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Jimin_Park: Dude, helping your crush get ready for a date with someone else is heartbreaking 💔

Hope_World: You chose to go, you did that to yourself

Jimin_Park: I wanted to spend time with him...

What are you doing right now??

Hope_World: Why?

Jimin_Park: I'd love to distract myself, I've been thinking about Yoongi's date all day :c

Hope_World: Sorry, I'm practicing right now :/ 

Jimin_Park: How about tonight??

Hope_World: I can text you when I'm done, see if you're free

Jimin_Park: Okay, thanks!

Sent at 04:26pm


Iced_Tae: So, has Yoongi said anything about tonight??

Jungkook_ing: Tonight?

Iced_Tae: His date? Didn't you set him up???

Jungkook_ing: Oh right!! I totally forgot! I should ask him

Iced_Tae: How can you forget?

Jungkook_ing: How did you remember???

Iced_Tae: I had Jimin sobbing in my dm all day

Jungkook_ing: Wait

Is he admitting that he likes Yoongi????

Iced_Tae: Apparently, but what good is it if Yoongi is going on a date (because of a certain someone)

Jungkook_ing: Hey, if my setting up is what it takes for Jimin to finally go after Yoongi, then I did I good job

Anyways, speaking of jobs are you still at work?

Iced_Tae: We went to get dinner

Jungkook_ing: Even stripes look good on you, I hate you so much

Iced_Tae: You're so sweet❤️

What are you doing then?

Jungkook_ing: Gonna go pick up my dinner 

Iced_Tae: Don't text and drive!

Jungkook_ing: Then stop answering

Sent at 06:43pm

Jungkook_ing: Tae?

Sent at 06:47pm

Jungkook_ing: Did you really stop answering?????

Sent at 06:50pm

Jungkook_ing: Fine, I'll go get my food. Text you when I get back

Sent at 07:02pm


Jungkook_ing: Aight, date time

MinDaegu: And?

Jungkook_ing: And? You ready?

MinDaegu: Yes, I feel fine

Jungkook_ing: Pff, not even one bit nervous??

MinDaegu: No

Jungkook_ing: I would be...

MinDaegu: I'm Min Yoongi

Jungkook_ing: And can Min Yoongi send a pic?

MinDaegu: Why

Jungkook_ing: That's what you're wearing to the date?????

I thought Jimin was supposed to have good taste...

MinDaegu: It'll be fine for tonight, get off my case

Jungkook_ing: I'm the one who set you two up, don't embarrass me...

MinDaegu: Speaking of, are you and this guy close?

Jungkook_ing: He's good friend of mine, why?

MinDaegu: No reason, just asking

I gotta finish getting ready

Bye, kid

Jungkook_ing: Have fun at your date, and I mean fun 👀

Sent at 07:11pm

Real_Me updated his story!

He cool (such a good play on words)


Jungkook_ing: I heard you helped Yoongi with his fit for tonight

Jimin_Park: Is there anything Hoseok doesn't share with you?

Jungkook_ing: No, we're very invested in finding you someone, even better if it's Yoongi

Jimin_Park: Well yeah, I helped

Jungkook_ing: So tell me, since when is a t-shirt and flannel shirt haute couture???

Jimin_Park: Huh?

Jungkook_ing: That's what he was wearing in the selfie he sent

Jimin_Park: That's not what we picked out though

Jungkook_ing: See?

Jimin_Park: That's my shirt! I left it at his place yesterday

Why is he wearing it??

Jungkook_ing: Maybe this is his pre-date outfit...

Jimin_Park: You think?

Jungkook_ing: Urgh, this date is already starting bad

Jimin_Park: Bummer xd

Jungkook_ing: Yeah right...


Hope_World: I saw Namjoon made it up to you

SeokGenie: It's not the romantic weekend we had planned but it's not bad either

Any moment with him is good, really

Hope_World: AWWW CUTE

SeokGenie: I hate how in love I sound every time it's about Namjoon...

Hope_World: I love it! Gives me hope that some day I'll find someone that can make someone go against everything they thought they were

SeokGenie: It's not easy to find and most people don't even know how to handle a person like that entering their world

Hope_World: I hope I won't be one of those people then...

Sent at 07:46pm 

SeokGenie updated his story!

Such a cute grown man... ❤️

Jimin_Park updated his story!

It worked perfectly ❤️

<I can't come up with a name for the GC>



Real_Me: Why don't you ask them? They're in the groupchat

SeokGenie: What is this???? @Jimin_Park @MinDaegu


MinDaegu: Yeah I hope you weren't too attached to your friendship with that guy

Jungkook_ing: Why would you do that????

Real_Me: Are either of you going to explain what's going on?

MinDaegu: I decided to take Jimin out instead tonight

Iced_Tae: How come?????

Hope_World: Because they love each other~

MinDaegu: Let's just say it was time one of us took the first step

SeokGenie: Where's Jimin???

Jungkook_ing: Why isn't he answering?

MinDaegu: He's distracted 

SeokGenie: I need to hear his side of the story

Hope_World: I know!!

Real_Me: Well Jin and I are still on our date so we'll leave this for tomorrow

SeokGenie: In the meantime, congratulations, guys 😊

Hope_World: Fine, I'll just go freak out about this with Jungkookie then

MinDaegu: You go do that

Jungkook_ing: Have fun on your date you two 👀

MinDaegu: For god's sake...

Sent at 08:12pm


Short chapter I know, I'm sorry... This has been a tough month for me and I really haven't had the heart to keep writing, I haven't had the heart to do anything really lately, it's been too hard.

I saw a comment that said the user had read this fanfiction on Twitter, I don't use any other platform to publish my own original work so if any of you see something of mine on another app, please tell me about it because it's not me :/ 

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