Juliana:oppa Seokjin:hmmm yes my dongseang Adriana:we want foodu Juliana:yessu pleaseu giveu usu fuudu Hobi:ahh i see you little ones getting into the U languageu Juliana and Adriana:ne~~~ Jungkook:hyung,every one is hungry got it Jimin:make us food already Namjoon:jin can you make us creps Jimin:Good idea namjoon hyung i can finaly taste the j- Namjoon:and Jimin's crep have no jams just chocolate syrup
Jimin:you do kniw that chocolate syrup is technaly jam correct? Juliana:you really are a pabi arent ya? Jimin:wait waeyo Andrea:chocolate syrup is syrup pabo Juliana:correct Jimin:*dies of stupidity* Jin:lets call the grim reaper on that jamless pabo Juliana:*starts calling the grim reaper Tae:yah!,hyung he is our cousin too ya know? Jin:oh yeah...*dies* Adriana:lets call the grim reaper before its to late Juliana:agreed