* BTS* You leaving pt 2

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It's been a year and a half since you left korea. You do miss them a lot and used to call or text them everyday, but that soon stopped when you got busier with life because you became a Youtuber and bts got busier with their schedule. Even though youlost contact with them you still watch their concerts and videos on youtube and their Vlive's. You and your bestfriend you met at the beginning of the year and shared an ampartment. You were in the middle of recording your instagram live,when your best friend walked in your room"Y/n/n what are you doing tomorrow," she asked. "Um I'm not sure why Bella," you responded while looking at her and then looking at your phone."Oh I was thinking we could go sightseeing if you want," she replied. " Yeah we could do that, it sounds interesting," you said smiling. "Okay oh I didn't even notice you were doing a live Hi y/n/n's followers,' she exclaimed which made you laugh.
                                                                                                                                                               /MEANWHILE/ * BTS*
" Guy's y/n is live again," Jungkook shouted from the living room. The boys came downstars and jungkook set up his laptop(I don't know just go with it)."You think she's ever coming back," Taehyung asked as they were watching your live." I don't know tae she looks pretty happy there," Namjoon replied a little sad." But she promised she'd come back to me,"yoongi whispered sadly. "Yoongi hyung did you say something," Jimin asked. "Hm oh no jimin just thinking out loud," yoongi answered. Jimin nodded and they turned their attention back to your live.
                                                                                                                                                                          *Your P.O.V*
"Hey this one's interesting where are you from," bella read aloud,"Bella everyone asks that," you told her while laughing. "If you must know I'm from Italy," Bella answered while making wierd faces before  smacking you with a pillow. You burst out laughing," I CAN'T BREATH," you yelled which made bella laugh and you laugh more. After you finally calming down you answered, " Well I was born in Daegu, South Korea but I used to live in Seoul, South Korea,". Bella nodded before reading the next question "Do you every plan on going back to Seoul, South Korea,". "Uh maybe one day but for now I'm not sure," You answered. " Hey if you lived in Seoul do you know bts," bella asked. You instantly got sad, "Yeah i have heard of bts and yes I am an Army," you slowly replied. "This one says how long did I live in Italy," bella said as you looked at her." Well I lived in  Italy for about 17 years," Bella answered making your eyes go wide. " How long did you live in Daegu, and how long did you live in Seoul" Bella read aloud. ' Well i lived in  Daegu until I was 15 and then we moved to Seoul,my original plan was to stay there until I was 19 but then I stayed until i was about 20," you said. " I thought you stayed until you were 21," bella replied. " Well yeah what happened was I wanted to leave at 19 but my parent asked me to stay for at least one more year so I did when i was 20 I was going to leave but then i met some incredible people and didn't want to leave them so early so I left a year later," you explained. "Oh okay I get it now," bella said while making wierd faces."Okay before I die of laughter I'm going to end this live,peace," you exclaimed before ending the instagram live.
" Well that was interesting," Jin said as junkook closed his laptop." So she does look happy there," Yoongi said, " No she has to come back she can't do that to us she can't she can't do that to us because she loves us," taehyung exclaimed. " Just get over it taehyung it's been almost two years and she even said herself she might not come back," Jungkook replied coldly. " Why are you all giving up on her she's family," J- hope said. " J- hope just drop it she's not coming back you'll see and don't say we didn't warn you two," Yoongi replied before going up to his room and slamming the door. " See what you did you made yoongi upset you know she was closest to him and it obviously still hurts that she left so just drop it," Jimin replied and went outside. Everyone left except j- hope and Taehyung." We can't give up on her," taehyung said," She's family," J-hope replied witha sad smile.

Words: 771
pt 2/3

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