Chapter 36

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The day we went to the courthouse, Jethro was ecstatic and we talked about the twins on the way there. 

"So, I missed their birthday."

"You were kidnapped and being tortured in Paraguay. I think they'll understand." 

"Well, I know I wasn't there. It bothers me. We should do something for them." 

"Like a party? For two fourteen month old toddlers?" 

"C'mon, (F/N). They're my kids, our kids. We're off this weekend. I say we buy two of those little cakes, I make us some fireplace steaks, get them to bed early, and have some adult time. Ya know?" 

I sighed, rolling my eyes, and pointed a glare at him, as he chuckled. When we got to the courthouse, Leon and Ducky were already there and wearing some nice suits, making me feel underdressed. I was wearing black slacks, a white button down, and black flats. Jethro was wearing a blue button down, black slacks, shoes, and jacket. Jethro placed his hand on the small of my back and we made our way to a judge's office, someone Jethro is good friends with. 

"Ah! Jethro when you called, I thought you were punking me. This her?" 

"Yeah, Jed. This is (F/N). Future Mrs. Gibbs, if you stop making fun of me." Jethro responded, smiling and I chuckled, holding out my hand,

"(F/N) (L/N), nice to meet you." 

"And you. Jethro has told me all good things. Twins? Really?"

"Yeah, well. They have those shocking blue eyes. Jackson is just like his dad. Has the Gibbs' glare down already."

"Not to mention he's a Momma's boy, just like his father." Jethro interjected, making everyone laugh. 

"Ann is the polar opposite. Talkative, laughs easily. And is a Daddy's girl, so don't let him fool ya."

"Yeah, well. Sounds about right...Knowing, Jethro."  

"Well, yeah. I'm a simple man. Can we do this now?" 

"Yep. Have all of the paperwork drawn up and you have the two witnesses. So, I just need you and (F/N) to sign here and here." Doing just that, I slipped on the engagement ring Jethro bought for me before Paraguay and Jethro leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. 

"And your two witnesses, sign here and here." Ducky and Leon both signed where needed and Jed fixed the papers, saying,

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs. Piece of advice, Gunny?" 


"Hold onto this one."

"I plan to. Thanks, Jed."

"Of course. Lunch soon?" 

"Yep. Okay if I bring the family?"

"Of course. Love to meet the tiny Gibbses." 

After we left, Leon and Ducky came pick out the cakes with us and insisted on coming to the house, making Jethro sigh. All he wanted was a simple day alone with his little family. However, he should have known better, knowing our family. 

"Ah, hell. Who told them?" Jethro grumbled, seeing everyone's cars outside our house and I sighed, replying,

"Who do you think?"


"...One hour. At most. Then, fireplace stakes and adult time." 

"Well, I'm okay with that. But you know how our team is." 

"Hm." Getting out of the car, we got into the house and brought our groceries with us. 

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted, making Jethro sigh and grumble,

"I'm going get the bourbon." 

"Okay. I love you."

"Love you too." Leaning down, he gave me a soft kiss and went down to the basement, ignoring everyone. 

"Jethro isn't happy to see us?" Tobias asked, giving me a hug and I shook my head, replying,

"He was looking forward to having a quiet party with his little family." 

"Not with a work family." Abby replied, bouncing Ann gently. Looking around, I saw Bishop holding Jackson. Reeves was next to her. Torres and McGee were taking the little cakes out, putting them next to the larger cake they had bought for us. When Jethro came back up, he had a glass for me and he crossed over to us, handing me the glass. 

"I prefer wine, Jethro." I teased, making him roll his eyes and press a kiss to my forehead, silently. 

"Come on, Jethro. You've missed us." Tobias teased, making Jethro roll his eyes and huff, 

"Yes, but you could've just called." 

"And you would've given me one word answers."

"Yes. It gets you to leave me alone faster." 

"I'm hurt." 

Shaking my head, I walked away and placed my glass down on the counter, wanting to set up the twin's high chairs. When I finished that, I approached Abby first and asked, softly,

"Come to Momma?" Ann squealed and leaned towards me, happily. Smiling, I took her and put her in her high chair, continuing,

"Daddy is upset he missed your birthday. I told him it's okay. Doesn't believe me. It's okay, right?" Ann's eyes went over to Jethro who was with Ducky, Leon, and Tobias. 

"Dada!" Ann shouted, catching Jethro's attention and he smiled, handing his glass to Tobias before walking over. Coming over to us, he knelt in front of Ann and started talking to her, quietly. Going over to Bishop, I took Jackson and she asked,

"Does her never laugh?"

"Only when Jethro embarrasses me." She laughed and I walked over to the other highchair, putting him in there. Jethro grabbed other of their cakes and placed them in front of the twins, gently. Ann immediately went straight into the cake, grabbing it and making a mess. Jack seemed more confused and cautious, trying to touch it. 

"Two completely distinct personalities." Ducky teased, making me sigh and nod, not replying. After we took picture, cleaned up a little, and started on our marriage cake. Jethro looked like he was ready for everyone to go and it had only been 45 minutes. Chuckling, I stood from my seat (on Jethro's lap) and started,

"Thank you guys for coming. We really appreciate all of this, it was really sweet. However, Jethro wanted us to have small family party. So, I'm gonna have to ask everyone to continue the celebration elsewhere." 

"Kicking us out for Jethro, hm?" Leon teased, making me chuckle and Jethro stood up, going over to the fridge,

"I have two steaks cook and two kids to bath. I'm kicking you out, got nothing to do with (F/N)." 

"Alright. Alright. We'll get out of your hair. Not coming in tomorrow, I'm guessing." Leon replied, making Jethro laugh and shake his head, 

"Not tomorrow, Leon." After everyone left, I stripped the twins and got them ready for a bath. Jethro started a fire and I brought the twins upstairs, they were both half asleep. After I bathed them both, I had them changed into their pajamas and when I set them down, I heard Jethro coming upstairs. Just as I was tucking Ann in, Jethro came into the room and took Jackson from my other arm, going over to his bed. When we finished, Jethro stayed behind for a moment and I went down stairs, grabbing two beers. Coming back downstairs, he pulled out two plates and plonked our steaks on them, before bringing them to the table. Sitting next to him, I handed him a fork and he took out his pocket knife, flicking it open. Rolling my eyes, I couldn't even tease him because I was doing the same. 

As we ate, Jethro was enjoying the quiet and I knew he wanted exactly that. Or rather I thought that was what he wanted,

"You're quiet." 

"Thought you wanted quiet." I replied, smirking up at him and he looked at me, silently. However ten minutes later when I still eating, he was still looking at me and looking back up at him, he stood up slowly. Coming up next to me, he nudged me and I stood up, letting him sit in my chair. Grabbing my wrist, he pulled me back down in his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing kisses down my neck to my collar bone. Blushing, I laced my fingers through his hair and pulled his head away from my skin, whispering,

"Your food is gonna get cold." 

"I have something else I'd rather eat." Jethro growled, rolling his hips into my own and I moved my hands to his shoulders, bracing myself. 

"Jethro, seriously."

"Oh. Trust me, sweetheart. I'm serious." 

Standing up, Jethro carried me down to the basement and two hours later, I was sitting on a stool. Jethro was working on the boat, shirtless, and I was watching his back muscles flex, quietly. 

"Keep staring like that, sweetheart. And I won't be able to control the next thing that happens."

"Oh, please Jethro. I've already got splinters in my lower back because of you."

"And you stole my shirt."

"You popped the buttons on mine. Besides, I'm enjoying the view." Jethro was standing there in his slacks and this comment made him turn, smirking,

"Well, my view ain't half bad either." 


The baby monitor in the basement was a good move. Standing up, I went upstairs and changed into my pajamas, before going into the twin's room. Jackson was still asleep and Ann was awake, looking over at me. Going kneel down next to her bed, I pulled her into my arms and she wrapped her little arms around my neck, burying her face there. Sighing, I moved to the rocking chair in their room and ran my fingers through her hair, rocking. 

When Jethro's Paraguay incident happened, Jack was like his father and buried his worry, even at a few months old. They weren't stupid and his absence was noted, quickly. Jackson never woke up, but he wouldn't fall asleep unless he was with me. It was a common thing for them to sleep in our bed. Ann on the other hand would wake up every couple of hours, looking for him. So, this wasn't unusual. Even though Jethro was now home, Ann still wakes up and when Jethro would go check on them, she's fall asleep just fine. However, I would have to lull her back to sleep and when she finally did go to bed, I'd lay her down about twenty minutes later. 

So, when Jethro came into the room about ten minutes after me and just watched, I didn't point Ann's attention to her father. When she finally fell back asleep, Jethro put her to bed and we went into our room, quietly. 

"Hey, (F/N). I'm going take a shower, you coming?" Jethro asked, holding a hand out to me and smiling, softly. Huffing, I smiled and took his hand, following him into our bathroom. 

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