If you had a panic attack

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Requested by: @_Snizz_

My request are always open so be free to comment, I'm gonna get around to the other request soon. Thank you all for reading this book!

Also I might add veneer so if you guys want him in this book (I'll prob change the tittle) then please say because he has A LOT of catching up to do.


John Dory -

• he would be confuse in why you're freaking out.
• he would ask "are you ok?" But clearly you're not.
• he will quickly pull you aside from whatever you guys were doing.
• "what wrong can you breath correctly?? Are you in pain?"
• he couldn't get an answer out of you so he just let you squeeze his hand.
• once you were done he asked again what happened.
• you told him you were having a panic attack.
• "I'm so sorry, you'll be ok. Next time this happens I'll know how to help better"

Bruce -

• he immediately knew that there was something so he quickly took you somewhere quiet.
• when he was in the band he would freak out but he's not comparing since he doesn't know why you're hyperventilating.
• he didn't try to talk to you because he didn't wanna smother you with questions.

• he just rubbed your back letting you calm down.
• " sweetie, what's wrong? Are you ok now?"

Clay -

• he knew you were having a panic attack, he had loads when he was in the band.
• so he did the same method he used to calm himself down with you.
• he didn't realize it wasn't the same for everyone.
• he told you to breath and just clear your mind.
• he put a hand on your shoulder but you didn't wanna be touched so you moved away.
• "Clay! I'm trying to b-b- breath!" You got a little stressed with him so he just backed up and let you get it all out.
• he apologized, and asked if you were ok with him hugging you.
• " your my fiancé and my future wife, so I would really like to know how I can help you when you're panicking"
• you guys just sat down on the ground and cuddled for a bit.

Floyd -

• he usually tells his brothers to breath when they're stressed but you're a little more then stressed so he kinda started freaking out.
• he also almost started panicking because he thought you were dying at first or like in pain.

• (idk if you are ok with being touched when you're having a panic attack) he holds you and rubs your back.
• while he shushes you and tells you everything is ok.
• if you don't want to be touched he will still do the same but without the back rubs and the hug.
• tells you that you should take a breather, go walk, maybe sleep/nap, watch a movie/show.
• makes you a drink or just water.

Branch -

• he's had lots of panic attacks, and for him he just likes to be left alone and then get some comfort by someone he trust.
• but he doesn't know if you are ok being left alone.
• so he told you to let it out and even squeeze his hand or something to help.
• if you start to cry then he will gently hold your face and tell you that your gonna be ok.
• he lets you cry on him while he hugs you.
• once it's done he sits you on the couch or somewhere and wraps a blanket/jacket etc around you.
• he will then sit next to you and tell you to talk to him.
• gives you a kiss.

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