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We got through the airport and made it through all of the long and tedious security checks.

We were now all sitting in the seats waiting to get boarded for our flight.

I leaned my head on Ethans shoulder, Dylans head was laying in Julies lap, and Alice was sitting by Grayson.

Grayson kept glancing at her and each time he glanced away, she'd glance at him.


"I'm really excited." Jules yawned. "I'm going to sleep on the plane so I'm wide awake when we land."

"Me too." Ethan looked over at me. "I'm going to keep my head in your lap to sleep by the way. Dylan looks pretty comfy."

Dylan laughed. "Jules has some comfy thighs." He smirked causing Jules to just shake her head, the blood rushing to her cheeks.

Once our flight was called we all got up and made our way to the plane.

I was really excited to get away from the home drama for the week. It's really starting to become hard, but having Ethan is really starting to help me find some good in pretty bad days. He's always making sure I'm okay and I'm making sure he is too. We both feel so alone and broken. Now we're together, but both still broken.

I was ripped from my thoughts by Ethans voice. "Here's ours." He let me in first.

The plane seats were pretty comfortable as we all gathered into our own.

Ethan let me sit by the window and I was really excited about that. I'd never flown window seat before. Heights tended to freak me out, but I loved to fly.

After we were all buckled and ready to go, I glued my eyes to the window.

Ethan smiled and leaned his head on my shoulder. "You're so excited to take off and it's the cutest thing." He kissed the bottom of my cheek.

"It's going to look so amazing!" I exclaimed. "First row view of takeoff."

We took off and it truly was amazing.

Every building, car, and person all started to shrink away into nothing. All that was seen was the blue sky before clouds came into view. "Woah." I breathed out. My jaw slightly dropped at how beautiful it was. The blue changing in shade.

Ethan smiled and laid his head into my lap. "Wake me when we get to California, beautiful." He made kissy lips until I leant down and placed a soft kiss against his even softer lips.

"I will." I ran my fingers through his soft hair.


After our flight we put all of our luggage into our rented out truck and got in.

Grayson drove to the beach house, Tame Impala blaring throughout the car speakers as we rode windows down, hair blowing in the wind.

I looked out at the sights around us, they were breath taking. The palm trees were beautiful, the buildings and stores so different from the ones in New Jersey.

This vacation was going to be perfect.

Grayson turned down a street full of beach houses and pulled into the third one down, "We're here!" He grinned and turned the car off.

The house was huge with big windows everywhere. Balconies were off almost every room and the deck went around the side and back of the house, a set of wooden stairs leading to each side.

We all hopped out and grabbed our luggage taking it inside.

Jules and Dylan ran and claimed a bedroom upstairs. "Dibs!" Dylan yelled from one of the rooms.

Grayson laughed and looked at Alice. "The guest room on the first floor is the biggest." He smirked and they both bolted into it.

Ethan laughed. "I see we're left with the other upstairs one. Both of them are nice upstairs I promise." He kissed my temple.

We walked up to it and opened the door. The bed was huge and caught my eye first, a light brown bed frame and headboard with soft, yet light fabriced white bedding. The walls were baby blue with light gray stripes and the floor was hardwood. "This is beautiful." I said in awe as I made my way to the big window that led out to the balcony our room had. It overlooked the beach beautifully. I pushed the doors open and walked out onto it, the soft breeze hitting my face as I listened to the waves wash over eachother and up onto the beach.

Ethan came up behind me, his arms snaking around my waist. "It's beautiful," he exclaimed. "But it doesn't compare to you."

I blushed and turned around wrapping my arms around him. "You're precious." I whispered.

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. "This is going to be so fun." He pressed his lips softly to mine.

The kiss continued to increase in intensity until there was a knock on the door.

"Heyo-O!" Grayson opened the door.

"Dude! Bro why is it you don't know how to wait for a response after knocking? We're eighteen!" Ethan pulled me into a hug position trying really hard not to laugh, but it was too late. Graysons face heated in awkwardness and Ethan started cracking up.

"My- my bad! I just wanted to say to come down in about half hour for dinner. We're going to build a bonfire on the beach and make burgers over it. Then smores for dessert."

My stomach growled lightly as I smiled at him, "That sounds so good. We'll be down."

I was pretty hungry. I hadn't eaten since way before the plane ride.

Grayson ran out and downstairs, our bedroom door slamming shut behind him.

I took my legs off Ethans waist. "I'm going to change real quick before we go down." I went over and grabbed my luggage and threw on a pair of high waisted shorts and a crop top. "Ready?"

Ethan pouted slightly, still in his purple t-shirt and black shorts. "I guess. I was having fun."

"This is just day one!" I giggled, "We're going to have a lot more fun throughout the week." I blushed, a slight smirk playing on my lips.

Ethan winked causing me to blush even deeper, the heat burning my ears.

We both went downstairs to Jules and Dylan who were out on the porch looking out at the water.

"Hey!" I smiled and stood by Jules, Ethan following suit placing himself beside me.

"Hey lovebirds." She smirked.

"Grayson ran down here and told us he interupted you guys. He wanted us to tease you both now." Dylan laughed.

"No." Ethan shook his head laughing. "I'll whoop his ass."

"I'd love to watch that!" Dylan started laughing. "You both got those big muscles."

"So do you!" Jules hit his chest. "You could take em."

"Challenge?" Ethan raised his eyebrow, his face trying to remain badass. That was hard though since he was trying to hold his laughter in.

Dylan shook his head. "Hell no! I'm not getting my ass beat!"

Grayson and Alice came out with burgers and smores stuff.

"Out of curosity how did we get this?"

"Well." Alice smirked. "While you guys were upstairs, Grayson and I went to the store."

Jules raised her eyebrows and wiggled them at Alice who turned beet red.

Grayson nodded. "We were-well are-ready to party! Now let's go!"

We all ran down to the beach. The sand was warm from the sun beating on it all day and felt good between my toes.

We set up some beach towels a safe distance from the pile of wood the boys all put together. "Perfect." Ethan clapped his hands together.

Dylan grabbed a match and lit it, tossing it in. The fire shot up, the orange and red flames wrapping around the air. The beach behind it made this momemt picture perfect. I took my phone out, I couldn't miss this.

Ethan came and grabbed it from me after I took the perfect shot, putting his head on my shoulder. "Smile!" He grinned and took a selfie.

I saw Grayson from the corner of my eye, he was watching us with a small, soft smile on his face.

Alice smiled and grabbed the roasting sticks and burgers. "I'm hungry so let's do this."  She gave us all one.

We all made burgers. Jules was complaing about how rare mine and Dylans were. "I can still hear it mooing."

Dylan laughed. "Good, that's the best way." He took a bite of it causing Jules nose to wrinkle up.

We all sat around, eating and telling funny stories about eachother.

Ethan and Grayson had some really crazy ones. Their mom must've been really busy controlling them all the time.

I looked out at the waves as they lapped against the damp sand, slowly zoning out from the conversations going on around me. "This is so beautiful. This view." I said, completly zoning out into space.

Ethan smiled softly at me and nodded. "It really is." He wrapped his arm around me and softlt placed a kiss on my temple.

"What time is it?" Alice yawned, leaning her head on Graysons arm softly.

Grayson looked down at her and smiled, his head leaning onto hers.

Jules shot me a look with a big grin. Alice looked so content with her head on Gray.

"It's... shit 12:30." Dylan laughed. "Which is 3:30 in Jersey. How are we still awake?"

"Time flies when you're having fun!" Gray smiled, a slight chuckle turning into a yawn.

Ethan smiled and got up, taking my hand. "Let's all go to bed. Tomorrow morning we should go out to get acai bowls and go around Los Angeles."

They all nodded, saying they were down between yawns and stretching to get up.

We all went up to the house, draping our beach towels over the railings of the deck.

Jules and Dylan ran up to their room, giggles emitting behind the closed door.

Alice was so tired as she started to walk to the room, Grayson sweeped her up and carried her. Her head softly laid on Graysons chest.

Ethan and I went up to the room and changed before laying down in our bed, the white sheets wrapping up to our torsos.

I leaned my head into Ethans chest, his heady mix intoxicating me.

He traced small patterns onto my back, creating a wave of feelings to wash over me.

I had so much love for him. So much care for him.

I glanced up into his eyes, they were still broken. Despite this amazing trip, his eyes still showed his pain.

Then again, mine did too.

I feel nothing is going to put the pieces back together. I'm going to forever be broken and no matter how much fun I have, it's never going to matter.

I looked up at the ceiling fan as my eyes filled to the brim.

I looked back into his eyes before he leaned down, pressing his forehead on mine. Our slow breaths against eachothers lips.

"Autumn." He breathed out, his eyes glossing over, "I think I'm falling in love with you." Ethan whispered, his eyes slightly shutting as a tear slipped from the corner.

I softly wiped the tear away, "Me too." I whispered back, my lips softly connecting to his.

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