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Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Scarlet POV-

I wake up to a very annoying blonde pushing me.

"What the fuck do you want its still fucking dark you asshole." I grumble, I'm not to be messed with when I sleep.

"Uh, Scarlet I Heard noises. In the backyard." She whispers

"Fuck off sarah just go to sleep." I say while turning around to sleep.

When I do this I hear banging from outside.

"Holyfuckingshitwhatthefuckwasthat" I say in a string while sitting up.

"See! I wasn't lying! Now before we end up like the bitches in the scary movies we have got to see what in the fuck that was." She says while pulling me up in the process.

Sarah and I have the mouths of sailors when were together so you should get used to it or leave.

We grab kitchen knives and walk out to the backyard and we open the blinds. We then step outside and look around see our scenery. In our view is a man, he is wearing black and I immediately recognize the 'intruder' before we take action.

"Louis! What the fuck are you doing? Its like 3 in the morning!" I yell to the British boy.

"Oh I just wanted to see your pretty pool! Its watery!" Louis slurs as he stumbles.

"God you sound like sarah. Louis! Come in the house before you fall in, and sarah and I have to fish your sorry ass out of there!" I yell.

He does what I say, and comes into my dark home and lays on the couches sarah and I adopted no less than 6 minutes ago.

"Yo. We were just sleeping there." Sarah groans as she pushes him off.

"Sarah go up in my room and I'll take care of Louis down here." I say to Sarah.

She winks at me and walks up the stairs and into my room.

I grab him and drag him to the kitchen and get Advil and some water for him.

"Here." I say while handing the items to the hammered boy.

"Thanks love, sorry to wake you but I missed you. I wanted to see you." He says while taking the pills.

"Yeah yeah now come lay down on the couch." I say

"Yes mum." He mocks.

He sits on the couch and I kiss him on the lips, slowly but sweetly tasting the alcohol.

I walk up stairs and go into my room, I lay down next to sarah.

"You really like him." Sarah says.

"Yeah. I do. He's different." I reply

"Don't go all mainstream on me." She says jokingly

"But he is! He's cheesy, and sweet. He cares and doesn't leave when problems occur. And don't get me started on his looks. And body!" I say like a middle school girl.

"You thirsty bro. I bet you have had a dream about him." She says in a sarcastic voice.

I don't reply and she gets her answer.

"Oh my god! You have! Oh my god!" She yells and I have to remind her its 3:30 am.

"Dont say anything!" I whisper yell back.

"I won't but oh my god!" she says unbelievably.

"Shut up and go to bed." I say while turning around.

"I can't. I'm hyper." she giggles.

"Ugh. Fine let's go swimming." I say and get up.

She follows and we grab our suits and get ready.

When we are ready we tiptoe downstairs so we don't wake up sleep Lou in the couch.

Of course, its unsuccessful.

"Wha-what are you doing?" he grumbles while rubbing his eyes.

"We are going to swim Lou, just go back to sleep." I tell the sleepy boy.

"No. I want to swim." he says and jumps off the couch.

Before I can protest, the boy is out the door.


"Sarah Turn on some music." I command the blonde.

"Okay I got you Homie." she says while getting up.

We swim for a bit and mainly talked. I swam over to Sarah and asked her why she wasn't with Zayn today.

"We just spend so much time together we just needed a day off. No biggie." She answered.

"I just love you two!" I said while splashing her.

"Shut up! You and Louis are like 10 million times cuter!" She says and slashes back.

"Ah okay!" I say and swim off before I get splashed again.

After we swam all 3 of us went inside and started a fire in the fireplace, I cuddled next to Louis, and Sarah cuddled with my cat, George. And we all just talked about random stuff.

It was a great bonding experience for the 3 of us.

Very simple, sweet.

Oh how I wish we knew what was coming our way.


I'm sorry it took a bit to update I have been having terrible writers block. But I know what is going on now and it should all begin to fall into place!

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