Jungkook pt 2

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Your vision blurred and then everything went black.
All you heard was the slow sound of your heart monitor and some people talking but you couldn't figure out who it was. You felt someone grab your hand gently." I love you please wake up,"You were able to slowly open your eyes. Everything was blurry but your eyes then adjusted and you saw..........

My eyes adjusted and I saw jungkook sitting there with tears in his eyes.  I saw him holding my pale hand. I gently squeezed it,"Jungkook," I whispered. He looked up and his eyes widened,"Y/n, omg you're okay," he said gently hugging me. I smiled,'I'm okay," I weakly said. "I thought I was gonna lose you," he said."I alreadylost you I didn't know what I was gonna do if I lose you again," he continued. "Jungkook," I said. "Y/n, I love you and the only reason I didn't tell you is because I thought I saw how your childhood was in love with you, but I guess I was wrong," he said putting his head down. "It's okay jungkook I forgive you and I love you too," I said.
2 years later
"Happy birthday y/n it's been two years,two years since we told each other we loved each other," jungkook said."It's also been two years since you died, I miss you more than you know," jungkook continued. He sat down on the love of his life's grave, "Why'd you leave me,right when I finally got you I lost you again," jungkook said as tears flowed down his cheeks. 'Okay okay I didn't come here you make you sad, we went to billboard music awards for the first time, the army's always show you love and constantly say they love you," jungkook told you. "Oh I have to go I'll be late for dance practice if I stay any longer, i'll come tomorrow," jungkook said walking away from your grave stone.
Sike of course that's not the orginal ending but you can chose which of these endings you want to imagine. Here's the actual ending.....

2 years later
"JEON JUNGKOOK," I yelled as I chased my boyfriend down the hall. He stole my laptop that I was using while finishing up a chapter on wattpad. "No come watch t.v with me," he said as he stood on one side of the couch. Our dog oreo got out of her bed and came waddling into the living room. "Tell him to give me my laptop back," I said bending down and picking up oreo. Oreo barked and jungkook's jaw dropped," after all I've done for you you are really gonna take her side," jungkook said. I laughed and sat on the couch. Jungkook sat down and placed my laptop on the table. he pulled me closer to him and threw the blanket over me,him,and oreo. We ended up watching a movie instead of the show he was watching.

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