Chapter 25

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The next few months were filled with (F/N) going to a specialist, me being supportive, and us practically living together. Today, I was waiting on (F/N) in the lobby and when she came down, her doctor was with her. When (F/N)'s eyes met mine, she lit up and I smiled, greeting them both,

"Hey, baby. Doc." 

"Jethro, it's good to see you." Her doctor replied, smiling at me and (F/N) flung herself into my chest, catching me off guard. Wrapping an arm around (F/N)'s waist, I chuckled and looked back to her doctor, confirming,

"It's good to see you too, Doc. How's (F/N) doing?"

"She's doing good. I think she'll be fine from here on out." 

"Here on out?" I asked, looking down at (F/N) and her doctor chuckled, informing me,

"Well, I see no need to keep up the weekly visits. I do want to see her once a month still, but she's doing much better mentally. You've helped out with that a lot, Jethro." 

"I haven't done anything special. I'm just here for her."

"And that's more than enough. Just having you here is special. Some of my patients don't even have that. Well, I'll let you two get home. See you in a month, (F/N)."

"See you then, Doc." (F/N) replied, untangling herself from me and lacing our fingers, as I waved goodbye too. On the way back to the Navy Yard, (F/N) was looking out the window and I smiled at her, softly.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer, Jethro." (F/N) teased, making me chuckle and shake my head, as I focused back on the road while replying,

"I have plenty of pictures, (F/N). Still, I like to admire ya every once in awhile." 

"Shut up!" (F/N) exclaimed, making me laugh and reach across the middle console, grabbing her hand. Lifting her hand to my lips, I pressed a kiss to her knuckles and she smiled, softly. 

When we walked into the bullpen, Leon came over to (F/N) and asked,

"What'd the doctor say?"

"Only need to go once a month now." (F/N) replied, making Leon sigh and look to me, asking,

"Can I borrow (F/N) for a little while?"

"Sure." I replied, sitting at my desk and starting on some paperwork. Before (F/N) left, though, she leaned down and pressed a kiss to my mouth, which I reciprocated eagerly. 

As she left, I reached in my pocket and felt the copy of the key I had made for her. When I sighed, Bishop looked over at me and asked, quietly,

"Everything okay, Gibbs?" Looking over to her, I nodded and she rolled her chair over to my desk, continuing,

"Is something wrong with you and (F/N)?"

"What?! No!" I exclaimed, catching DiNozzo and McGee's attention. Taking a deep breath, I calmed down and shook my head, continuing,

"Nothing is wrong between us. Everything is great, actually."


"No buts. Just...It's private and I don't know how she'd react to it." 

"Boss, are you gonna ask her to be Mrs. Gibbs number 5?" Tony asked, making me direct my glare at him and reply,

"We've been together for less than a year. I'm not asking her to marry me."

"Then what's wrong boss?" McGee asked, making me sigh again and look down at my hands, as I debated if I should tell them. 

"...If you guys tell her, I'll kill you." I decided, glaring at the boys pointedly and they both came over as I pulled the key out of my pocket, laying it on the desk. Bishop understood immediately, McGee took a second, but DiNozzo just looked confused. 

"Gibbs, she'd say yes." Bishop tried to comfort me, making a small smile appear on my face and McGee agreed,

"Bishop is right, Boss. You two are basically living together already." 

"I'm confused...It's a key." DiNozzo started, making Bishop huff and McGee groaned at how slow he could be sometimes. 

"Yes, Tony. It's a key to his house." Bishop whispered, making some realization come into his face and he smiled, finishing,

"Oh! Boss, she'll say yes." 

Looking up, I saw (F/N) coming downstairs with Leon and she looked down at me, smiling. Grabbing the key, I put it back in my pocket and the team went back to their desks, quietly. When (F/N) came over, I looked up at her and she rested a hip on the edge of my desk, asking,

"Can we go have dinner with Leon and the kids tonight?" Looking over to Leon, he smiled and went back up to his office, as I turned back to (F/N) to ask,

"What's the occasion?"

"Me getting better." She replied, making me smile and sigh, bobbing my head back in forth in a joking matter. (F/N) laughed and punched my shoulder, pouting,

"Don't be like that!" Laughing, I nodded and (F/N) smiled, pressing a kiss to my cheek. 

Later that night, we were having dinner with Leon, Kayla, and Jared, talking about many things. I was quiet, per usual, so (F/N) wasn't worried, but Leon was eyeing me the entire time. 

"Kayla, Jared. Let's get this cleaned up." Leon said, cutting the conversation off and as he went to get up, (F/N) said,

"I'll help them, Leon. Sit, relax." When they were gone, Leon turned to me and started,

"You've been quiet." 

"Not much of a talker, Leon." I replied, making him chuckle and counter,

"Not this much. What's going on in that head of yours?"


"Come on, Jethro. You're dating my best friend. What's happening?"

Sighing, I pulled out the key and Leon smiled, shaking his head,

"I should've known. Don't be nervous, she'll say yes." 

"Who'll say yes?" (F/N)'s voice came into the room, making my heart stop and from the look on (F/N)'s face, she didn't need an answer.


"I'm gonna give you two a minute." Leon said, leaving us alone and (F/N) sat next to me, as I looked to the key on the table. Grabbing it, I held it out to her and started,

"(F/N), I'm not good with words...I'm better with actions. But those fail sometimes-"

"Jethro, just ask." (F/N) cut me off, holding my free hand and I huffed, softly,

"Move in with me? I want you close, always." 

"Oh, Jethro. Wherever you are is home...Yes, I'll move in with you." 

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