Who theyre jealous of

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John Dory -

He's jealous of spruce because he's a gentleman to you and he is charming so he gets a bit intimidated by him.

Spruce -

Branch, because you hang out with him and his friends a lot and you cook them food which is your love language.

Clay -

Viva and poppy, since he doesn't wanna be known as just a fun person he gets kinda jealous of them because they make you laugh and smile so much you just look like you have so much fun with them.

Floyd -

John Dory and Clay, you go on adventures with John often and you tell him all about the fun times you had with John. And with Clay you also seem like you have fun even when he's not trying, also you're a physical love language girl so you like to hug and stuff.

Branch -

Poppy, you spend a lot of time with her so he feels a little left out which makes him jealous of poppy.

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