Lunch rolls around and both Intak and Jiung walk inside the crowded noisy cafeteria. Heads turning side to side as their eyes scan for their friends.
Jiung taps Intaks chest with the back of his hand, the younger boy looking in the direction Jiungs finger was pointing in.
They walk to the table. Friends already with their lunches and chatting amongst themselves. Not noticing the others presence.
"Yo!" Jiung greets as he sits down next to his purple headed friend, Jongseob.
"Hey guys!" Keeho exclaims as Intak sits next to his Japanese friend, Soul.
"Hey,,," Intak mumbles as he takes a fry from Souls lunch tray.
"What's the problem hyung?" Soul asks, stealing the fry back from his friend and popping it in his own mouth.
Intak wasn't surprised by the action. No one should steal Souls fries without asking.
"He is." Intak says and points a finger at Jiung, who was casually chewing his gum. Arm around Jongseob shoulders.
"Again with the gum chewing?" Theo asks but already knowing.
It was like this almost everyday. Intak in a bad mood because of Jiung. Jiung not caring and chewing his gum.
"Just give up Intak. You can't stop me." Jiung says and then blows a bubble at the others face.
Intak swatted it, the gum popping and sticking to his skin.
"Yuck!" He groans out and wipes it away with a napkin.
"My gum!" Jiung cries.
The other boys laughing. The scene was played countless times and yet it never got boring or annoying.
"I'm glad it's gone. Maybe now you can actually eat some real food." Intak says.
Jiung just rolls his eyes and ate some of Jongseobs food. The younger not really bothered by it.
"I ate. Now I chew." Jiung pulls out a pack of gum. The same one from earlier in the day.
"Can I have one hyung?" Jongseob asks and pointing to the gum. A small smile on his face as he asks.
Jiung happily nods and hands a stick of gum to him. Looking at Intak with a smug look.
"At least someone wants my gum." He says as he pops a new fresh gum in his mouth and begins to chew it.
"Whatever." Intak mumbles out and looks away from both boys chewing.
Gum should have never existed. Intak thought to himself.
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