The next morning, (F/N) was still asleep by the time I woke up and when I went to move, she made a face. Her fist clenched into the fabric of my shirt and I was left with no choice, except staying there with her. As I settled back down next to her, she relaxed again and I sighed, softly. Looking down at her face, I scanned over her scars and injuries, reaching out to her. When I came in contact with her face, my thumb ran over her bottom lip. There was still a mark on her bottom lip from where it busted and the cut on her cheek was bandaged over. The contact made her stir and when I went to pull away, she opened her eyes.
"Jethro?" She called, sleepily, and her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer to her. Bracing myself, I held myself up and (F/N) blinked, slowly. Her arms tightened, unconsciously, and I was brought closer to her face. I could feel her breath rolling across my face and I had to stop myself, by calling her name,
"(F/N)..." When her eyes met mine, her face didn't flush and she pulled me back down, making me slant my mouth over her own. I wanted nothing more than to deepen the kiss, but I knew that I couldn't do that. Going to pull away, (F/N) whined and I raised a brow, whispering,
"Don't push yourself, (F/N)."
"I'm not. Please, just lemme enjoy kissing you for a while longer." Sighing, I kissed her again and her fingers laced through my hair, tongue running across my bottom lip. The temptation was too great, so I gave her access and when her tongue ran across my own, I groaned softly. Moving a hand to the back of her neck, I tilted my head and deepened the kiss more. When (F/N)'s other hand moved to the hem of my shirt, I pulled away from the kiss and stopped her, panting out,
"Not today."
"Jethroooo~" She whined, but I knew better and she knew that I did. Getting out of bed, I made my way over to her side and asked,
"You want to shower now? Or later?"
"Now, I feel a little gross." Nodding, I helped her to sit up and got the cover on her cast, gently. She grabbed her crutches and I followed her to the shower, making sure she didn't fall. When we got into her bathroom, I helped her undress and got her bandages off, taking my time so that I didn't hurt her. If she wasn't so hurt, I'd take the time to admire her and she saw the blank look on my face, making her look disappointed. When I finished getting the bandages off her thighs, I noticed the hand prints on the inside of her thighs and I felt the anger bubble in me. When I helped her into the shower, she looked disappointed and I lifted her chin, asking,
"What's wrong?"
"(F/N), you're beautiful and I want you more than anything."
"Really? You don't find me ugly?"
"(F/N), you're injured. As much as I want you, you're injured. If I were to hurt you, I'd never forgive myself. Not to mention, you need to heal everywhere before I can have you in that way. Mentally and physically. Okay?"
"Now, let's get you cleaned up."
(F/N) nodded and she turned on the shower, setting it to the right temperature. Getting the gauze and her medicine out, I waited for her in her room and she called, softly,
"Jethro." Walking into the bathroom, she looked at me and informed,
"I can't lift my arms to clean my back. Could you..."
"Of course, (F/N)."
Going over to her, I grabbed a washcloth and wet it, putting the anti-bacterial soap on it. Trying to be gentle, I washed over her back and she winced a little, making me hesitate slightly.
"Sorry." I muttered, continuing and when I got down to her lower back, I had to compose myself. Without thinking, one of my hands curled around her waist and turned her to me, making her raise a brow.
"(F/N)...Can I kiss you, just one more time?" I asked, leaning towards her and she eyes flickered down to my mouth, as she nodded. Pulling her into a hard kiss, I felt her fingers comb through my hair and the water dripped onto my shirt, quickly. Her tongue met mine, again, and she pulled me into the shower, backing up. Before her back could hit the wall, I put my other hand out and flipped us around, leaning against the shower wall myself. I was soaking wet and one of her hands made its way under my shirt. Pulling away for air, I curled my fingers around her wrist and started,
"Sorry, I lost my head for a second. I'll let you finish up and get changed. Call if you need me." (F/N) nodded and when I shed my shirt, she called,
"Come here for a sec." Going back to the opening of the shower, (F/N) pressed her mouth to mine, briefly, and pulled away, patting my chest. Smiling, I peeled off my sweatpants and underwear, changing into fresh underwear, jeans, an undershirt and a flannel.
"Jethro?" (F/N) called again, making me smile and walk in, humming,
"I'm done." Nodding, I grabbed her a towel and helping her out of the shower, carefully. After she dried off, I helped her sit on her bed and redressed her injuries, taking the cast cover off last.
"So, what to wear today?" I asked, making her smile and she instructed me on where her clothes were. She picked out some underwear and a sports bra, a pair of loose shorts and she requested one of my hoodies. Not being able to say no, I gave her my red USMC hoodie and she smiled, happily.
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