Newty Part Two

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You and Bucky had become great friends since Newt the niffler went to Bucky. You were so happy to have found a wizard friend that you weren't as aware of your crush as you had been. He and you spent so much time together. He even introduced you to his no-maj friends, and you hoped to one day introduce him to your friend and his wife who owned little Newty the niffler when they came back to America.

At least once a week, Bucky and you would go to your protected woods to practice spells and magic. Neither of you used magic much since you both had no-maj jobs, but you both liked to keep your minds fresh. Today was no different.

You sat with your puppy, Dustin and crup, Diego as well as Bucky's dog, Darla. You also brought your bowtruckle, Gawain that your friend gave to you when you were both young. Gawain was asleep in your enchanted bag.

You were watching Bucky practice spells when he stopped. "Y/n.. I have several days off. I was planning on going to check out Hogsmeade and other places, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

Your eyes lit up. "I've been wanting to go for a long time, but I've been to scared to go by myself. I'd love to go. I could even send a letter to my friends, and we can all meet at the three broomsticks. I can even get them to bring Newty."

"That sounds good. I know you've been wanting me to meet them, and I'd love to see Newt the niffler again."

You got up and gave him a hug, and when you tried to let go, Bucky was still hugging you. When he realized, he let go of you, and you saw his cheeks turn red. You also felt your cheeks heat up.

"Uh. So... The only thing is I'm not sure how to get us there." Bucky looked to his feet.

"Don't worry. I know a way. I'll just have to make sure my friends know about it. I'll also ask if we can stay at their house."

Bucky nodded, and you giggled when you saw Gawain, your Bowtruckle, on Bucky's shoulder.

Bucky noticed as well, and he lifted his hand so Gawain could walk on it. Then, Gawain walked on to your hand. He went back into your enchanted bag, but kept his head out to see.

"So, when are you getting your break?"

"Next Wednesday."

"Okay. Well, that'll give me time to communicate with my friends to make sure we can stay with them." You looked to see it was beginning to get dark. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He nodded, and you both apparated to your own homes. You wrote a letter to your friend telling him about the situation. You gave Gulliver your letter, and you watched as he flew away. Your friends preferred to communicate through letters, and you didn't mind.

Gulliver eventually returned, and you opened your letter in excitement. Your friends were excited that you were finally going to be traveling to Europe, and they were looking forward to meeting Bucky as well as your many mythical and non mythical babies.

Unfortunately, Bucky's job kept him from seeing you the next few days, so you weren't able to tell him the news. You assumed that since he was fixing to have a break, his work would be keeping him busy.

Then, you saw Lucy, Bucky's owl at your window the following Monday. You took the letter petting her, and opened it.

I'm sorry we haven't been able to see each other and talk. Work's been really busy, but I still have those days off. I won't be able to see you until then.
Can't wait to see you,

You replied telling him that your friends were going to let you both stay with them. You told him you couldn't wait to see them either. You gave Lucy a treat, and then you gave her your letter. You watched her fly away, and when you couldn't see her anymore, you began to go feed and take care of all your creatures. You began to enchant a suitcase just like Newt Scamander's. You didn't trust anyone else to take care of your creatures, so you were bringing them with you. You also enchanted a backpack to put your suitcase in while you would be traveling. Of course you didn't have as many creatures as Newt, and you weren't planning to unless there were many creatures who needed help. Most of your creatures got in there areas of the enchanted suitcase with ease, except for your baby sea serpent who was comfortable in the ocean near your house. You knew she was shy and wouldn't want anyone else to take care of her. You eventually told her you made a nice temporary ocean in a section of the suitcase, and Guinevere finally agreed. You placed her in her temporary home. You checked on her wound she got from a boat, and the medicine was helping it heal.

All your creatures were safe in the suitcase, and you put it in the bookbag. By the time you finished, it was Wednesday morning. You apparated to your woods. Bucky wasn't there yet, so you got out your suitcase. You were about to open your suitcase when Bucky appeared.

"Bucky, good morning."

"Hey y/n."

You walked to him, and you grabbed his hand without thinking. "Bucky, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired."

"Well, you can stay and sleep in one of my spare rooms in my suitcase."

"No. I think I'll be fine. Thanks."

You nodded and opened your suitcase. "Well, are you ready to meet one of my other babies besides my Dustin, Diego, and Gawain?"

He nodded, and was shocked to see what flew out of your case.

"Bucky, meet Thor."

"You have a Thunderbird?"

"Yes. I'm his mama. I found his egg on one of my adventures in Arizona. I tried looking for his parents or any other eggs, but I couldn't find anything. I stayed in Arizona for some time to raise him enough that he would be able to live on his own. When I tried to let him free, he would've leave. He's been with me ever since on all my adventures. He stays out in my field and has plenty of space to fly. He's my sweetie. It sure would be fun to show him to your friend Thor. Anyways, do you want to pet him?"

He said yes so you told him what to do. He reached out his hand, and you encouraged Thor to let Bucky pet him. Eventually, Bucky was able to pet your Thunderbird, and Thor even sat down.

"So, are you going to mind the thunder and lightning?"

"No. I just can't believe I'm seeing a Thunderbird." Bucky excitedly spoke.

You closed your suitcase and put it in your bookbag. Then you put it on. You pet Thor and kissed his head. Then, he got down for you to get on his back. You looked to Bucky and extended your hand. You let him sit in front of you, and you wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Okay Thor, you know where to go."

Thor began to fly, and it already began to rain and thunder. You were just glad you found a way to keep Bucky and you from getting rained on. You grew so comfortable that you leaned your head on Bucky's back.

"So he knows where to go?" Bucky spoke breaking the silence.


"Why don't you rest? You seemed awfully tired too."

"No, I'm fine. Thor is actually pretty fast, so we should be there pretty soon."

Bucky nodded, and you unintentionally held onto Bucky tighter. You closed your eyes momentarily smelling the rain. You felt safe, and you couldn't wait for more adventures with your best friend. Your crush was growing ever strong.

The rain and thunder stopped, and you knew you both made it. In the distance, you already saw a little Newty speedily running to Bucky.

"A Thunderbird. Why didn't you tell us about your Thunderbird?"

Newt jumped into Bucky's arms, and you both got down to see your friends.

"Welcome to your temporary home."

This'll probably continue. I hope you liked it. I also hope y'all are staying safe. Thanks for reading Bucky's plums.
🥀🌵🥀 Flower Child 🥀🌵🥀

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