Jimin & Yn.

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This is for you_got_james95;
(I have no idea if I did your idea justice i'm sorry :( I know you asked for sub Jimin and Dom reader but i'm naturally subby myself so it wasn't very easy to write. X)

You rolled your eyes at the entertaining situations you ended up in.

"Chim, baby, angel-" You said sweetly even though your patience was waning and he refused to listen as he clung to your leg on the floor of the kitchen like a bratty toddler throwing a tantrum, "-shit head, brat, turd burger-"
"Yn!" He huffed throwing his head back in exasperation still wrapped around your leg as the horrible names finally caught his attention.
"Baby? I need to shower okay?" You said smiling down at him even though he was testing your limits with his bratty sub behaviour.

"But I only just got back from tour! And I came straight to see you! And you don't even want to be with me!" He pouted and you raised an eyebrow.
"Trout pout. Pack it in. Leg?" You asked gesturing for him to let go but he grinned up at you.
"It certainly is a leg." He grinned wider.
"It is. And i'd like it back."
"It's already yours." He chuckled acting bratty.
"If it's mine then give it."
"Can't give it if it's already yours." He sassed.
"Oh for the love of Pete." You sighed.
"WHO'S PETE?!" Jimin questioned urgently standing up.

You raised your hands in an exasperated fashion. 
"No one. It's a phrase. Like 'for the love of god' but without the blasphemy"
"If you blaspheme, god will strike you down."
"I'm going to strike you down in a minute Jimin..." You warned with a raised eyebrow.
"I'll look forward to it." He grinned bouncing on his toes and your rolled your eyes with a small smile leaving the boy alone.

You took the stairs two at a time and walked straight into the bathroom, turning on the shower and starting to remove your clothes, wandering what Jimin was getting up to downstairs. For a fully grown man he needed attention and supervision at all times. You didn't have to wonder about him for long as you pulled your tshirt over your head and a pair of lips latched to your neck.
"FUCKS SAKE JIMIN!" You scolded from fright, jumping out of your skin at the unexpected visit.
"But you love neck kisses."
"I'm trying to shower Jimin..." You laughed and you could imagine the frown and pout he was wearing now without even looking behind you.
"And i'm trying to get attention." He huffed.

You turned around and cupped his squishy cheeks making his lips pout.
"I promise I will give you attention later you needy little pup but right now I need to shower. Go away and find something to occupy yourself."
"You occupy me?" He asked hopefully and you hit dom mode. You placed a hand on your hip and pointed at the door.
"Out. Now. Wait for me in the bedroom."

You watched a sad look take over his face as he muttered about missing you and left the room leaving you to hop into the shower. The hot water cascading down your skin washing away the tension of the long day, made even longer by the ever needy Jimin. You quickly washed and hopped out, tugging on sweats and a crop top.

Towelling your damp hair as you walked into the bedroom your eyes landed on Jimin, laying on his back across your bed the wrong way, his head hanging over the edge looking at your upside down.
"Want meeeeee." He whined holding his arms out to you and you playfully dropped the towel on his face as you sat on the bed, grabbing the remote and turning on some old episodes of Love Island, as Jimin sat up and you opened your arms to him.

"Yess!" He hissed with a bright grin as he crawled between your legs, his back against your chest as you kissed his forehead as he tilted his head up to look at you from his funny angle. 
"My needy boy." You giggled and he nodded happily as he linked his fingers on his chest, a content smile on his face. After many hours of bothering you and pining for your attention he was finally in bliss as your fingers brushed through his hair, followed by the odd kiss to the top of his head. This is exactly what he needed from you and a content smile etched onto his face as you spoke to him about his day. 

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