but held my hand the whole way to the hospital. The hospital staff clearly weren't working fast enough and I could almost feel the rage coming off of Michael. I pushed a Snickers next to him and poked his nose and he calmed down. I could see him smirk out of the corner of my eye. 

"Alright Mrs. Mancini, after running some tests the baby is ok. Your placenta is just a little lower than normal. Nothing serious, you just need to relax and put your feet up for a couple of days. I will see you for your check up" she walked out. There was so much tension and anxiety in that hospital room. 

"Look Jennifer, I'm not used to dealing with someone so headstrong and me being like this is literally the only way I know to keep you and my son safe. I don't want to be so hard on you but when I'm away from you were more than a minute I worry, and I get so scared. I will try my best to work with you. I talked to Maria also and she told me how you've been feeling. I don't want you to feel the way you have been. You and that baby are my whole world and I don't ever want to be away from you. So I got you this." He reached in his back pocket and pulled out a ring box and opened it, there were two rings inside. "I want you to be happy so I got you an engagement ring and a wedding ring, and if you want we can have a real wedding too." I pulled out a Capri Sun and composed myself. 

"Michael, I'll take the rings but if you don't change then we have to go our seperate ways. That means coming home at a reasonable time and treating me like your wife and not a slave. I'm serious, I have love for you but I'm not in love with you." I could tell that hurt him a bit and I didn't have anymore candy bars to make it better. "But this is a great time to start fresh, and make things better. Ok?" 

"Alright Jenny. I'll try my best."

"That''s all that I ever wanted from you" I said with a smile. I was unconvinced but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. "And I want that money back." 

"You mean the money you snuck from me? I didn't get rid out the account I just wanted to make you angry, how else are you gonna afford those candy bars?" We walked out hand in hand to the car. He carried me to the shower and brought my pajamas. 

"Are these ok? I don't know what will fit your stomach." There he goes with that blushing again. 

"Yes it's fine." In the midst of all this craziness I needed to make sure my baby was alright. Stress can really hurt a baby and this mess wasn't good for me or my boy. I dried off and put on the pajamas the top has blue stripes with plaid pajamas pants. He is trying his best I thought to myself. Thank god I made dinner before we left because I was exhausted. The table was set and he even put some red Capri Sun's in a wine glass. 

"Do you like it? I took off for the week. To help you out a bit. 

"It's perfect Michael." Was this marriage perfect? No but this dinner was and for right now that was enought for me. 


He's trying! yay! Double update. You might not see any updates for the next for days everything is so hectic! Did ya'll know Sanaa Lathan is 43???? Enjoy Dearies

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