* Yoongi* (My past)

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You were getting ready because your bestfriend bought fan signing tickets for bts. you ran downstairs and grabbed a water before meeting your friend by the door. She was impaitently tapping her foot while you put your shoes on."Ready," you asked, she nodded and opened the door. You two  got into the car and drove to the fan signing. Your friend played  Jimin's lie and you two started laughing." I'm so excited y/n do you think we'll get to se my bias seokjin." y/bff/n asked.(my actual bias is kookie and the rest are my bias wreckers,). 
   You gave her a weird look," why would you ask me that and please fix your sentence," you replied. she sighed," Do you think I'll get to see my bias seokjin," she said." why wouldn't you," you answered before chuckling. Soon you made it to the event and went inside."Thanks for doing this y/n/n," your friend said. " of course i'm an army too," you replied with a smile.

     You and y/bff/n got in line and soon it was your turn after her. When you kneeled seokjin smiled at you and signed your album You two talked before you moved on to namjoon. He talked to you and then signed your album ad waved before you left. You moved on to J-hope. He squeezed your hands. talked to you and then signed your album. J-hope made you laugh several times. The next person you moved onto was taehyung. He signed your album and then spent the rest of the time talking to you, The next member was yoongi
      He looked shocked to see you," Hey how's life," you shyly asked."Quite busy honestly what about you," he replied as he signed your album." Finally got the dance studio open," you answered." Wow that's great," he exclaimed. It was kind of weird talking to yoongi since he was your ex." Look I'm sorry for  leaving but I just couldn't miss a chance like this and I would appreciate if we could be friends,' he said. " No it's completely okay and yes i love would like to be friends yoongi," you replied with a small smile.
      " well if you ever need a my help I'll be there as your friendbut I doubt it ince you have a friend like her," he told you while pointing at your best friend." So she told you," you said, he nodded and smiled." Well you never know," you said . He smiled and waved before you quickly moved on. The next member was jimin. he started talking to you and made you laugh, he then signed it so you could move onto jungkook.
       When you did move onto jungkook he signed your album and talked to you, he squeezed your hands and made a funny face before you left making you burst out laughing.

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