Chapter 29: Classroom

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"Can you hear me?"



"Huh?" You looked up from the table you were sleeping on, and saw a really... familiar... brunette. "C'mon sleepy head, you can't expect us to wait forever!" She spoke up, and held onto her bag.

"Wha-?" You questioned and look around you. It was inside a classroom, and there's only you with... her... "Wait... um... Where am I?" You asked as the girl chuckles. "You're inside the classroom of course silly! Anyway, it's getting late!" The brunette warned again, and you just nods.

You picked up your bag, and made your way out of the classroom with her, and finally, you guys got downstairs. "Ah... is everything alright?" Another familiar voice got close to you two, and you looked at the face clearly.

"Huh... everything is... fine..." You stated as you gripped tighter to your bag. 'Who is these people? Why do they seem so familiar? Am I forgetting something?' You questioned yourself as you look around again.

"(Y/N)" One of the girl called out and lend you a hand. "Do you remember what happened?" She asked as I shook my head hesitantly. "Aww, bummer... but that's alright (Y/N)! Cause I still love you!" She smiled as you gave her an disgusted look.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here this late?" You turned around to see your best friend, the friend who has survived the Killing Game with you. "Shuichi!" You called out, and the girls stayed silent.

"Hm, that's fine (Y/N), if you wanted to come with him instead... but becareful of what you choose... because... just try to remember what happened to us, (Y/N)"

You looked at the strangers with a weird eye, and then turned your back to head to you you've known, Shuichi. "I knew that you'd pick me, (Y/N)!" Shuichi smiled as you did back. "Of course you'd choose me... who'd ever choose to be with some corpses?"


"Wah!!" You were panicked while getting up. Your surroundings was chairs... and tables... yeah, a classroom... wait... I fell asleep during the lesson?! You checked the clock and it was school's over time.

"Ah, (Y/N), you're up already?" You could hear Shuichi's voice, and you turn around. "Shuichi! Wh-Why didn't you wake me up?!" You asked as Shuichi lowered his head. "Well... you were sleeping so peaceful... so I didn't want to disturb you... (Y/N)..." Shuichi said as you sighed.

"Well... that's fine... but please wake me up the next time, I don't want to have trouble during ms. Kei's class..." You stated as Shuichi nods. Besides... I usually have nightmares these days... who were the people in my dream? You asked yourself while packing your bag, and prepared to leave.

You both headed back to the dorms, and you changed your clothes to go to the part-time job of yours. When you enter, the tiredness fills your body. Yeah, you haven't been sleeping properly these days... all because of those darn nightmares...

It was always included Shuichi too.

You helped Rantaro while inside your shift, and talked a bit with Damian. He reminded you about the date as you just nods. You were going to give him the muffins, but apparently those are expired, so you'll have to think of something else...

Maybe you shouldn't bring any gifts at all... that may be rude if he did bring you some but you didn't get him any, but there's nothing you could do about it anyway.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" Damian asked as you looked at him. "Ah, yes, I'm... fine..." You said and begin to get distracted from him again. "Maybe we shouldn't hang out tomorrow, I think that you should get some rest." Damian said as you shook your head.

"It's fine, Dami, I was just thinking about something..." You said as Damian flinched for a bit. "D-Dami?" He stuttered as you realize your mistake. "A-Ah, sorry! I was um..." You trails off and the boy just chuckles. "It's alright, (Y/N), I... I usually have some nicknames too..." Damian said as you sighs. "Oh... well, anyway, so... tomorrow and... I'll just be at the front gate, alright?" You said as Damian nodded, and you just continues your work.

"Hm... you look off, (Y/N), aren't you excited about your date?" Rantaro asked as you just palmed your face to the counter. "I told you, he just wanted to show me around, Rantaro!" You said as the avocado boy just nods.

"I'm impressed how you could trust people so easily, (Y/N)" Rantaro said as you lifted your head up to face him. "What?" "I mean, you could easily hang out with a guy you barely know?" Rantaro pointed out as I looked back down at the floor.

He has a point... actually...

"Well, maybe I could ask Shuichi to come with." I said and Rantaro looked at me with a confused eye. "Aww, I was hoping that you'd choose me!~" He whined, and you just rolled your eyes.

"Like you said, I can't go with someone I barely know." You said as Rantaro think of a response. "Well, Shuichi didn't know you that long either!" He said as you rolled your eyes. "I've known him for 3 weeks and 5 days, so that counts." You said and Rantaro sighs in defeat.

"Ok... but next time choose me, alright?~" Rantaro asked as I just face palmed. "Fine..." You said and begin to clean the counter, and prepare to end your shift.

After everything, you started to walk home with Shuichi, and I was being paranoid about the killings again. "Is everything... alright?" Shuichi asked as I shook my head. "No, everything is fine..." You stated and you both continued walking.

"Dorm sweet dorm!" You cheered as soon you got back to the dormitories, and Shuichi just stayed silent. "I'm quite used to us living together, haha..." You chuckled as Shuichi look at you weirdly. "You mean that you're not used to it before?" He asked with that creepy smile of his at you just panicked.

"Um! Of course not! Uh... I... I was just..." You tried to reason, but Shuichi just shook his head. "It's alright, (Y/N), I'm just glad that you're used to be with me... now..." Shuichi said as you flinched.

"Of course that's not it, Shuichi! Um... is there anyway I could apologize for that?" You asked as Shuchi's eye shined up. "Really? You'd... ok!" Shuichi smiled. "Just cancel that date with Damian... and go with me!" Shuichi said as your face get darkened.

"W-Wait... I can't do that!" You said as you rethink about it. "I-I was thinking about you can go with us! How does that sound?" You asked as Shuichi's eye seems to loose his own pupil...

"That might work too..." Shuichi's voice seems hesitant, and you just sighs in relief. Well, that didn't go quite well... but it's alright, I guess... You sighed and proceed to go to bath.

She didn't want to go alone with me, why? Why wouldn't she? He must've done something to her... I won't forgive him! Not anyone!


Words: 1202


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