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Remind me why I agreed to give night classes???

SeokGenie: Because since I work nights as well we could spend all day together 😊

Real_Me: And is it worth it😩

SeokGenie: You tell me, what would you usually be doing at this time?

Real_Me: I'd be half way through my first lecture of the day 😩

SeokGenie: And what are you doing right now?

Real_Me: Still in bed 😇

SeokGenie: I'd say its worth it

Real_Me: I knew that when you said we could spend all day together

SeokGenie: Don't act cute 🙄 you made me think you were regretting making that choice

Real_Me: I would never, and if I did it wouldn't be your fault, you know that

SeokGenie: So does that mean we're seeing each other today?

Real_Me: Of course

SeokGenie: Good I need to go to the mall, I want to buy new knives for my apartment and new bedsheets as well

Oh and curtains! I hate mine now

Real_Me: So we're spending all day at the Aliss

SeokGenie: Yep, basically 😇

Real_Me: Awesome...

SeokGenie: Oh come on! What are couples for if not to buy home furniture together??

I love those kind of dates 😊

Real_Me: Then Aliss, here we go

SeokGenie: Aww, thank you~


Hope_World: Big day today 😁

MinDaegu: I still can't believe you're going to be doing the choreography for a famous idol

Hope_World: You don't think I'm good enough???

MinDaegu: I know you're just teasing me

Hope_World: Yes, I am xd

MinDaegu: But still, you deserve it and I'm proud of you

Hope_World: Wow, you really missed me when I was away, huh

Hope_World: You've been so much nicer to me since I've been back xd

I thought it'd only last like a week but it's been like three now

MinDaegu: Whatever...

Hope_World: Aww don't be mad xd

You know I love you toooo

MinDaegu: Just have a good day...

You ruined it

Sent at 10:46am


Iced_Tae: Hey babe?

Jungkook_ing: Yep?

Iced_Tae: I don't think I'm going to be able to make lunch today 🙁

Jungkook_ing: Oh, how come??

Iced_Tae: Since it's an outdoor shoot, they want to make sure we can get as much daylight and sun as possible, so we're not taking a lunch break

Jungkook_ing: Can they do that???

Iced_Tae: Well they asked me if I was okay with it and I said yes

Jungkook_ing: Oh, okay

Iced_Tae: The shoot is only today, we can eat together tomorrow though?

Jungkook_ing: Yeah, tomorrow's fine, don't worry

Iced_Tae: How's it going at work??

Jungkook_ing: Good, good, I didn't have anything scheduled today but some girl came in for a nipple piercing for her birthday

Iced_Tae: I hate that you do piercings, did you know that :)

Jungkook_ing: I hate you do topless shoots like today so there xd

Iced_Tae: Fair point


Jimin_Park: Hyung, you busy today??

Hope_World: Sorry, Jiminie, I'm meeting the idol's crew today to listen to the music and get familiar with his vibe and everything

Jimin_Park: That's right! How could I forget!!

How's it going so far????

Hope_World: The building is super cool, I've already met the manager and now I'm waiting for the production team

Jimin_Park: Nice fit 👀

Hope_World: Why thank you 😊

So what, you bored??

Jimin_Park: Yeah... I don't start work until tomorrow and everyone else is busy 🙁

Hope_World: You should enjoy your last free day xd

Taehyung's always so busy and I can tell you it's not good for Jungkook

Jimin_Park: Yeah but Yoongi's always been busier than me so no worries there

Hope_World: He's a hard worker, I'll give him that

Jimin_Park: But I think I'm gonna do what you suggested, go out and enjoy my last day

Hope_World: You do that ✌🏻

Jungkook_ing updated his story!

This mf ain't normal


Real_Me: Who's that guy in your story? You've been posting about him a lot

Jungkook_ing: That's Mark! A client turned friend

Real_Me: Ohh that's the famous Mark

Jungkook_ing: Good famous?

Real_Me: Let's just say Jin might have received a few texts from your boyfriend mentioning said Mark

Jungkook_ing: Really???? I never knew xd

Man, Tae is good at hiding when he's jealous

I don't know how he does it because I can barely hide it

Real_Me: Barely being the operative word, Kook xd

Jungkook_ing: I know, I know xd

But really I should be the jealous one, he's doing a topless shoot or something like that today with his new bff JB

Real_Me: I'm surprised you're not glued to that set

Jungkook_ing: It's in a private mansion...

Real_Me: Figures xd

Sent at 02:41pm

MinDaegu posted a picture!



Hope_World: Alright, I just left the building

Jimin_Park: How was it???

Hope_World: I really liked the song, I can't wait to start working on the choreography and the idol was so nice as well!

He showed me some of his past dances as well as some freestyle and I was impressed. For an idol he's got quite a good individual vibe

Jimin_Park: That's awesome! How long do you have to come up with the dance?

Hope_World: Not that long, they still have to record the song and finish coming up with the concept and set for the MV. But the idol also has to master the dance by then

Jimin_Park: Well if anyone can do it, it's you, hyung!

Hope_World: Thanks, Chim

So what did you do in the end??

Jimin_Park: I went out with Bambam 

But I have to go soon

Hope_World: How come? You going to see Yoongi?

Jimin_Park: Nope, I'm meeting some of the team members for drink tonight before starting tomorrow

Hope_World: You sure that's a good idea, drinking before your first day xd

Jimin_Park: I'll be good, I promise

Sent at 04:24pm


MinDaegu: Was planning on going to see Jimin tonight but turns out he's busy with people from work

You free?

Real_Me: Sorry, I'm with Jin 

We're still at the mall, but you can join if you want

MinDaegu: I'll pass


Iced_Tae: Open up, I'm outside your door

Jungkook_ing: You're here???

Iced_Tae: I'm sorry I couldn't meet your for lunch but I have some dinner here in case you haven't eaten yet

Jungkook_ing: Aww this is so sweet! 🥺

Iced_Tae: So you wanna open your door?

Jungkook_ing: I'll be right there!

Jungkook updated his story!

❤️ ❤️

Jimin_Park updated his story!

Celebrating with the boys 🌆



Jimin_Park: Good morning ❤️

MinDaegu: Good morning, you ❤️

How was it last night? Did you have fun?

Jimin_Park: So much fun!! I can't wait to start, I've been up since six, I'm so excited

MinDaegu: What time are you supposed to be there?

Jimin_Park: Around ten I think

MinDaegu: Want me to take your there before I head to the office?

Jimin_Park: Would you? I'd love to see you, I'm still pretty nervous

MinDaegu: What time should I pick you up?

Jimin_Park: How about 9:15? That way we have more time

MinDaegu: I'll be there soon then

Sent at 08:36am

Iced_Tae posted a picture!


Iced_Tae: Think this may be my favorite shoot yet 🤔

Jungkook_ing: Damn it, Tae, the shirtless one right of the bat? 😫

ModelMelodyJB: That's my boy!

Chachacha: My best friend is the hottest 🔥

<Drama queens in the house>

Real_Me: Good luck on your debut, Jimin!! 💛

Hope_World: Hope you have an amazing day 😊

Jungkook_ing: Show them that no one outshines Park Jimin

Iced_Tae: That's right! No one, not even me 😌

Jimin_Park: Thank you, guys, 💛 💛

I'll do my best!


Hope_World: I can't believe Jimin is making his model debut today, you must be so proud!

MinDaegu: I really am

I kind of only realized it today, I mean when I went to drop him off today I saw the building and the sets and all it made me realize just how big it was

Hope_World: He's going to do so well, this will be a real life changer for him

MinDaegu: And he really deserves it, after everything he went through with Taehyung and him hating his job

Hope_World: Well he has you now and I'm sure you've made him forget all about the pain he went through with Taehyung

MinDaegu: I just hope he never has to go through it again

Hope_World: Something tells me he won't 


MinDaegu: Yo, bunny boy

Jungkook_ing: ??

MinDaegu: What's wrong with you?

Jungkook_ing: I'm fine

MinDaegu: No you're not, you've been acting weird lately

Jungkook_ing: I don't know, I've just been feeling a bit down

Don't know why

MinDaegu: I get it, I get like that too sometimes

Helps to get distracted

Jungkook_ing: I guess

MinDaegu: I'm free today, let's hang out

Jungkook_ing: I don't know, hyung

MinDaegu: I wasn't asking

Jungkook_ing: Okay then...

Iced_Tae updated his story!

Everyone's in love with Yeontan, I don't make the rules

SeokGenie posted a picture!


SeokGenie: Not a book, just a menu

Moonbyul_22: You should wear more hats^^

Hope_World: Agree

MinDaegu updated his story!

Can't tell who's cuter, the bunny or the cat 🤔

Iced_Tae replied to your story!


Iced_Tae: Duh, the bunny

MinDaegu: Speaking of the bunny, you seeing later tonight?

Iced_Tae No, I'm taking Jimin to celebrate his first day on the job

MinDaegu: You are?

Iced_Tae Oh, did you want to do it???? He told me was free

MinDaegu: I haven't planned anything, don't worry

Iced_Tae Tell you what, I give you back your boyfriend tonight and in turn you give me mine

MinDaegu: I thought you wanted to go out with Jimin?

Iced_Tae I can do it any other day, no problem here, hyung

MinDaegu: I appreciate it Tae

Jungkook_ing updated his story!

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