Caregiver Hyungs, Maknae Littles.

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This is for foreverluv1:

"Oh jesus christ." Namjoon hissed as he smacked his knee on the coffee table running after Jimin and Jungkook who'd run off holding hands laughing.
"Come back you little shi-"
"DON'T SWEAR AT THE BABIES!" Jin hollered from the hallway as he managed to grab Jimin but missed Jungkook who'd run off down the hallway and up the stairs cackling.

"HOSEOK GRAB HIM." Jin shouted up the stairs and thought he'd succeeded until Hoseok shouted back out of breath.
"I CAN'T! I'VE GOT TAE! YOONGI?!" Hoseok called and there was a loud slam of a door and a thud followed by tears. Yoongi'd got Jungkook. Maybe not the most appropriate way by the sounds of it, but he'd got him none the less...

A short while later all three Maknae's were dressed and gathered in the front room, Jungkook stood with Yoongi holding his hand, his spare hand by his face with his thumb in his mouth, Jimin sat on Namjoon's lap clapping and humming loudly, and Tae between Hoseok's legs on the sofa picking his nose. Jin was doing a headcount of the littles and caregivers dressed in coats and boots before leaving and rolled his eyes.

"Tae? Where's your sister?"
"Playing." He smiled as he proudly pulled out a stringy bogey and wiped it on Hoseok's leg making him groan loudly as he grabbed his wrist to prevent him wiping anything else on him as Namjoon handed him a tissue to wipe little Tae's snotty finger.
"Ugh baby boy no! I've told you about this already today. Fingers don't belong up noses."
"Start loading them into the car. I need to fetch our princess." Jin sighed as he strode out the room and up the stairs two at a time to find Yn sat on the bedroom floor she shared with Jimin playing dolls, wrapped in a coat and scarf looking like a little pink marshmallow.

"There you are baby girl-" He smiled picking her up and setting her on his hip as he started to walk down the stairs, "-you need to be louder like your brothers, then we wouldn't realise you've gone missing until the last moment."
"S'just playing dada."
"I know sweetheart. We're all going out swimming now are you ready?"
"Good. Let's get going." Jin inwardly sighed with relief as he reached the bottom of the stairs in the huge house, shutting the door behind him as he walked down the driveway to see the littles were strapped in and ready to go, each placed with a hyung between them. 

Jin placed Yn on the empty seat nearest the door next to Yoongi and shut it gently before heading to the drivers seat.
"Are we all ready?!" Jin called loudly over the noise in the car and there was a mumble of 'yeah' from the hyungs and shouts from the maknae's. Yn remained as quiet and sweet as ever.
"Ready to go Kitten?" Yoongi smiled as he did her seatbelt for her and Yn nodded and was about to open her mouth to speak when Jimin leant forwards from his seat next to Yoongi.

"Dada? She's not a kitten she's a girl."
"Yeah I know that Jimin but I mean-"
"NO DADA. She's a princess." Jimin smiled offering his left hand stretched onto Yoongi's lap and Yn's face lit up as she took it, the cute little duo smiling at each other happily and Yoongi looked at the little's hands joined on his lap and sighed, giving up on trying to explain that kitten is just a pet name. 

The peace didn't last long when Jungkook glanced between the gap in the middle seats and let out a loud whine,  hitting the back of Jimin's chair and Hoseok quickly grabbed his hands.
"Woah there tiger. No Kookie! No hitting!"
"But Jiminie's holding Yn's haaaand!" He whined loudly, fat tears spilling from his eyes as he threw his head back against his chair and Tae's attention was suddenly grabbed.
"Dada? He's holding her hand? I wanna hold her hand!" Tae gushed, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as Jimin started to cry from Jungkook hitting his chair and chaos ensued through the eight seater Toyota Land Cruiser.

Jimin was crying because Jungkook hit his chair.
Jungkook was crying because Jimin was holding Yn's hand.
Tae was shouting furiously about how unfair it all was.
Hoseok was trying to divide his attention between Jungkook and Tae.
Yoongi was trying to reassure Jimin whilst prying his hand off of Yn's to appease the situation.
Namjoon sat in the front passengers seat looking at the sky for divine inspiration and patience as he counted back from ten and Jin was trying his best to drive until Namjoon lost his temper.

"KIDS THAT'S ENOUGH!" He roared over the noise. The car fell into total silence as everyone took in that the normally calm Namjoon had shouted.
"Jungkook say sorry to Jimin, Hoseok hold Jungkook and Tae's hands so they aren't left out. Yoongi switch places with Jimin, Jiminie take Yn's hand if that's what you want baby. Yn you're a good girl, you just stay quiet okay? Jin just drive and do it faster before world war three breaks out in the back of the car."

The 15 minute drive to the pool felt like 50 but they made it the rest of the way in relative peace, just Jungkook declaring he needed to pee, Yn sneezed so hard she booty tooted and got upset when Tae laughed and Jimin sang loudly the whole way there. 

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