Chapter 25: Preparation

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"Here you go (Y/N), I've done your nails!" Rantaro said as he gave me my hand back. You looked at the nails in amazement, and started to compliment it. "Oh my goshh!! Thanks Rantaro! It look so cute!!" You wheezed. But on the other hand, Tsumugi is just jealous of Rantaro being better than her.

"Hey, peasants!! What are you doing here?" And the Ultimate Supreme Leader started to join the party, as you look over to him. "Hey Kokichi!! Rantaro just did my nails! You showed the finger that has the simple but cute design.

"Mhm? You're lucky that I don't know how to do nails... cabbage." Kokichi pouted and put his hand behind his head. "Well, it's almost nighttime, so I guess we should all go back to our own room, haha..." You suggested as Rantaro nods.

But then... slowly everything turned into black, and you could see pink blood spatters almost everywhere. Rantaro, Tsumugi, Kokichi is gone... what happened...?  You looked around for any sign of life. "R-Rantaro? Kokichi? Anyone...?" You asked and stood up from the ground.

And then, 'lucky' for you, you found a guy, who's just standing there. Happiness got the best of you so you decided to run towards him. "H-Hey!" You called out as the guy turned his head to your direction. "Ah, (Y/N)...." It was no one else other than Shuichi Saihara.

"Shuichi!" You called again, and ran towards him. But then his confused face curled up into a creepy smile. You stopped, and took a step back. "Sh-Shuichi? Is everything...?" You asked as you took another step back. But suddenly, Shuichi ran towards you, and you noticed that he was holding a... knife...?!

Before you could even react-

"Wah!" You yelled and sat up from your bed. Looking besides you, there's your roommate, Shuichi. He was getting ready for school... reasonable, cause it's Monday anyway.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Shuichi asked as he looked at you with a frown. "A-Ah... it wasn't anything... actually... it was just a little nightmare." You said as Shuichi nodded. "A-Anyway, I think you should get ready, it's almost class time." Shuichi said as you nodded and get off your bed.

Changing yourself, you walked out of the bathroom and saw Shuichi standing there just to wait for you again. After taking your backpack, you headed out with him. The detective only stood in silent, but this time it doesn't make you feel... worried. It's a bit creepy.

You decided to not talk to the boy and looked around the school. There's now cameras at every corridor, and staircase, hallway, outside of the classrooms...

You two made it to class, and the classroom today is... awfully quiet... you don't know why, but you guess there's no one have the motivation to talk anymore. You took your seat... behind the empty table... now have placed with some flowers.

Beside you is still the flirty avocado guy, and you just wanted to ignore him for the meantime. You looked over to Shuichi's. He seems like he's focusing on something... you were just going to leave everyone alone for now.

"Ehem... as you all know, one of the student in our class... has passed away." Ms. Kei said as she slammed the books on the table. "But that doesn't have anything to do with me, so moving on from our class!" She said and took a chalk from the chalk box, and begin to scribble on the chalkboard.

The atmosphere of the classroom is surprisingly heavy today, and it has been make you feel... uncomfortable. You didn't even know when was the beginning of this, but you felt like you started to miss Milasa's existence by your side. Even though she has been off since Lamika's death, but you still wanted to talk to her.

But that was all over now, isn't it?

There's no longer any chance to talk to her, or Lamika. You couldn't just casually talk to Shuichi! He has been inside that Killing Game, and that's enough for him. You couldn't talk to Rantaro either, he wouldn't understand. You couldn't talk to Maki or Himiko, because the same as Shuichi...

But there is someone you could talk to... Maruchi... but he has been holding 2 deaths of a closed ones of his, so you didn't know if you should repeat that. You decided to shrug off the feelings, and move on.

Lunchtime came, and you just went to the cafeteria like any other day. But this time you've noticed that Maruchi isn't here. But you thought he was going to do those 'investigator things' and continued to eat your food in silent.


"H-Hey (Y/N)...?" Shuichi called as you nod, and looked at the boy. "Y-You've been pretty quiet... is something wrong?" He asked as you just shook your head. "I don't know... I just felt off... and um... it has been a weird day." You confessed and crossed your arms.

"A-Also... what I meant to ask is... I saw that checkered scarf inside your closet, i-is what Kokichi gave you?" Shuichi asked as you nods. "Yeah, it's what he gave m- wait, how did you know?" You asked as Shuichi scratches the back of his head. "O-Oh... I saw it briefly when you open the closet..." Shuichi said as you nodded.

"That make sense. And yes, that's what Kokichi gave me... I just doesn't wear it since the weather is quite hot." You explained as Shuichi nods.

"Nyeh... why is everyone feeling so down today?" A familiar magician walked to your and Shuichi's table, and same as the assassin. "There has been 2 deaths going on, how could it not be suspicious?" Maki crosses her arms as Himiko just sighed.

"Nyeh, I wish I could make everyone happy with my magic! But I'm out of mp..." Himiko whined as you just continued to eat your food. Soon enough, both of them took a seat. Himiko sat next to you and Maki sat next to Shuichi.

The day went off pretty normal, and you, Shuichi, Maki and Himiko walked back to class together. You were quite surprised how Korekiyo's sister didn't cone and talk to you again.



"Wh-What?" You turned around to see the Shingujis, rushing to you. Mainly Shisuta, but she was rushing to you with Korekiyo, so you have to count him in. "Hey (Y/N)! Have you seen this cameras?" She asked as she points to the camera on the hallway. "Uhh... yes?" "Well, I was just thinking it's a but annoying to have cameras, don't you think?" She asked as you just sighs.

"This is for school safety... so I guess it's fair to have cameras." You said as Shisuta nodded. "Well, it was Korekiyo's option, right?" She asked and shook Korekiyo's arm. "It... was never my option... it's Yonaga's..." Korekiyo replied in annoyance, and I just looked at them confusedly.

"Wait, why is it Korekiyo's option?" You asked as Shisuta just smiles. "He's a student council member of course!" She said as you mouthed an 'oh' and looked back at your friends.

"Well, nice talking to you Shisuta, but I really have to get back to class." You excused and took Shuichi's arm, and took him with you. Following is Maki and Himiko.

Shuichi didn't want you to let go of his arm, so he decided to stay silent, and lowers his hat to hide his blush. "Alright! Here we are!" You said as you let go of Shuichi's arm. "Anyway, let's get to our seats, shall we?" You asked as Shuichi nods. While that Maki and Himiko just did, so did you and Shuichi.

"Before our class begin, there's something that was for (Y/N) (L/N), can you come and take it? Also, if you wanted to contact your parents then just use you phone, why letter? Such an old fashion." Ms. Kei said annoyed as you just looked at her in confusion.

"Anyway, there's this letter, come and take it if you might, sheesh."


Words: 1358


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