Chapter | Fourteen

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Peter had left that morning right after Marinette, the two of them being permanently red in the face. They didn't talk about the kiss, but at the same time nothing really needed to be said. They had a silent communication, and speaking it might have broken what they conveyed. She understood what he had been trying to say about his feelings, and in her eyes he saw the same look. They lived in the moment in each other's presence, completely at a loss from paying attention to the movie. 

Which meant Tony of course noticed the obvious change in Pete when the teenaged boy stepped into the lab that morning. Tony noticed the lightly pinkish color on his cheeks, and the goofy little smile on his lips. It was the obvious sign of a love struck idiot, but it made Tony a bit happy that Peter was happy. It was weird watching kids fall in love, but something special to be apart of it. 

"So did you make the first move or did she?" Tony asked, right eyebrow raised in question as he tinkered with a new suit. 

Peter immediately snapped out of it, "Um, I don't know what you mean Mr. Stark."

"The love struck look. Something had to have happened between you and pigtails." Tony's matter of fact tone made Peter think he knew something, but ultimately caused a nervous laugh. "Anyways, there's some new toys down in the lab and a new suit to start working on so lets get too it."

They tinkered for hours in the lab, going back and forth with the suit design that Tony was making. Peter was just excited to learn the new technology for building the suits, feeling honored that Tony would even let him help. He knew that Tony used this technology to build his Spider suit, so actually doing it for a new Iron Man suit was exciting.

Breaking news here in Paris that comes with heavy hearts. Today we got word that our beloved bakers, Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng were found deceased in the upper levels of their homes. We have yet to hear any word from their only daughter. 

Peter's head snapped up at the news, unaware of why Tony would have Paris's news outlet running with F.R.I.D.A.Y.S voice translating the French to English. It made sense though, he was Iron Man and he liked to know things going on. He would want to know any updates on the situation in Paris, but this was something he wasn't expecting to hear at all this morning.

"Isn't that the parents of your girlfriend?" Tony inquires as a heart wrenching feeling settled. He remembered what it felt like to lose his parents in the accident and to find out that it was Bucky that killed them. The anger was so raw, so real that he was fully intent on killing Steve's oldest friend.

Yet he knew right now in this moment that this was no coincidence that Marinette lost her parents, it was too fishy to him. It was also something he should talk to Natasha about, since they were on weird speaking terms again. And for a moment he thought about telling Peter the truth about Marinette, so he would better understand the situation. Yet he also understood Peter and how that might come off as if she didn't want him to know. 

"I should call her." Peter muttered, worry now all on his face. 

"I'll have Happy take you home kid. Get a suitcase packed, I'm booking you flights to Paris with her and your aunt. She shouldn't be alone with her thoughts right now, and not alone on a flight on the way home to say a final goodbye." Tony says, watching as Peter said nothing as he walked out on his phone trying to reach her. 

Natasha though had heard everything as she waited for Peter to leave, and she also had the Paris news on in the other room. It was a situation she was currently monitoring with Steve and Clint. She felt bad for the kid, but at the same time she knew this was planned. She had been in this game far too long for anything to really be a coincidence. 

"She's a target, the last place she needs to be is in Paris." Natasha pointed out, walking into the room right after Peter left in the elevator. "She's a sitting duck going back to that city."

"Are you going to be the one to tell her she can't go say goodbye to her parents?" Tony turned to look at the redhead, "We all lost out parents, and no offense you never knew yours. Realistically the only thing we can do is keep an eye on her, we can't interfere yet. We haven't been given a reason to."

"Steve would have gone with her Paris." Natasha pointed out, "Keep watch from the distance."

"And that wouldn't bring her more attention? Yeah, let's send Avengers with her to a city that is being terrorized by an emotions terrorist."

"We know who it is though and yet we are doing nothing to stop him." Natasha argued back, "We aren't helping-"

"I'm building a file with all the evidence against Gabriel, but at the same time he has a magical jewelry we need to figure out how to get securely or it may fall into the wrong hands again." Tony looked stressed, Natasha took notice of that and he only ever got that look when it came to Peter Parker. 

"You care about this teenaged girl don't you?" Natasha asks, "Another teenaged hero under your care?"

Tony sighed, "She's not my student or intern, but she is someone who is trying to make a difference. The girl has the world on her shoulders, and I honestly don't know how she's still standing."

"So you do know more than you were letting on Stark." Natasha frowned, "And you can't share with the class?"

Tony wouldn't even know where to start, but it also wasn't for him to tell. Yet he could see the look in Natasha's eyes that promised a world of pain if he didn't start to spill the beans. Who was he more scared of? A wizard, pocket sized god, or the trained assassin in his home?

"You might want to take a seat, this might take a while." Tony mutters. 


At ten in the morning was when Marinette Dupain-Cheng's phone went off the first time, but since she was in the middle of a session with Stephen, she ignored the buzzing she could hear from her purse as best she could. When it would go to voicemail, her phone would just go off all over again with.

She wasn't sure who would be calling her this early, half the people she knew still lived in Paris. There wasn't anything she was missing today and usually if there was an akuma then the app would go off with the specific ringtone she chose. Yet she never heard that ring tone go off once.

"Do you want to answer that to pacify whoever it is calling you?" Stephen asked, irritable after the fifth call in a row.

Marinette gave him a sheepish smile, "Sorry. I'll make it quick, promise!"

Grabbing her phone, Marinette saw she had more than five missed called and text messages from Chloe and an unsaved number. In her hand the phone rang again with the unsaved number, so she accepted the called and raised the phone to her ear.


"Is this Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" It was a woman's voice, one she truly didn't know or could place.

"Yes, this is her."

"Hello mademoiselle, I am Deputy Clary from the police precinct in Paris. Are your parents Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng?"

"Yes, they are my parents. I was just speaking with them a few days ago. Has something happened?" Marinette's heart twisted as a horrible gut feeling settled in.

" I have some bad news for you unfortunately. There was a gas leak last night in your parent's bakery that was reported last night when they didn't open for regular business hours the past few days. Upon a wellness check from the fire department, I am sorry to inform you that your parents were found deceased by carbon monoxide poisoning in their sleep."

Marinette's eyes widen, her heart closing in on itself so dangerously tight as her eyes welled up with tears and her blood running cold. Stephen noticed the change in his student, how the life suddenly left her blue eyes and how her breath hitched in her throat. It took a moment, but Marinette dropped the phone as the other line hung up with words fading away.

"Marinette?" Tikki called, floating in front of her chosen. "Marinette what happened?"

Marinette looked at Tikki and with a crack in her voice she was able to mange, "My parents are dead."

It didn't feel right to say that sentence, and as it rolled off her tongue it just felt wrong all around. To think that she would never bake with her father again or that they would never play a single video game again. That the last time she saw her mother was when they gave a hug goodbye at the airport. To think that was the last time she would ever feel their physical touch.It was a different type of pain, an unrealistic pain that was slow burning as she recalled memories.

Her parents were a memory now.

"Marinette." Stephen was kneeling in front of the girl trying to regain her attention that was now far off as her eyes glazed over.

He knew realistically there was only so much he could say or do to help her, it was a bombshell that no one really expected. He also knew she took so much time in controlling her emotions that it might be hard now to express them, but he could see her tears flow freely down her face.

Tikki felt mixed emotions, but the most she felt was Marinette's greif. It was worse than before they even came to New York, almost suffocating in a way. The way their bond worked, Tikki felt the confusion as to why this was happening, the greif of the loss she just gained, and the bubbling anger at the world as to why she deserved this. Tikki wished she knew why this was happening to her chosen, but she didn't know. All she knew was that this was something that would change Marinette entirely.

"Marinette." Tikki floated in front of her face, gently touching her cheek. 

"I'm not ready to say goodbye to them." Was all Marinette could say, "I can't go back to Paris or say goodbye."

"No one ever is ever truly ready to say goodbye." Stephan looked at Marinette, sitting across from her and uncharacteristically taking a hand of hers into his. "There was once someone who told me that we don't get to chose our time. Death is what gives life meaning. To know your days are numbered, that your time is short."

Marinette wiped at her eyes, "I don't have parents anymore, and I don't want to go back to Paris. I- I can't."

"You can." Stephen encouraged, "You need to go and say goodbye.  If you don't, you'll only regret that choice."

She knew he was right, but she didn't want to admitted that. She knew deep down she needed to go and say her final goodbye. She wished she knew the last time she said I love you, to her parents would be the last. She wished she called more often, but she got so wrapped up in life here she didn't call as often. 

Tikki could feel the emotional whirlwind of emotions Marinette was whipping though quickly. Regret, anger at herself, guilt, greif. It was all overwhelming at this point with how strong these emotions washed over Marinette. Tikki only felt her worry spike up. 

Marinette phone went off again, and this time the caller ID read Peter. Marinette only stared at it, not having the voice to pick up and watched as it went to voicemail. He called three more times until she couldn't ignore it anymore with Stephen and Tikki watching her. 

"Peter." Marinette sniveled, wiping her nose with her other hand. 

"I heard Mari, Mr. Stark had international news on while we worked. He also said he'd get tickets for us and May to go to Paris with you, but May signed up for this shift and offered to drop is off at the airport. Don't worry about the tickets, Mr. Stark said so. We'll be by in an hour to get you and go to the air port." Peter's voice was rapid fire, but she understood that right now at least she had one less thing to worry about, and that she would at least have Peter. 

"Okay." Marinette murmurs, wiping at her eyes.

"I'll see you then Mari."

She hung the phone up.


-15 hours later-

Every superhero has a background story, some type of origin. They come from somewhere that wants to do good for the world, like how villains come from somewhere selfish and wanting to do harm. Marinette thought she had hers that day she met Master Fu, being lucky to have missed a tragic story to originate from, but she was wrong.

By kwami she was so very wrong.

Her body felt numb as she stared at the pictures of her parents over their caskets, her mind not sure how to process this now that she was really here, staring at the still memories of her parents. She had fought akumas, had been able to always save her parents but now? Now they were gone. Taken by something so trivial, so materialistic. She was told by the police that it was a carbon monoxide poisoning from an oven being left on, but nothing would change the fact she lost both her parents.

Nothing would change the fact that she was here in Paris when she was her most vulnerable. She knew the longer she had been gone, the more likely her identity would be found out by someone. It had been found out, multiple times and she couldn't help but feel like somehow she failed. That was the part that got her the most, because she wanted to cry, to grieve and scream that it wasn't fair- but she couldn't.

She couldn't risk it.

"Mari." Peter's soft voice brought her mind rushing back to reality. His hand was holding hers, reminding her she wasn't alone right now. His brown eyes were looking into her's with concern she wished she hadn't put there yet again, "You can cry, I'm looking out for you and for the evil butterflies."

Marinette could only feel her eyes water up as she squeezed his hand tighter, not trusting her voice as she felt the tears slip. She was awfully unlucky for being the holder of the one of the luckiest goddess to exist. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her inner turmoil. 

When she had walked into the chapel, she hadn't bothered herself to look over at anyone. Why would she? She had little connections in Paris now, a few friends she trusted. Yet she could feel every pair of eyes on her and Peter. She could feel how they watched her every movement, expecting her to break down and curious to who he was. She could play the part of grieving daughter, but right now she just couldn't. Not in front of so many people who had come to pay their condolences.

Yet she owed it to these people to at least look at them, since they too came here to pay their final farewells. Slowly she turned around, her glassy blue bell eyes finally looking over everyone who came to pay her parents their respects. After all they were beloved by the citizens of Paris. She saw a few familiar faces in the front. Chloe sat with Luka and Kagami. Jagged sat with Penny a little off to the side. Her grandma sat there too, tears uncharacteristically falling from her eyes.

Surprisingly she saw Gabriel Agreste in the back with Natalie and Adrien, all looking stoic. Well not Adrien, who's green eyes were a rollercoaster of emotions Marinette couldn't mentally dwell on right now. She did see guilt, regret and sadness. For what she had no clue. She knew he had cared about them too, they had treated him like family the few times he had gone over and made sure he ate despite his strict diet. 

She saw Alya with her family, and she could see Alya looking straight at her with regret and sadness in her brown eyes. Just seeing her eyes, Marinette felt her anger leave her body, because right now what happened before she left Paris didn't matter. 

Yet the one who was faring the worse, almost to how she personally felt was Nino. His eyes were wet and tearstained as he set with his family. She remember her Maman once telling her how much Nino would spend time in the bakery,  especially after he broke up with Alya. She never reached out, not really knowing how too but she saw how much he needed her forgiveness. There was this look in his eyes she recognized since she saw it the same one in her reflection for months.

"I'll be right back Pete." Marinette said softly, letting go of his hand and walking towards he oldest childhood friend. She ignored the eyes that turned to look at her as she walked to take the seat empty seat next to Nino, reaching over and softly grabbing his hand. It was enough to gain his attention, and she swore the moment he looked at her he almost choked on a cry.

"Mari, I'm so sorry." Nino whispered shakily, almost broken and it broke her heart. "I visited them every day, worked when they needed the help-"

"Shh I know." Marinette laid her head on his shoulder, "Maman loved you like her own, told me everything and I'm sorry I didn't reach out to you even after you tried to redeem yourself. I knew I needed to talk to you, and this wasn't how I wanted too."

Nino sat there in silence, just thanking whatever god was out there that Marinette could possibly forgave him. It made the hit lessen on his heart, but there was still this hole there from the impact of the funeral they were at. Tom and Sabine had been like a second pair of parents to him, especially since he was childhood friends with Marinette. It was a loss he never wanted to wish on anyone, not even his worse enemy. 

"You know she once told me something. That we all make mistakes, that it's a part of life, to make mistakes and learn from them. To become the best version of ourselves that we can be, but sometimes we get a little lost before we can be found." Nino laid his head on top of hers, "I am sorry I wasn't the best friend to you that I should have been, that none of us were. I hope you can find it in you to forgive me, and eventually the others."

Marinette felt her eyes water, but also felt a little piece of her heart feel a little more whole, "Life is too short to hold grudges. I've made mistakes, and so have you and the others. I'm tired of being angry and sad, so let's move past this together."

Nino held up his pinkie, watching as Marinette wrapped hers around his, "Together. So who's the guy you came here with? Just a friend?"

Marinette almost snorted at that but instead she sighed, "I'm not sure yet. We haven't really had a chance to talk about it, but I should get back to him. He doesn't know anyone here and he's sorta my rock right now."

"He seems nice." Nino commented, almost like an approval.

Marinette sat up, "How would you know? You never met him." 

Nino gave a soft chuckle, "My inner protector is telling me that, I can't explain it."

Marinette's lips twitched as she stood up, "Guess it must be something instinctual. I'll talk to you later." 

Marinette went to go back to her seat next to Peter before the moment of calm passed and she felt that overwhelming sense of loss again. At least now it was coming in waves and the tears were haphazardly controlled. She made it a few steps knowing that the funeral was about to officially begin as the last of the people slowly went to pay their last respects. On the same path going towards he seat, Alya was on her way back towards the end of the chapel and they met right there in the middle.

Alya felt herself freeze as she came face to face with Marinette, not really sure what to say to her. She could say sorry, but for what part exactly? For being a bitch or for the loss of her parents? How would Marinette take that though? She had every right to be upset or angry, and Alya knew that. She knew she done the shorter girl dirty, believed someone who had the shinny new toy. Yet at the same time she knew

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