Chapter 9 - We're Coming Back. All Of Us

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3rd Person POV


Ivan and Boris, each holding an arm of Brooklyn's, walk with her down the hall. Well, they were more of supporting her weight cause she was exhausted

This was probably the first time Brooklyn's arms weren't restrained...and the first time she could see them since...since she was taken. Her arms did not look good

The fact that she wasn't restrained... probably meant something bad was coming

Just as she suspected, something bad did come when the men opened the door to a room

Brooklyn walks in and sitting there is Mikhail with a leather wrap around his head, hooked up to wires

He screams out in pain

Brooklyn gasps and Alexi turns around to face her, standing at a console

"Ah, just in time, sister." Alexi says, taking his finger off the button. "Mikhail and I were having a nice chat."

Mikhail breathes heavily, sweat pouring down his face

"Weren't we?" Alexi asks, looking back to Mikhail

Mikhail locks eyes with Brooklyn

"Run." Mikhail says

"Ah, ah, ah." Alexi says, stopping Brooklyn before she could even process Mikhail's words

Ivan and Boris move Brooklyn over to a chair next to Mikhail

They strap her arms down with leather wraps and then put the same thing around her forehead

Brooklyn looks to Mikhail, scared

"Vhy don't you tell my sister vhy she's here." Alexi taunts Mikhail

Mikhail looks straight forward but speaks to Brooklyn

"He found out." Mikhail says

And those three words were enough to freeze Brooklyn

She regains her composure, looking up to Alexi

"I don't know what you're talking about." Brooklyn says

"Don't play dumb, Ava." Alexi says, walking over to Brooklyn and stopping next to her. "200 volts got Mikhail talking."

Brooklyn looks to Mikhail

"It's no use." Alexi says

Alexi sticks something hot against Brooklyn's right arm and she screams in pain

"AHHHH!" Brooklyn screams. "What was that?"

Alexi pulls away a rod from her arm with a pattern on the end of it

"Something to remind you from where you came." Alexi says. Brooklyn looks down to her arm -- which burns like hell -- to see a new branded pattern over her old one. "So that you'll never forget. Now, you're going to tell me what your plan is to get everyone off this boat."

Brooklyn is silent

"You see, sister." Alexi says circling around the two. "I know you can handle this. You've gone through it before, you've been conditioned." He stops in front of her and leans down to her face. "But Mikhail, vell he was always on the other side of zhe shocks...let's see how much he can really handle."

Alexi stands up and walks back over to the panel

"Don't...say...anything." Mikhail tells her

"But he'll hurt you." Brooklyn says

"I don't care." Mikhail says. "Get off zhis ship...and get as many off as you can."

"Enough chit chat." Alexi says, drawing the attention of the two hostages back to him. "Now, start talking or I start Mikhail off at 50 volts."

Brooklyn is silent

"50 volts it is." Alexi says, pushing the button

Mikhail presses his lips together to hold in his pain, his hands in fists

The shock stops

"What is your plan?" Alexi asks

Brooklyn stays silent

"100 volts." Alexi says, pushing the button

Mikhail's fists tighten and he groans through his teeth

The shock stops

Mikhail breathes heavily, more sweat flowing down his face

"Mikhail..." Brooklyn breathes

"Stay quiet, Ava." Mikhail says

Brooklyn is quiet

"150 volts." Alexi says


"200 volts." Alexi says


"250 volts." Alexi says


"300 volts." Alexi says


Mikhail screeches and it echoes throughout the room

"Stop!" Brooklyn yells. "Torture me instead! I'm the one you want, not him!"

"I can't torture you." Alexi says. "Not when you can bring me something."

"Bring you what?" Brooklyn asks

"A future." Alexi says


Mikhail screams

"You might want to start talking, Ava." Alexi says, writing in the journal. "These shocks are getting lethal."

"Stop! Stop, okay?" Brooklyn yells. "I'll tell you!"

"Good girl." Alexi says

"Boris and Ivan." Brooklyn says

"What?" Alexi asks

"I got them to help." Brooklyn says

"How?" Alexi asks

"I promised them something." Brooklyn says

"What?" Alexi asks

"Freedom." Brooklyn says. "Freedom from you."

Alexi growls, slamming his hand down on the panel

Mikhail screams in pain before all is silent, his head hanging low

"NO!" Brooklyn screeches

Alexi storms out of the room, leaving his journal on the panel

Brooklyn wiggles in her chair, trying to get loose

Her arm stings bad and it's bleeding from the mark 

She brings her head down to her wrists and starts biting the leather

The door swings open again

A girl runs in

"Sasha!" Brooklyn exclaims

"Ava!" Sasha runs over to her, cutting the leather with a knife

"ты была девочкой в ​​моей старой камере?" (You were the girl in my old cell?) "как ты--?" (How did you--?) Brooklyn asks

"Boris and Ivan они прошли в то время, когда вы сказали." (Boris and Ivan passed by at the time you said.) Sasha explains, freeing one of Brooklyn's wrists and going to work on the other. "Я следовал твоим инструкциям. Я переехал туда на прошлой неделе, я понятия не имел, что защелка сломалась." (I got moved there last week. I had no idea the latch was broken.)

Sasha frees Brooklyn's other hand

"благодарю вас." (thank you) Brooklyn tells her

"Пошли. Я не знаю, как долго охранник будет выбит. Некоторые девушки уже прыгают в воду" (Let's go. I have no clue how long the guards will be out for. Some girls are already jumping into the water.) Sasha says

"Ваш ход. Мне нужно спасти его. Получить всех" (You go, I need to save him. Get everyone off.) Brooklyn tells her

Sasha nods, handing Brooklyn her knife

Sasha runs out

Brooklyn grabs Mikhail's face

"Mikhail?" Brooklyn asks

Brooklyn shakes his head, trying to wake him up

"Mikhail!" Brooklyn yells, slapping him hard

Mikhail's eyes snap open and he gasps for air

"What--" Mikhail tries, looking around

An alarm blares, red lighting up around the room

"No time!" Brooklyn tells him. She cuts the leather from his wrist. "We're going. Now!"

Brooklyn pulls Mikhail out of the chair and he falls to the ground

"Go without me." Mikhail says

"Never." Brooklyn says. "Never again." 

She grabs his right arm and puts it over her shoulders, supporting some of his weight as the two run out of the room -- Mikhail with a limp from the shocks

Brooklyn snags the journal on their way out, tucking it into the waistband of her skirt

They run through the bottom of the boat, passing other girls in the same small outfit Brooklyn was in, running for their lives

It was complete chaos

Sasha runs into the two

"Sasha!" Brooklyn exclaims

"Полиция была вызвана!" (Police have been called!) Sasha yells to her over the blaring siren. "корабль идет вниз!" (The ship is going down!)

Brooklyn looks around to see water starting to flood the floor

"Go!" Brooklyn yells

The three start running for the stairs, many others running too

They make it up one flight

Up another

And another

And onto the top deck

Because of the size of the ship, it has been anchored far away from the docks, but still on Star City property

The moon pierces through the night sky

The rain rips throughout the area

The ship rocks violently in the stormy weather

Girls are dropping off the sides of the ship and into the water, swimming for the docks in the rough water

Blue and red flashing lights are seen in the distance

The alarm continues blaring on the ship

Brooklyn puts Mikhail to sit down on some crates while she helps girls jump from the ship

Brooklyn and Sasha work together, lowering girls down

"убирайся отсюда!" (Get out of here!) Brooklyn yells to Sasha

"что насчет тебя?" (What about you?) Sasha asks

"Я прямо за тобой!" (I'm right behind you!) Brooklyn yells

Sasha nods, handing Brooklyn her gun

Brooklyn tosses the gun to the side

Sasha steps onto the rail of the boat and puts her hands out

Brooklyn grabs her hands tightly as the two latch onto each other's wrists 

Sasha breathes out, going to her knees and then slowly wiggling down to her stomach

She peels herself off the rail of the boat and is dangling, still holding onto Brooklyn's wrists 

Sasha looks up

"Zank you." Sasha says

"You're velcome." Brooklyn tells her

Sasha looks down to the water

She looks up at Brooklyn again

"Go-od lu-ck." Sasha says, her accent thick

Brooklyn nods

Sasha lets go and her body drops into the dark water

Brooklyn waits for her to resurface

And when she does, Brooklyn breathes out in relief

Sirens grow louder

Brooklyn snaps her attention to the streets of Star City

She turns around to Mikhail

"Come on, we gotta go." Brooklyn says, putting his arm around her again

The two stand up, Mikhail wobbling a little

They get to the edge

Brooklyn looks down at the rough water

It was dangerous...but it was also their only chance

Then, a gunshot rips through the air

Mikhail's legs buckle under him and he lands on his back

"NO!" Brooklyn screeches, dropping down to the ground next to Mikhail

A pool of blood forms around him

Brooklyn looks up to see Alexi standing there with a gun pointed at her

She stands up from Mikhail's body, grabbing the gun with blood on her knees and hands

She's drenched from the rain

She aims her gun at him, the abrupt motion hurting her right arm but she pushes that aside

"It's no use, Ava!" Alexi yells at her through the rain. "People like you don't get happy endings!"

"You lost! Give up!" Brooklyn yells at him

"That's not zhe vay I see it." Alexi says. "The vay I see it, you have a choice to make. Stop me or save Mikhail. Choose quick because he's running out of time!"

"Shoot him." Mikhail groans

Brooklyn stares at Alexi

Brooklyn drops her aim and kneels down to Mikhail

She places the gun next to her and pulls his shirt up to look at the bullet wound

"I'm already dead, Ava." Mikhail tells her. "Go. Save yourself."

"No, I won't leave you..." Brooklyn says 

"You have to!" Mikhail says. Blood drenches his lips as he coughs. " have a life...please, go." 

Brooklyn nods, tears in her eyes

Mikhail puts a hand up to Brooklyn's cheek

"I love you...Ava." Mikhail whispers 

"It's Brooklyn." Brookyln whispers through tears 

She holds Mikhail's face, pressing a kiss to his forehead

"I love you..." Brooklyn whispers, their foreheads touching

She pulls away to see his frozen features

More tears drop down Brooklyn's cheeks as she closes his eyes. She looks up at the sky, crying through the rain

But her mourning gets cut short

Then, the boat shifts, tipping sideways

Brooklyn grabs on tight to the railing as the ship stays in a freeze on it's side


"Sara, that ship is going down." Ray warns looking out the window

The waverider has been hovering over the area -- invisible -- for 2 minutes

The crew has been watching girls jump from the ship and into the water

"Why don't we help them?" Amaya asks

"Our target is Brooklyn." Sara says. "And Brooklyn only."

"But--" Amaya tries

"I'm sorry." Sara says. "Gideon, scan the ship for Brooklyn. Get a spotlight on her when you find her. Jax and Ray, get to the jumpship, fly down there, and get her -- preferably before she hits the water."

"Yes, Captain." Ray says, him and Jax leaving the room

Gideon starts the scans

"Rory." Sara says and Mick stops mid drink, looking at her. "Blankets and towels, now."

Mick leaves the room

"Professor, I want you and Zari scanning the water." Sara says. "Just in case Jax and Ray can't catch her before she makes contact with the water."

Zari and Stein go to the console, watching the cameras focused on the water

"You two." Sara says, turning around to Nate and Amaya. "Get the medbay ready and then get back here as quickly as you can. Brooke's gonna need all the support she can get."

The two nod, running out

"Sara..." Zari trails off

"Yea?" Sara asks, walking over

"The ship is breaking." Zari says


Red and blue lights flash everywhere

Mikhail's body falls to the water

"Mikhail!" Brookyln screeches

A scream sounds louder as a body falls towards the water passing Brooklyn

But she grabs the hand

"You got to be kidding me!" Alexi's voice yells over the rain 

"Not ideal for me either!" Brooklyn yells at him

"Let me go!" Alexi yells. "Prove you're ruthless!"

"No!" Brooklyn yells, keeping a firm grip on Alexi's hand

"I'm going down with my ship!" Alexi tells her. "It's your choice if you want to die too!"

Brooklyn looks up for some kind of rope to grab onto

"I want to know something." Alexi calls to her

Brooklyn looks down at him

"Tell me the truth." Alexi says. "Boris and Ivan had nothing to do with it." He puts the pieces together

"No." Brooklyn says

"So how get everyone to revolt?" Alexi asks. "I broke you, made you think you were crazy...I broke those girls."

"I gave them hope." Brooklyn says. "Sometimes the simple idea of having hope that things will get better is enough for people. You may have broken us, but hope brought us together, gave us a second chance. And I've always had hope I'd see Nikolai again!"

Alexi looks up at Brooklyn, his gaze shifting

"Brooklyn?" He whispers

Brooklyn's eyes soften

"I'm here, Nikolai." Brooklyn whispers. "I'm here."

A search light shines on the ship from above

Nikolai and Brooklyn look up 

"Who's that?" Nikolai asks

"My team." Brooklyn says, a smile appearing on her face. "My second chance. You can have one too, you know."

"No thanks." Nikolai says. "I have a lot of sins to make up for."

He looks down at the water

"Goodbye, Brookie." Nikolai says

"What're you doing?" Brooklyn asks, concerned 

"Apologizing." Nikolai says. "I'm sorry..."

He lets go, dropping into the water

"Nikolai! No!" Brooklyn yells

His body hits the water

Brooklyn does not see him resurface

She grabs onto the railing with her other hand, keeping herself up and hanging on for her life

The jump ship materializes next to Brooklyn

"Brooke!" Jax yells over the rain

"Jax!" Brooklyn exclaims

"Bring me in closer, Ray." Jax says

The jumpship steadies a little closer

But not before a large crack is heard

The railing Brooklyn was holding onto breaks and the ship makes its way down under, leaving Brooklyn in a free fall towards the water that's over 100 feet away

Jax catches Brooklyn's hand before she could hit the water

"You saved me." Brooklyn breathes out through tears

"Always will." Jax says, pulling her up and into a hug 

He presses a kiss to her lips and then hugs her again 

"Waverider, we're coming home." Ray says through the comms with a smile. "All of us."

Jax pulls away, looking at her and touching her cheek

Brooklyn hugs Jax and he holds her tight

Ray turns the comms off, looking back at the two

"Welcome back, Brooklyn." Ray says

Brooklyn smiles

"Thanks." She breathes out, pulling away and wiping her tears

Jax leads Brooklyn to sit down and strap in on the jumpship seats

Brooklyn pulls the journal out from her waistband and holds onto it tight to her chest 


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