Chapter 7 - You Need To Listen

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3rd Person POV


"We saw her open the compartment right in front of us." Nate says, standing in front of the wall behind the desk. "How is it possible that it won't open now?"

"Are you sure it's in here?" Jax asks

"100 percent." Sara says. "It's somewhere on this wall."

"Is there a password maybe?" Jax asks

"There couldn't have been." Nate says. "All she did was pull a book -- and I swear it was this one..." He says, pointing to a wide black book. "And then it opened."

"It was done quick." Sara says. "Thawne was on the ship, we didn't have a lot of time. She grabbed it and ran."

"Did she do anything before she went to the bookshelf?" Jax asks

Sara and Nate share a look

"She grabbed a bow from under the desk." Nate says

Nate pulls the chair out from in front of the desk and Jax slides under on his back, looking at the bottom

"Found the bow." Jax says, reaching up to grab it. He grabs it and tries to pull but it doesn't move. "What?"

"What's wrong?" Sara asks

"It's not moving." Jax says

"What?" Sara asks

"It's stuck or something." Jax says

"Is there a button or release lever?" Nate suggests

Jax looks around the bottom of the desk

"Yeah, right here." Jax says, spotting a silver button right under the curve of the bow

He pushes the button and clicking is heard at the bookshelf

Nate and Sara turn around

Jax stands up from the desk, bow in hand when it released

Nate pulls down the black book and it moves with ease

"God this girl is a genius." Nate says, admiring the work put into the secret compartment 

The compartment opens and Sara shifts through the contents -- which was only arrows

And the book!

"Got it!" Sara exclaims, pulling the book out

She opens up the first page and slams it closed

"What's wrong?" Jax asks, trying to grab for the book

"This is probably better for Nate." Sara says, holding the book out for Nate

"I have no idea what you're doing." Nate says

"Give it to me." Jax says, grabbing the book out of Sara's hands

"Wait!" Sara says

Jax flips open the first page

'Mikhail helped me escape. But now the love of my life is trapped down there for forever.' The first line reads

Sara winces in sympathy

Nate pats Jax's shoulder as he closes the book



Jax is sitting in the parlor in a chair, reading book 4 about Mikhail

He hasn't made it very far

Part of him is worried that in being there, Brooklyn will fall back in love with Mikhail...if Mikhail is still even down there...or alive

Part of him is worried about reading this book...if Brooklyn kept it hidden, maybe he shouldn't be going through it

All of these thoughts had kept him up and distracted him

"Alright, Jax." Sara says, walking in with Zari. "Zari's here to relieve you."

"No, no, I'm good." Jax says, waving the two off without look up

"Jax, you've been awake for over 24 hours." Sara says. "It's not safe, you need some rest. "

"I said I'm fine." Jax says, closing the book

He looks up at the two, only to see Sara and Zari there but next to them is.... Brooklyn -- no....a ghost that looks like Brooklyn is standing there

Jax springs up, backing away from the ghost looking Brooklyn and crashing into a few things

Sara grabs Jax's arm before he goes down the stairs

"Hey, woah." Zari says, running over to help

Jax looks around, the ghost is now gone

"What--" Jax tries, looking around

"Are you okay?" Sara asks

"I'm tripping or something." Jax freaks out

"Jax, go get some rest." Sara tells him

"I...I can't." Jax says, grabbing the book. "I have to find her."

"And we will." Sara says. "But not in the condition you're in."

Sara looks to Zari

"Take over reading." Sara tells her. "Come on, Jax, let's get you to your room."

Sara and Jax walk out

Zari grabs the bowl of popcorn she had made and sits down, opening the book and starting from the beginning

Sara and Jax walk through the hallway

Turning the corner, the ghost of Brooklyn shows up again

"Holy shit--" Jax exclaims, stumbling backwards

"Hey, woah. Jax!" Sara exclaims, grabbing for his arms but he freaks, swatting her away.

Jax bolts down the hallway

"Jax!" Sara yells, going after him

Hearing the commotion, the crew eating breakfast in the kitchen walk into the hallway

"Jax!" Sara yells again, running after

Mick grabs Jax's arm as he runs past and Jax falls to the ground

Jax squirms out of Mick's grasp and up against the wall

"Jefferson, are you alright?" Stein asks

Jax looks around, breathing heavy

Sara runs into the scene

"What the hell, Jax?" Sara asks, coming to a stop

"Sorry...I, uh, I..." Jax trails off. "I keep seeing things."

"You're tired." Nate tells him

"Come on." Sara says, helping him up

Sara and Jax walk to his room

Sara closes the door and leaves

Jax gets into bed and closes his eyes

"Jax." A voice says, waking up

Jax sits up and sees Brooklyn sitting there on the edge of his bed

"Brooke?" Jax asks in a whisper

Brooklyn nods and Jax goes to hug her

His arms go right through her

"You're...not really here are you?" Jax asks

"No." Brooklyn answers

"Then what are you?" Jax asks. "I'm tripping out, aren't I?"

"You're not tripping Jax, but I'm not here either. Jax, it's me, Brooke, we're connected through both of our subconscious." Brooklyn says. "And there's some things you've been...ignoring."

"I don't care about you and Mikhail." Jax says

"Not that." Brooklyn says. "Something else."

"Well, are you gonna tell me?" Jax asks

"It's what you've been trying to tell yourself since I was taken." Brooklyn says. "I'm in some bad trouble right now."

"I know." Jax says. "Nikolai has you."

"Yes." Brooklyn says. "My brother has me. He took me from Star City."

"I know that." Jax says

"I know you knew that, I'm you. But you need to listen, Jax." Brooklyn tells him

"To what?" Jax asks

"To everything. To what you've been given." Brooklyn says. "Nate and Ray gave you one piece: Alexi kept me on a ship. You know the answer is in the video, now just listen."

"Listen?" Jax asks

"Yes." Brooklyn says. "Find me, Jax."

Brooklyn disappears

Jax shoots up in bed

He looks at the time -- 2am, Thursday

"I'm coming, Brooke." Jax says, jumping out of bed.



"Find me, Jax." Brooklyn's voice whispers in her head 

Brooklyn is strapped to a chair when she wakes up

She looks around, groggily and unsure what happened

But when she looks to her left and sees a table with 6 bloody empty syringes, pure panic sets over her

She squirms in the chair, her hands tied with rope to the legs of the chair

She tries to free herself but she can't move

Brooklyn looks around

The sound of a door opening causes her to whip her head around to the entrance of the room

But the forceful act of turning her head so fast causes her to have a dizzy spell before emptying her stomach on the floor next to her

She looks up at the figure coming closer

"Awww, are you a wittle sick?" Alexi asks, mocking her

"What...." Brooklyn breathes out. "What the hell did you do to me!"

"I did what needed to be done." Alexi says

"What did you do to me!" Brooklyn yells, squirming in the chair with such force that it was rocking

Brooklyn falls to the ground, still attached to the chair

Her right arm bangs into the ground and she groans in pain

Alexi shakes his head

"Now zat was your fault." Alexi says

"What the hell did you do to me?" Brooklyn asks in a whisper, tears rolling down her cheek

Alexi squats down next to her head

He rubs a hand on her cheek and she tries to pull away

"Shh." Alexi tells her. "Don't worry. It'll all make sense later."

Alexi stands up and walks over to the table with the syringes

"What are you doing?" Brooklyn asks, trying to look at him but she can't

She lays her head back down on the floor, scared

Alexi scribbles something in a journal on the table

"This will keep you compliant." Alexi tells her, filling a new syringe with clear liquid

"No..." Brooklyn says, squirming to get loose

"Yes." Alexi says

He walks over to her and squats down again, grabbing her tied up arm

"No, please!" Brooklyn yells. "My baby--"

"Your baby?" Alexi asks. "Look around you, sister, you lost time! Put the piece together. There is nothing to worry about anymore."

"No..." Brooklyn breathes out, more tears streaming down her face

She struggles in the ropes, moving her arms back and forth so Alexi couldn't stick her with the syringe 

"Stop fighting!" Alexi yells at her, slapping her face

"I will always fight!" Brooklyn yells, moving around more

"There's no point!" Alexi tells her. "No one is looking for one wants you're a waste of space...and I'm doing you a favor." 

Alexi sticks the syringe in Brooklyn's arm 

She groans in pain through her teeth

Then, in the split second time, she whips her head down and chomps down on the syringe, bitting and shattering the glass

Clear liquid pours down her arm and she spits out glass at Alexi

Alexi hits her hard in the head 

He stands up, wiping the glass and blood (from Brooklyn's gums) out of his eyes with a towel 

"I'd save your energy, Ava." Alexi says, looking back down at her. "You're going to need it."

Brooklyn watches him, her vision blurring over before it finally blacks out 


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Next chapter up TOMORROW


Stay safe everyone!! 

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