*bts*(when they lose something)

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Jin-y/n have you seen my white jacket
y/n- yes jin you put it in with the colors apparently
Jin-why didn't you say something?!
y/n- .... I get home later than you Jin you know this...
Jin-oh yeah
Author: Jin found his jacket... let's just say it wasn't white anymore

Yoongi- y/n?
y/n- yes yoongs?
Yoongi- where are my headphones?
y/n- why are you asking me exactly?
yoongi- because you know where everything is ALL the time!!
y/n- that's not true!
yoongi- where are my headphones..
y/n- junk drawer in the kitchen
yoongi- I rest my case
Author: yoongi won and found his headphones

Namjoon-y/n/n i need your help
y/n what's up joon
Namjoon- do you happen to know where my other red converse is
y/n which one are you looking for
Namjoon- the right one
y/n- check the hallway I think I sa it there before I left
Namjoon- found it thanks
y/n- i'm here all week
Author: Namjoon found his shoe and made it just in time for work

J-hope-y/n y/n y/n
y/n- what do you need hope?
J-hope- have you seen my black notebook
y/n- didn't you throw it away yesterday
y/n-nah just messing around it's in the left drawer in my desk in the hall
J-hope-almost gave me a heart attack and thank you
y/n-you'e welcome
Author:Jhope found his notebook after you almost gave him a heart attack.Let's just say it ha all of his work for his new solo

y/n yep jimin how can i help ya
Jimin- have you seen my hat
y/n- which one exactly
Jimin- the black one
y/n- it's in the drawer in the nightstand second draer not first
Jimin- k thanks bye?
y/n- peace
Author: Jimin found his hat and ran out to the car because the boys were waiting

Taehyung- Y/n?
y/n- yes tae?
Taehyung-  have you seen my wallet
y/n- no tae i haven't
Taehyung -Dang I really needed that
y/n- tae  i put it on the fridge yesterday..... you watched me
Taehyung- oh yeah that's right
Author: tae got his wallet but turns out he didn't really need it.

Jungkook- y/n answer meeeeee
y/n whhhhhhaaaaaatttttttt????
Jungkook- have you seen my watch during the times of  yesterday and early this morning?
y/n- I'll take the thank you now
Jungkook- thank you? why am I saying thank you
y/n- check your bag kookie
jungkook-oh my god thank you thank you for putting my watch in my bag!
y/n- lol your welcome,peace
Jungkook- byeeeee
Author: jungkook looked in his bag when you told him to and found his watch sitting on top of his dance practice clothes
Words: 492

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