The party was an absolute blur. I met kings and queens of other realms, like Svartleheim, home of the Dwarves. After meeting the ones that had moved into Boatem I knew exactly how to communicate with them in both English and Dwarfish, much to their delight. The Elves were, well, Elves. Uptight and graceful. At least the Light Elves were. All I have to say about the Dark Elves is they and Thor got along very well.
Speaking of Thor, he decided to introduce me to his favorite drink, Mead.
"What is this?" I asked hesitantly, looking down at the sloshing brown liquid.
"Happiness in a flask. Cmon, trust me." Thor said, a mischievous grin on his face. I raised a brow at it before cautiously taking a sip.
I immediately gaged, almost dropping the goat horn. Thor erupted into deep laughter.
"Try again. Trust me." He chuckled. I glared at him. Closing my eyes, I took another sip. This time it was bearable, even nearing on sweet. My eyes went wide and I took a deeper drink. Thor laughed even harder, pulling it back slightly.
"Not so fast, Sis. Believe me, I made that mistake my first time and got drunk way too fast. Almost took Sif's head off. Pretty bad first impression." He said, his voice slowly growing distant. I could already feel a slight happy buzz in my limbs.
"Ay, Creed! Come try some of this!" I yelled across the room at Creed, who was talking to a group of Dryads. He nodded to me, and turned away from the Dryads with a wink. I rolled my eyes, but smiled.
Creed jogged up to me, and before I could say anything he had grabbed a horn and emptied it. Thor slapped his back and they cracked up.
"So your travels. Tell me about them." Thor said to us.
"I almost killed her." Creed said, putting his hands behind his head. I snorted.
"Not even close." I countered. Creed rolled his eyes with a warm smile.
"Girl you were half dead in the sand while I didn't even have a scratch on me." He said. Thor put his hand up.
"Why did you try to kill my sister?" He asked.
"A simple misunderstanding, nothing more, nothing less." Creed answered with a shrug.
"After that we went to Terra Prime for some reason. Was it to talk to The Creator?" I said. Creed nodded.
"Yeah, that was a bad idea... after that we went to Murn with The Creator to escape Kai. Which was also a bad idea. The Hunter found us." He said. Thor visible shuttered, absentmindedly rubbing a scar on his neck that went down into his shirt. We were quiet for a few moments.
"We went to Olympus to escape him, also because we thought Zeus had given me this Rift. He almost killed me on sight, which now that I know the whole dynamic between Asgard and them makes complete sense. After he got over his initial anger he actually invited us to have dinner with him and Hera. After that we, well, we came here." I said. Thor took that in for a minute, scratching his beard.
"To be completely honest with you two... I love war, but I never wanted to fight Olympus. Hercules was a good friend of mine." Thor said. I smiled slightly.
"Olympus doesn't want to fight anymore either." I said. A relived look crossed his face.
"Father will be relieved to hear that." He said.
Suddenly the shrill, piercing cry of a goat horn being blown pierced the air. We whirled around. I drew my gun, Thor his hammer, and Creed pulled a saber from his cane.
With a lightning strike a group of twelve people appeared in front of Odin.
"Hope we aren't interrupting something important." Zeus said.
. . .
Odin leaned on his spear, staring down Zeus, who hand his arms folded. The tension was as thick as syrup.
Suddenly and unexpectedly, Zeus, King of Olympus, bowed respectfully.
"I apologize for the intrusion, All-Father. I wanted to come here myself to bring this to you myself." He said, pulling a small branch out of his toga. Odin took it and chuckled.
"I never expected it to be Olympus to be the one to extend the Olive Branch to Asgard." He
"I didn't think the Aesir ever would." Zeus replied. They stood in silence for a few moments as the entire room held their breaths to see their choice.
"Welcome to Asgard my old friend. It's been far too long." Odin said, embracing the other god. Zeus had at least two feet on him.
The room erupted into cheers at the reformation of the alliance.
I watched as Hera split off from the other Olympians and walked towards me.
"Did you find your father, dear?" She asked me. I nodded and pointed to Odin. She looked back and forth between us before laughing.
"I don't know how..." She trailed off, looking at someone behind me.
"Hera." Frigg said.
"Frigg." She responded. They embraced after a moment.
"That war was pointless. I've missed you." Hera said. I turned as Thor put his hand on my shoulder.
"Did you know about this?" He asked. I shook my head, in shock.
"I had no idea. I knew Zeus wanted peace. He wanted me to help with that. But I didn't expect him to actually come himself." I said. He nodded, looking to my side. His brow furrowed.
"One moment please." He grumbled, walking away. Hercules stood across the room, arms folded.
Reunions rang around me as the Olympians, Asgardians, and Vanir met with friends they had lost contact with during the war. I leaned against the table, watching. The tension was still thick, which was understandable. They had just spent the past four thousand years at war with each other.
"Yo! Gem! I need to talk to you!" Creed yelled at me a few minutes later. He stood at the balcony, a serious expression on his face. I frowned and joined him, holding my flask. He leaned on the rail, looking out into space.
"What do you think of Asgard?" He asked me. I smiled.
"Home. It's the first place that's ever felt like home to me." I said. He nodded sadly.
"Tomorrow we're gonna have to leave. We have some... unfinished business." Creed said. I looked at him sharply.
"You mean YOU have unfinished business." I said. He shook his head.
"Gem, it's been three months since you got that Rift on Nova. Shits getting crazy." Creed sighed. My eyes went wide. It had been less than a week! How?
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him. He leaned towards me.
"Ragnarök. I can't shake the feeling that it's almost here. Multiple of the events to start it have already happened." He whispered.
"Fimblewinter has begun. Fenrir and Jormangander are stirring. And there's rumors. Rumors that a revolution is coming to overthrow Neptune. Their favorite subjects just escaped from all mapped universes, ands it's been shaking up unrest. And then there's you..." He said.
"What about me?" I pressed.
"There's another prophecy unique to the Trollge Entity Community. It talks about two daughters of gods, one of Asgard and one of Olympus. The child of Olympus was to travel the multiverse and incite rebellion while the child of Olympus would hunt down The Watcher. You're the child of Asgard." Creed explained. I took that in for a moment.
"Who's the daughter of Olympus?" I asked.
"No one knows yet. My best guess? Cleo. But she doesn't have the air. So in that case I have no idea." He said.
"What else is happening that you haven't told me about?" I demanded. He looked down.
"The Watchers have three members of their head council. Your friend Pearl recently got in an argument with the third. She had no idea who it was, of course. The fight quickly escalated, and before anyone knew what was happening he was lying dead on the floor. Pearl fled the shop and is the #1 target for assassination in the Multiverse. And the son of Zeus, Apollo, has been kidnapped. Multiple attempts of a coup have been attempted in both Olympus and Valhalla. Both parties remain unseen." Creed explained, looking extremely tired. My shoulders sagged.
"How long did you suspect who I was?" I asked hollowly. He winced.
"Basically since right after I almost killed you." He said. I put my head on the rail, sighing.
"I'm sorry, Creed. I can't help you. It's been fun, genuinely. But I found my home. This is where I belong. I can't come with you." I said, numb. He nodded and stood up straight.
"I'm not gonna force you. But consider it." He said, walking back into the party. I watched him go for a minute, not able to help but feel like I was missing out on something big.
. . .
The rest of the party flew by in a blur. I was finally able to meet the other Olympians, like Artemis, Apollo's twin sister. The only notable part was how anxious she seemed. Probably because Apollo had been kidnapped.
After a few rounds of drinks almost all tensions had faded. I had refrained from more Mead once my head had started buzzing slightly. Thor and Hercules were competing to see who could drink more Mead. And by the looks of it Thor was winning by the skin of his teeth.
I tried to fade into the background, and was surprisingly successful. I managed to stay under the radar for the rest of the night.
A lot later, most of the gods had passed out. Of course, Thor was the first. Odin, Zeus, and Thrúd were the only ones still awake, but only Thrúd was sober.
"Hey, Aunt Gem! Creed told me to give this to you." Thrúd said, jogging up to me.
It was some kind of whistle. A note was taped to it:
I've left by the time you get this. I know you may not want to come, but if you change your mind give this a blow. You'd be surprised at how fast I'll get there.
See you in The Multiverse,
-Xcreed07/Troll Face
I nodded my thanks to Thrúd and turned to walk back to my room. Once I got there I pulled off my dress and climbed into a night gown. I flopped into bed, sighing.
My head buzzed, thoughts running through my head like an uncontrollable river. I wanted to stay in Asgard. But I also wanted to wander. The mental conflict felt like it was ripping my head apart.
Groaning, I pulled the blankets over me and shut my eyes. But it was a long time before sleep found me.
. . .
The sound of a raven squawking woke me up. I squeezed my eyes shut, wanting nothing more than to just sleep through the rest of the day.
Huggin cawed again, hopping onto my head. I groaned, sitting up. The raven cawed in surprise hand hopped down onto my stomach. I smiled slightly, stroking his feathers. He cooed before curling up into my lap.
I sighed, looking out of the window and absentmindedly petting Huggin. I could see the jaws of the statue of Fenrir slowly opening, basking Asgard and Valhalla in the light of our star.
Something in the corner caught my eye. It was a clothing stand, holding a simple outfit: Camouflage cargo pants, a leather belt with a holster strapped to it, a black tang top, and a leather duster that reached my shins. The clothes I had gotten to go into Terra Prime.
I sat staring at the stand, my mind conflicted. After a few minutes I came to a decision.
. . .
I ran down the halls, pulling a bag onto my back. The edges of my duster flapped behind me. Huggin flapped after me, cawing with excitement and sensing an adventure.
Servants shouted and ducked to the side before I ran into them.
"Gem! Where are you going?!" I heard Thor boom from behind me.
"I'm following Creed!" I yelled over my shoulder. I heard him curse and what sounded like a tank rolling down the hall as he ran after me. I didn't stop.
He caught up to me surprisingly quickly. He grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face him.
"Wait! I need to talk to you." Thor grunted. I was practically running in place, I was so eager to hit the road.
Thor pulled a pen and a fur shoulder pad from his belt. He strapped the pad onto me quickly.
"That should help you get down faster. It's an eagle skin. Should provide you with wings on command." He explained. I smiled my thanks at him.
"What does the pen do?" I asked, looking at it warily.
"A weapon forged by the best Dwarven blacksmiths in Svarleheim. It's a weapon to rival even Mjölnir." Thor said confidently. I took it and put it in my pocket.
"...thanks." I said, confused. It was a pen.
Before I knew what was happening Thor had wrapped me in a massive bear hug.
"Come back anytime. This is your home." He said.
"Alright... can't... breath..." I gasped. He had squeezed the air out of me. He dropped me with a laugh. I returned the hug, just not as tight as his.
"I'll come back. Whenever I can." I said with a smile. He nodded.
"Now get out of here before I change my mind." Thor grunted after a moment. I laughed and kept running down the hall.
I saw a massive window with no glass. And I got an idea.
I willed the wings into existence, and was surprised at how quickly they appeared.
I lept off the edge without hesitation, unfolding the raven wings to glide. Huggin soared next to me.
The cold wind bit at my face as I shot down. The air rushed by with a scream. I could see Valhalla swiftly rush up to meet me like an old friend.
I whooped at the feeling of sheer freedom flying gave. I swooped around, barely feeling the G-Forces over my pure joy. I felt almost high on the feeling.
I glided over the river, running my hand through it. The cold was a welcome feeling, almost amazing. The people of Valhalla cheered and clapped as I blasted by them. I waved, a massive grin plastered across my face. Best gift ever.
I followed the river, heading back to the podium with Odins rune. I could see footprints leading up to it. Creed.
Then something knocked me from the sky.
. . .
I slammed into a tree with a sickening crunch. My vision went fuzzy, and I could taste blood in my mouth. A tall man walked towards me, steam coming out of his pig nose.
Pig nose?
Techno dragged something behind him.
"You'd be surprised at how hard it is to get in here. Unfortunately for him, Heimdall tried to stop me." Techno said and threw the limp body of the god of foresight at my feet.
Under a strange feeling, I put my hands on my chest. Heat rippled up, and I could see my torn up and broken body healing as Techno slowly walked towards me with his axe swinging side to side. Like it was hungry for blood.
After a moment I stood shakily, much to the pig hybrids surprise.
I pulled the pen out and pointed it at him.
"Behold! The weapon as powerful as Thor's hammer! The pen!" I said with false bravado. Techno snorted, not responding.
With a sudden lunge, Techno swung his axe at my head. By pure reflex I lifted my arms to block it. I shut my eyes and waited for death.
The sound of metal on metal rang across Valhalla. I opened my eyes and gasped.
The pen had been replaced by a long iron sword which glowed with silver light. Techno stumbled back, chuckling.
"Now we can have fun." He chuckled darkly. He swung again, this time upper hand. I blocked. The sheer force of his blow made my right arm go completely numb. Growling, I switched to my left hand.
"I'm not scared of you." I said, putting as much force and confidence as I possibly could into my words.
"Then you'd be the first." Techno boomed, swinging again. The blow left my other arm numb as well and it forced me to drop my sword. Techno was on me quick, kicking me down. I fell with a grunt.
"I must say, Gem..." Techno said, crouching down. "I am deeply unimpressed. I guess I'll kill you now and move on with my life. Anything you want to say?"
"Go to hell." I spat. His brow furrowed as he rose his axe for the killing blow.
Then I raised Creeds whistle to my lips and blew as hard as I could.
. . .
I blew. The resounding whistle sounded more like the inhuman roar of a Trollge Entity. The trees around us bent at the shockwave of it. Snow was blasted into the air, falling anew. And somehow Techno remained standing, completely unmoved and emotionless.
"What was that supposed to do? Knock me over? It feels like you just hit me with a handkerchief." He said.
I stood slowly, raising my fists. I spat a wad of blood to the side.
"I can do this all day." I rasped over the burning pain in my stomach and ribs. Techno chuckled.
"You'll die braver than most." He said, swinging again. I ducked to the side, ramming my fist into his side.
Techno growled with frustration, whipping his metal arm at me. I ducked, grabbing onto it and swinging myself onto his back.
Techno roared, trying to reach me as I pummeled the back of his neck.
He suddenly lept backwards, falling onto his back. It felt like 2,000 tons had just fallen on me.
He jumped up as quickly as he fell, leaving me gasping for breath in a small hole. Appendages on his robot arm unfolded, forming the barrel of some kind of cannon. Red energy glowed inside as he pointed it at my head.
"I grow tired of you. We end this little dance now." He said. I lifted my arms reflexively as a beam of red energy shot out of his arm.
My ears went numb. I could faintly feel myself falling before slamming into the ground again. I tried to sit up, but something in my back gave way with a snap. I cried out and fell again.
"How the hell did you survive that? That blast killed millions of gods. Your a mortal." Techno demanded.
I cried out again as I pulled my arm to put it on my back. I could feel that burning feeling again as it healed. But it wasn't fast enough. Techno wasn't walking anymore. He clearly wanted to kill me already.
But right before he could finally finish the job, a blue steak of light slammed into him.
. . .
(Creed pov)
I saw Gem lying broken on the ground, and Techno standing over her with his axe.
I blasted towards him, slamming into his side and knocking him over. I drew the saber from my cane and pointed it at him.
Techno sat up, chuckling when he saw me.
"Don't touch him!" Gem cried weakly from the ground.
"Hush, child. The adults are talking now. Hello, Creed." Techno said.
"Stay away from her. I don't want to fight you." I boomed.
"Oh, that's too bad. Because I would like nothing more. Did you forget, who I am?" Techno said, slowly standing to his full height. A sudden feeling of panic overtook me. I stepped back, my initial bravado fleeing me.
"Now this should be fun. I've been wanting a rematch for a few thousand years." Techno said, slowly walking towards me and dragging his axe in the snow behind him.
Then another body caught my eye. Heimdall. He was still alive, but barely.
I rolled under Technos swing, grabbing a goat horn from his belt. I took a deep breath and blew.
The alarm blasted around Valhalla. Techno narrowed his eyes at me.
"Good move. However, The Gods-" Techno started, but roared in pain suddenly.
Gem had somehow gotten up and driven a sword of purple energy into his right shoulder. She rolled off of him, ripping the metal arm off as she went. It fell to the ground with a loud, echoing thud.
Everything fell into shocked silence. I looked at Gem in amazement.
"...How?" I asked slowly. She raised her arms, purple lightning crackling around them. A smile overtook her.
"My magic is back."
. . .
"Over the past billion years, only Odin had managed to defeat me. He cut off my arm. The same one you just did." Techno snarled. I felt surprisingly calm. Cocky, even.
"Like father like daughter. Cmon, is that the best you can do? For someone who makes even Creed afraid,
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