Chapter 6

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Rap Monster's POV

I went to my mom's office as soon as I left the classroom.

" Eomma! " i called out.

" Nam Joon, what are you doing here? You have a class now, go back to your room. " mom was busy reading some papers in her desk, she didnt even bother to look up.

" Eomma.. " she immediately cut me off with a lecture.

" Nam Joon, I am still the principal here and you are also a student. I hope you adress me properly. " she sternly said.

Yeah youre right. My mom is the principal. We own this school.

" Youre too killjoy " I rolled my eyes.

" Youve given this school a bad image already, What in the world do you still want? " eomma asked looking at me already

" I just wanna' check on my new classmate's profile. " I said plainly

" Nam Joon, You know the students' profile are private " she said

" Ahh mom pleaseeeeeeeIreallyneeditThegirldestroyedmycarandsheneedstopayMomyouknowmycarwasnewandnowlook" i spoke so fast i was like rapping to my mom.

" Reasons. Reasons. Reasons. Nam Joon you never reacted this way to things that are broken. We can just replace them. So who's the girl? And why do you want her so bad? " mom said and she was right.

I never was this OA about my broken stuff.

I was speechless as I didnt know what to say.

I myself dont know the answer.

I just turned back without a word.

Whats with Kim Mina anyway?

Jungkook's POV

I followed Rap Mon hyung and we ended up in the principal's office. The other staff didnt really care about me being there cause they know how close I am to Nam Joon already so its like so normal.

Rap Mon was in the office, but he didnt close the door as he entered so I just stayed outside and listened to their convo.

His mom was asking who the girl was so I was leaning my head against the wall to hear it clearly.

I didnt notice that Rap Mon was already standing behind me as he walked out of the convo.

" What are you doing here? " he asked gaining my attention.

" Umm I was just.. umm.. about to call you.. cause our teacher looked for you.. " i said. i hope he accepts the alliby *cross fingers*

" Yeah whatever. " he walked straight pass me and I followed.

Now I now.

Jin's POV

I went to the rooftop to chill.

At least the wind could ease the pain.

I miss her. I hope she comes back and love me again. Im waiting for her patiently and faithfully , but its really getting harder. Temptations here and there. Temptations everywhere!

As I sat down in silence, i really felt like someone else was there.

so I called out. " Anybody here? "

No one responded but i heard squinting voices.

Ok now I get it.

" Hey V if youre there, just get out! " i shouted.

And on cue, he stumbled behind the aircon something i think its an exhaust.

" Why did you follow me? " i asked blankly.

" I was worried. " V said

" I'm fine. " i replied.

" No you're not " V protested.

" What if im really not ok? What are you gonna do about it huh?! " i released a bit of anger right there.

" We can talk " V suggested.

" You won't understand. " I replied.

" I'll do my best to. " V was determined

" Its a long story. " i said.

" I'll listen. " V was still persistent

" Never mind " i said

" If you wont talk then I'll do the talking. " V courageously said

" Whats happening to you and Mina?! Aren't you gonna fight for her?! Isn't it obvious that many wants to steal your girl? Dude, wake up! " V raged.

UGH. Here we go again.

" How many times do I have to clear this to you?! She.Is.Not.My.Girl! " i was already raising V's polo in anger.

" Stop denying her!!! " V shouted.

And with that, ive lost it. Anger filled me and a rush of boiling blood raised my right free arm in action to punch V.

Centimeters away and his face would break.

But someone held my arm before the impact could hit V's face.

I looked to see the person and I saw Jimin dongsaeng in a serious look.

Jimin let go of my hand.

" Mianhae V. " i said as i messed my hair and buried my face in my arms.

" Jin, if you wont be there for Mina, then I will. " Jimin said as he left with a panting V.

When they went away, I murmured to myself.

" I still love her and will always will. I dont like the fact that while im trying my best to stay away from temptation, you guys always push me to Mina. How many times do I have to tell you that she's not the one? and when will you ever realize that? "


YAY!!! here you go.

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