Chapter 9: the consequences

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I took a few deep breaths, trying to steady myself as I got mentally prepared for the scene that was about to happen with Valentina and Duda.

This was literally the worst possible outcome of the situation. And I was so not prepared for this.

'I really hope there isn't a fight', the thought made me go downstairs faster towards the patio where I knew the scene would take place.

By rushing so hard, I almost missed the last step and fell on my face. But luckily, no one was there to see my stumble.

'Get it together Reis. If you break your face now, Natalie will be even more upset with you'

The rest of the cast already went towards their respective hotels since they didn't have any scenes to do tonight, so this only left Buiar, Ingrid, our directors and a few of the crew for the sound and light.

Technically I could've gone to the hotel already since I wasn't in this scene but I wanted to wait for Buiar. Hopefully my presence showed her that I wanted to make it up to her.

The crew didn't pay attention to the fact that I was still here. Because Pri and I used to wait for each other all the time if one of us finished earlier for the day.

Those good memories made me feel uneasy again, knowing that I may have possibly fucked up the whole friendship.

Trying not to get ahead of myself and think of the worst possible outcome, I took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

I took a seat next to the patio when Priscilla started to go over the scene with them.

The fact that Valentina would try to 'seduce' Duda as a joke really was the most ironic aspect of the whole situation.

It was clear that Ingrid didn't really know whether to approach Buiar for the scene or not. But one look at my face gave her the answer.

I was pretty sure that interacting with Ingrid now wouldn't be the best option for now.

I prayed that they would finish this scene quickly so Pri and I could go back to our hotel room. Hopefully, we would be able to finish the conversation there.

Since we hadn't been in a fight before, I really had no idea how to approach it. Like do I immediately go talk to her? Do I give her space? Do I wait until she starts the conversation?

This was the first time that I had to think about how to interact with Buiar.

Well of course besides the new kind of dynamic that we created. Something that I still didn't know if she felt the switch as I did.

I guess that I was so much in my own head, that I didn't realize it when someone sat down beside me.

Natalie was still a bit suspicious and I couldn't blame her. First our conversation about how distracted I've been, and then to find Pri and I upset with each other.

Even if she was our friend, she was also still our director who had a tight schedule. Someone who couldn't afford any delays or fights between co-stars.

That's why, when Pugliese was focused on the scene, she tried to approach me. At first, Natalie didn't say anything, as if waiting for me to start.

"I'll make it up tonight" I tried to explain to her. She only nodded so I continued "there just has been a misunderstanding".

I had no idea how to put it. I didn't want to tell her the truth, not knowing if that would change anything about the series.

Fuck I hadn't thought about that.

My head was starting to go in a full on panic mode. When they offered me this position, we didn't discuss the possible relationship between co-stars since Pri and I are straight.

Well, technically I was straight. Or maybe I still am and is Buiar just an exemption. I've read online that it's also a possibility.

Yes I know I shouldn't trust Google but I was desperate for answers. And no, Google didn't give me the answers that I needed.

This meant that I still wasn't sure about what exactly I was feeling.

So what if they fired me because of my feelings? What if they had to find a new Luiza.

The thought of Buiar acting with another person made me clench my jaw. That is absolutely not a possibility.

And that's how I decided not to tell Natalie the truth.

She didn't respond for a little while, thinking about everything that happened and finally said "just be careful Reis about whatever it is that you're feeling."

I know that she didn't specify what, but it's the way that she formulated it that made me wonder if she knew what I was talking about.

I could feel my heart speed up with alarm bells going off in my head.

'Fuck she knows'

But she added "this is a strange industry. But you're doing great so don't try to overthink everything. "

Maybe she felt the same way towards Priscilla when they were still acting together. That she started feeling like her character did.

But I wasn't sure if what I was feeling, was strictly what Luiza was feeling. No, because I felt it even when we were just Reis and Buiar.

I still didn't know how I felt about that confession to myself but I was bound to face it soon.

While I was deep in thought about everything, about what Natalie almost had confessed, I saw Pri looking at me.

She just looked tired from the emotional rollercoaster that happened today. It was supposed to be a happy day since it was supposed to be Christmas, but it has been the exact opposite.

Even if Buiar and Ingrid weren't feeling as their best selves, Valentina and Duda delivered.

They easily went into their characters and did what they had to do. With a few pointers from Pugliese about the angles, they got it done in a record time.

Probably because they wanted to get out of the situation as soon as possible and I couldn't blame them.

I could feel Natalie relax a bit more, knowing that we had shot all the important scenes for today. That we remained on our schedule despite my slip-ups during the previous scene.

"Tomorrow, we only need to film your dressing-up scene and one with Valleria. Afterwards we will have a small party here to celebrate the Christmas Special" Pugliese announced happily.

Natalie added from her seat besides me "which means that the three of you can go back to rest and come back here at 10AM. I hope that we can finish the season strong" with an subtle indication to us.

I tried to give her an encouraging smile but I'm pretty sure was just a grimace as I got nervous about being alone in the same room as Buiar again.

Pri grabbed her stuff without looking at Ingrid and I, and went outside to wait for our car. "Is she okay?" Ingrid asked worriedly.

"Honestly I don't know, she's never been angry with me, let alone like this" I responded with a sinking feeling in my gut. I really didn't want this season to end like this while we had such a great start.

We walked towards the front door when she stopped me "just try to make it right again. It's not worth your friendship", I nodded.

Our cars were already waiting for us, Ingrid squeezed my shoulder supportively and got into hers.

I took a deep breath and stepped into mine where Pri was already waiting. She didn't even look at me when I entered 'this is going to take a while'.

During the car ride, I tried to give her some space since I figured now that she needs some alone time when she's upset, even if I'm the opposite.

Even our driver noticed the mood and didn't try to talk to us.

This became even more apparent when she stayed quiet during the long elevator ride to our room. I really tried not to fidget so much but I was getting increasingly nervous, the more time went on.

Buiar entered our room first and tried to put as much space between us as she could. I immediately closed the door behind me as if we were still at set even if no one could interrupt us now.

'Fuck it' I thought and went straight after her 'I've given her enough space to think'. Pri leaned against the desk, waiting for me to start.

"I didn't mean what I said next to you" I started off carefully

"Which part? The part where you said that everything was fine or that I apparently don't know you as well as I thought?" she responded angrily.

Well okay shit, she's even angrier than I expected.

"I thought that we were friends Reis" I tried not to let the hurt show on my face at that word "and yet you don't even tell me when something is up. No you go to Natalie and Ingrid, instead of me. Don't you trust me?" her voice cracked at the end of that question.

'Maybe I read her whole demeanor change wrong and she wasn't jealous at all. Just upset that I didn't confide in her' I internally smacked my head because I was so stupid.

'Of course she doesn't like you like that, she's only trying to be your friend' the thought hurt more than I'd like to admit.

I tried to keep my ego in check at that admission and said "of course I trust you Pri. But I told you already, I'm fine".

It was clearly shown in her eyes that she didn't believe me one bit "I know when you're lying, I've spent enough time with you to know".

I have to make up something that would make sense? She was mad about Ingrid and I so...

"Ingrid told me that she has feelings for me" I blurted out, not knowing what else to come up with that could explain today.

I tried to remain as expressionless as I could, even if I was internally smacking my head again.

'You're in so much trouble now. That was the worst possible thing you could have thought of'.

That confession was not what Buiar was expecting as her eyes widened in shock. It was silent for a moment before she carefully asked "how do you feel?".

"Shocked would be an understatement" I tried to think about what my feelings for Pri felt like.

"You didn't look like that at dinner when she was all over you" she now started to sound like we originally had planned.

Okay so I was not expecting that reaction either. Maybe she did feel a little jealous, and not just because I didn't confide in her.

'Time to put my hypothesis to the test'

I tried to hide my smirk "was she now?" I started to walk closer to her and saw her gulp, realizing how her response sounded.

"Are you jealous Buiar?" I said in a low voice as I stood in front of her now. She was trying to look everywhere but my eyes, trying to think about a justified answer.

I surprised myself with my boldness as I grabbed her chin and made her look at me. "Why would I be jealous" she got out, finally looking into my eyes.

It was starting to become a power play where the both of us didn't want to back down now. We were still wearing our outfits from today, with the same make-up even if our hair was starting to go back to normal.

Our looks perfectly defined what I was feeling in that moment. The feelings of me and Luiza for Buiar and Valentina.

The fact that she didn't pull back sent me on some kind of power trip. I was nearing a turning point in our relationship as I traced her lower lip with my thumb.

I could feel Buiar's chest expanding as she took a deep breath, trying to keep herself together.

Feeling bold, I stepped even more into her personal space so that our noses were almost touching. She let her eyes fall closed and I could feel her soft hands go towards my waist.

Even if I was now trying to seduce her, I had to fight to stay focused.

But that would be a challenge as she pulled me even closer to her, until our foreheads were leaning against each other.

My thoughts were all over the place, going from 'kiss her' to 'don't because you will definitely ruin the friendship'.

Did this now mean that she was also attracted to me? I normally have no trouble reading other people's body language about me.

But with Pri, everything was making me question what I knew.

That was the difficulty of our connection. We were used to being together and being touchy with each other.

Neither of us shied away from giving the other compliments. Not only about who we were as a person but also many about our looks.

That's why it was sometimes difficult to know the difference between a genuine compliment, and flirting.

But this definitely felt like flirting. I stepped even closer to her so she hit the desk behind her, leaving no space between us.

The fact that she let me come so close to her when we were all alone, was giving me the answer that I needed.

But also knowing I am a very competitive person, I wanted to win our power play as the 'safest' option.

So I faked closing the gap but at the very end, changed the angle and kissed the corner of her mouth instead.

Pri's hand gripped my hips harder as my mouth neared her ear. "I'm going to shower" I whispered and pulled back at once.

The look on her face was absolutely worth it as I made it a show to sway my hips, making my way to the bathroom.

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