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After we got home we are in our own world

Some are using their phone while some are doing chores while some is playing games and a sleeping one

While I am here in my room reading wattpad

While I was scrolling through wattpad

I heard my name being called so I immediately went downstairs and when I got down I saw Jin oppa trying to stop Jungkook oppa from punching Jimin oppa so I immediately hug Jungkook oppa's back then pulled him away from Jimin oppa while struggling after I pulled him away from Jimin oppa Jin oppa took him to the kitchen while I am here sitting with Jimin oppa that is very sweaty and red because of anger so I asked him

"What happened?"
"He did something to my phone and all the apps and pictures that are important got deleted"
"so.... What did he say?"
"He said it was for a prank but why would he prank me like that! LIKE ALL OUR PICTURES ARE IN THERE! NOW ITS ALL GONE!"
"Jimin oppa calm down, Breathe in Breathe out, then what happened next?"
"I got mad at him"
"He told me that" it was just a silly prank and you are overacting"then I told him that if I do this to him this is how he will aslo react but he did not reply to me and just said"I wish you are not my brother"then I got mad by the fact that he wished that.. "
" look oppa both of you are not wrong or not right.. But you should've talked to him calmly so that you both wouldn't get hurt like this.. And besides is your apps and photos saved in you Icloud? "
" Yeah.. "
" Then you should have not faught with him when you know its all saved in your Icloud"
"I know... I kinda regret punching him tht we almost ended up killing each other..."
"Well then you both should say sorry to each other"
I said while making a calm and soothing and pursuing face.
We both looked at the person behind us that said

"Jimin Hyung... Lets.... Talk..."
Then Jimin oppa looked at me, I nodded, he then said
"Okay.." so he followed Jungkook oppa into the kitchen until they are out of my sight while I saw Jin oppa coming out of the kitchen
"Oppa, Did you leave them alone?"
"Yeah, Jungkook explained everything to me and I told him that they both should talk it out and say sorry to each other"
"I did the same thing to Jimin oppa"
"Well you did a nice job there, you know... Sometimes I feel like you are even older than any of us😂😂"
"Well its becuz y'all are kids😂" I said while laughing
Then Jin oppa said
"Well that is true HAHAHAHA" He said while laughing

~A few moments later~

Jimin and Jungkook oppa came out of the kitchen while they have their arms around their necks that I guessed they made up

"So... We made up"
"We Know"
"Its obv"
"So you kids... Want ice cream?"
"HELL YEAH!" We all said in unison
"Then go call the others"
"KAYKAY!" We all said again😂
"This kids..." He said while face palming

After we woke up and called the others

"Now are we all complete?" I asked
"Nope" they all said in unison some are still half awake
"Then who's left?"
"Yoongi/Yoongi Hyung"
"Okay Imma handle him" I said racing up the stairs to wake him up
"WAIT Y/N YOU MIGHT GET KIL-" but its too late cuz I am already in his room and I heard a bunch of footsteps then I screamed
then he threw a pillow on me and said
When he heard that he immediately oppened his eyes when he saw me he smiled at me
"Oh, what are you doing here prince-"
We both heard the door slam open so we looked at them then they all sighed reliefly since they thought I am gonna die but they are wrong then Jimin oppa asked us(me and yoongi oppa)
"how come he didnt kill you?"
"Welp, iz the outcome of being the fav sibling hehez"
"That is so unfair"
"He threw a pillow on me becuz he thought I was one of you dorks"
"but then I woke up to see the sight of my beautiful little princess"
"Oppa I am not a baby anymore
" yes, you are to us"they all said in unison so I just shrugged

Then we all went downstairs and go to the car while wearing a casual clothes and I cant wear something revealing ya know cuz of these dorks welp here is my outfit

(Y/all can choose between this two or if this two dont match something you like its up to you😝I mean you can imagine anything you wanna wear tho)

We all went inside the van and this is the sitting arrangement
Driver seat. Front seat
Jin Oppa. Joon Oppa
Jimin|Yoongi|Taehyung oppa

A few moments later

We arrived at the ice cream shop then we all picked our own flavors

Then we stayed at the ice cream shop until we all finished eating our ice creams when Jin oppa asked us
"Hey guys, do you wanna go somewhere? Like mall? Theme park? Waterpark?"
"THEME PARK!" we all answered at the same time
"Theme park it is" Jin oppa said while chuckling
Then after that we all went to the van

A few hours later

We arrived at the theme park and Jin oppa parked the van so we walked at the entrance and We payed for the tickets so we all went inside and I saw a really fun looking roller coaster so I called them
Then they all turned to look at me
"What is it?" kookie oppa asked us
"I wanna ride that roller coaster over there!" I pointed to where it is
"Well then who wants to ride that roller coaster?"
Kookie oppa, Taetae oppa, and Hope oppa and Jimin oppa and Yoongi Oppa and me raised our hands
"Well then me and Namjoon are just gonna watch you guys"
"Understood oppa!"
"Lets go!" Jimin oppa said

A few minutes later

Its now our turn to ride tge roller coaster and Me and Jungoo oppa and Taetae oppa picked the front sit then sat on it while Jimin oppa, Hope oppa and Yoongi oppa is behind us
And we are talking until the we heard something starting or like when the sound roller coaster makes when it starts
So we stipped talking and then the ride is reaching to its highest point and then it went down super fast and then there is a loop after many turns we reached the loop and after we reacjed the loop it stopped when we reached a broken rail and then it started to go abckwards much faster than before

After the ride

We finished the ride and we saw Namjoon and Jin oppa laughing at something or shall I say someone.. Oh,I forgot I didnt inform y'all that all we heard was Hobi oppa screaming behind us HAHAHA
After the ride ended hobi oppa's face is very funny and cute at the same time so after we went at the exit we met with with Namjoon and Jin oppa and now we are heading towards a second ride called"The Twister"you guys already know what it is and we all rode on it

After riding the twister

We all finished riding the twister and Hobi and Jin oppa are very pale and dizzy cuz all we heard was both of their screams😂 so we went to a food court and ate food(of course what else are you gonna do at a food court?)

After eating food

We went to this roller coaster that only has seats and no floor we all rode it and me and Yoongi oppa picked tge front seat again(dont mind me cuz this is how I ride roller coasters hehe I always pick the front seat) and it started straighht then drop us then twist and turns and loop then it ended, it was very fast but it was fun after riding that roller coaster we went to the go cart station and played go cart there and after the time ended we went to a ride called "Rio Grandé" and we all rode tht and me, jungkook oppa, taetae oppa are the most wet after the ride ended so we decided to ride the jungle log

After riding the jungle log

We all went to eat dinner since its 8:30pm so after we ate dinner we went home

After a few hours of a soundless ride in the van

We all went to take a shower and change to out sleepwear, we all went to our bedrooms
My pajama:

~ In the morning~

I woke up by Jin oppa's voice telling me to wake up and breakfast ready
"Good morning Princess, How is your sleep?"
"Fine(In morning voice)"
"Okay wait downstairs, I'll just call the others okay?"
"Ne(yes) oppa"
After that he went out my room to let me change
I took a shower and went to put on clothes
The clothes: (pick one)

Shoes:(Pick one)


After changing to my clothes I went downstairs and sat on the dining table waiting for the others, while I am waiting for tht others I listen to music whil reading wattpad on my phone
Your phone: (pick any)

As I was listening to music I noticed somone going down the stairs and it was Jungkook oppa
"Mornin' oppa"
He then sat down beside me and we wait for the others

A few minutes later

We all started eating breakfast that Jin oppa cooked for us.. And we are all talking until Jin oppa's phone rang...

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Who do y'all think it was?

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net