Chapter 12

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Mina's POV

Its the third day of school and here am I lying on my bed deciding whether

i should go to school or not.

Why i should go to school:

• Eomma would scold me if i wont

• Its boring at home

• I miss V??? haha what is this???

• im making reasons to go to school

• idk anymore

Why i should NOT go to school:

• I couldnt face NamJoon

• I couldnt face his mom which is the principal

• I dont want to do the errands of that terror teacher

• theres nothing good in that school

• its boring

• its a waste of time

• and im making silly reasons again

I groaned in frustration til my phone beeped.

a message from V *le blushes* haha im just happy were friends okay? nothing romantic pffft.

From: V

Annyeong Mina-ssi!!!

and then another message.

From: V

Mina-ssi!!! Please come to school.. JEBAL~

and then another message

From: V

We miss you Mina~~

haha this kid really.

But wait... WE???

Ok so as i remembered V is my only official friend in that school. Jin toured me around campus but i dont think we are friends. I think that was only a kind act towards new students . That jimin guy?? seemed like he didnt want friendship from me, but something else. Jungkook seems nice but we never got to talk only eye contact i guess. I can see that Jhope is naturally friendly but nahhh we never interacted yet. Suga??? i think he hates me. and NamJoon, friendship is just impossible.

To end this, i just replied.

To: V

Ne. I'll be at school later. See ya!

and then multiple replies came from V. uhhh this guy never fails to make me smile.

Everything from V:

Im so excited~
See you!

I just got up and prepared.

I was about to go to school already when i realized i hadnt brought my phone. So i ran back up and got my phone. As i checked my phone, i saw a new text message from an unknown number.

From: Unknown number

Good morning beautiful

Haha ok this is a total creep over. Who the hell would call me beautiful? Some blind dude maybe.

i thought i was just some random prank V was doing so i hurriedly drived my baby (im referreing to my car okay) to school.

I guess im a bit early again huh? A few cars can be seen in the parking lot including mine. Good thing NamJoon's isnt here yet.

I went to the room hoping i could get some rest and then i remembered maybe Jin would be there again and then a crazy reaction formed on my lips.

Did i just smile?

Jimin's POV

I dont know what i'm doing right now but i just ended up forcing V to give me Mina's number.

"Come on bro. Just give me her number already!" i said while shaking V.

"Aniyo! You'll just break her heart!" V cried out.

Hahaha V can totally read me. Well, its pretty obvious already, Im a playboy and playing games is what i do.

Were hanging out in the bar again on the night of 2nd day of school. Ahhhh this is life!

V went into the bathroom and to his alienness, he left his phone in the table.

Knowing this alien guy, he doesnt put a password on his phone because he always forgets his password.

This so easy for me. I just searched his contacts and there it was Kim Mina +16892641432

The next morning, i texted her.

To: Mina (target)

Good morning beautiful

haha i have a crazy way of naming my contacts, classifying them according to groups, such as BTS, Ex girlfriends, Target and so on..

okay so this was harder than i thought. this girl is really one of a kind. i didnt even get a single reply.

Suga's POV

I was already in the classroom before Mina arrived. Since Rap Monster wouldnt let me help him in his revenge, I just came to see what he had prepared for Mina.

So there's this bucket of eggs on top of the door and you could guess what would happen if Mina entered the room.

Jin was there on his seat, sleeping as usual. and here I am preparing my phone for a video.

I heard the door click and in a second Mina is so dead.

As she entered the room she was smiling and then the bucket fell right through her head and cracked all the eggs that earned her an O face.

" HAHAHAHA! MINA IS IT YOUR BIRTHDAY? WHY- HAHA-ARE THERE --HAHA -- EGGS ON YOUR HEAD?! HAHAHA " I laughed out while trying to make out that sentence. This is just. HAHAHA HILARIOUS HAHA. I just kennot!

She remained glued to her position still of shock and the bucket was still on her head... which makes it so much funnier hahahaha.

Jin woke up to my unstoppable laughter and raised an eyebrow at me. I pointed at Mina who was still standing there and Jin turned his head.

I thought Jin would laugh too but instead he just stared at Mina emotionless and went back to sleeping.

Mina finally closed her O shaped mouth and threw the bucket at me.

" What the hell???!!! " She shouted at me while wiping the egg shells that broke on her hair.

I just laughed all the more because she looked helpless.

and then she shouted again " I'm gonna kill you!!! " and then she ran towards me. I just laughed at her silliness. Could she really kill me? HAHA NO.

But her face was really mad like she was really going to kill me so i ran for my life too while laughing of course. But i cant take the fact off my mind that she really isnt some kind of normal girl who goes all cute and girly, but she's some kind of chick with swag???



Comments guys comment! tell me what you think..

ill be very glad to hear you out

and yes the wild Mina is showing off already.

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