Chapter 18: Investigation

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"Hey Shuichi? Have you seen Milasa around?" You asked as Shuichi shook his head. "I haven't... really seen her after Lamika... you know?" Shuichi said as you sighed.

"Anyway... I hope that they found out Kaede's killer... I mean... the injuries sounds bad..." You said as Shuichi nodded. "Anyway, do you want to ho somewhere to... y'know... let out all of this stress?" You asked as Shuichi nods.

But when you come out, you both saw Milasa, holding some... files, and flinched as soon as she saw you. "Oh! Milasa! We haven't seen you around! How's... everything?..." You trailed off when she turns away.

"It's none of your business, just leave me alone, I have things to do..." Milasa shut you down, and insert the key to her dorm quickly. "Milasa...? Why... are you doing this?" You stared at her dorm room and look back at Shuichi.

"W-Well... if she wants us to leave her alone, I think we should do so..." Shuichi suggested as I nod. And we continue to get downstairs to get to the cafeteria, maybe?

"(Y/N)! Shuichi! Right on time!" We could heard Maruchi's voice, and you both looked at the brunette. "Yes? Maruchi?" You asked as you noticed that he has some paper files too... "What are those Maru? I mean, I think that Milasa have those too..." You asked as Maruchi just sighs.

"Well, it's just... something related to the case of Kaede Akamatsu... well, I want to interview you guys, is that alright?" Maruchi asked as you nod. But Shuichi isn't quite alright with it, since he have to lie again. It's alright... just do like what you do inside the trial... everyone believes you, Shuichi...

Shuichi exhaled, and you both followed Maruchi. "Wait! When did you have the permission to do this?" You asked as the brunette flinched a bit. "M-My dad is a police... some sort of investigator too, haha..." Maruchi chuckled as you nods.

"Cool! What's his name?" "Can we not talk about this?" Maruchi snapped as you just decided to stop. "Anyway... take a seat... I'll just ask you some... easy questions..." Maruchi said as he open the interview room, and you both sat on a black chair.

"Well... this isn't exactly an 'interview' since I'm just as your age... but um... does the name 'Clair De Lune' reminds you of anything?" Maruchi asked as you and Shuichi flinched.

Even though Kaede didn't hang out with you much, you still learned some stuff from her.


"I cannot believe this is a Killing Game Kaede!" You whined as Kaede just sweat dropped. "Yeah... you seemed stressful, huh?" Kaede asked as you nods. "I'm scared that I'd get killed or something..." You complained as Kaede pat your head.

"Well... hey! My Pianist lab was just opened today! Maybe I could play the piano for you! Maybe it could help!" Kaede smiled as you stand up immediately. "Yay! Kaede plays the piano for meeee!!" You cheered as the girl chuckled.

You both walked to the Pianist's lab, and Kaede started to play the large piano... it's peaceful... and you just love how her fingers switched between the keys.

"Hey Kaede! That was amazing! May I ask which song is it?" You asked as you clasp your hand together. "W-Well... I'm not that amazing... but thanks..." Kaede blushed as she held her arm. "Oh, and the song is called Clair De Lune! And it have on these racks... you can hear it whenever you want!" Kaede said as she points to the music rack.

"Thanks Kaede! Clair De Lune, huh..." You muttered and smiles again. "Well, it'll be nighttime soon, goodnight Kaede!" You waved at the Pianist and went out of there.


"C-Clair De Lune you s-say?" You stutters, and put a hand on your chin. "Well... a friend used to play it for me." You said as Maruchi thinks about it. "Is it a good or bad memory?" He asked as you flinch again. "She passed away..." You answers as Maruchi nods again. "So... it's a she, huh... well, I guess there's nothing... suspicious... there... so um, moving on, what about you, Shuichi?" Maruchi asked as he points to the Detective.

"I've never heard of it." Shuichi answers bluntly as I just stares at him. Wait! He does know the song! Why... did he lie...?


After a long Class Trial, you decided to head back to your dorm... but you noticed that Shuichi doesn't... so you just follow him.

Atlas, he went to the Pianist's lab, and began to search for something. Curiosity killed the cat and you decided to jump out, and just asks him. "Hey Shuichi, what are you looking for?" You asked as Shuichi lowered his hat.

"There's a song Kaede said that I should listen to... and I think... that might leave me out of my stress..." Shuichi said as you nodded. "Well, you know, Kaede told me the same thing... and that song was Clair De Lune..." You smiled as Shuichi gasp.

"Y-You know it too?" "Yeah, duh, she played it for me!" You said, and pulled out a disc as the 'C' letter of the rack. "Ah, there... please don't be sad, alright? You have me here... you have us here... we're here to listen to your trouble, alright?" You said as you gave Shuichi the disc.



"Oh, of course, not even me listened to it, haha..." Maruchi said, and wrote something in his note. "Anyway... where have you guys been this morning?" Maruchi continues as Shuichi quickly chimes before you get to say anything. "Well, both me and (Y/N) stayed at the dorm... (Y/N) can prove that." Shuichi said as you flinched. What is wrong with him?

"Is that true, (Y/N)?" Maruchi asked as you slightly nod. "Oh well, I guess you two are clear... I'll see you again soon! And also... I'll talk to Milasa." The brunette announced as you both nod.

And after you both went to your dorm, you just suddenly yelled at Shuichi. "What was that? Why'd you lie about everything?!" You shouted as Shuichi just sat on his bed. "We have to get the best alibi... y'know... this is not a Class Trial." Shuichi said as you frowned.

"But you have no right to make up fake alibi! Or... maybe... you are...?" You trailed off as Shuichi got out of his bed. "You... You didn't think I killed Kaede... right?" Shuichi asked as you just stood in silent. "Wait! (Y/N)! You didn't think that I, would kill, right?" Shuichi asked as you only stayed silent.

"Wh-Why would you ever think like that? I-I was traumatized from that stupid Game, and you think that I'd kill?! And even Kaede?!" Shuichi yelled as you finally realized your mistake. "I-I'm sorry Shuichi... I was just overthinking..." You said, and came closer to the boy.

"Please don't be mad at me, alright Shuichi? I don't want to be alone..." You sobbed as you hug the boy tightly. "It's alright, (Y/N)... but just... don't think I'm a killer again, alright? It hurts... I just wanted to protect the both of us." Shuichi stated as you nod.

"Of course Shuichi, I promise!" You gave him a wide smile and he smiles back. Huh, gaining her trust is easier than I thought... "Well, let's just forget this happened... what about we read a book, alright?"


Lmao, you can now go mad at (Y/N) lol.

Words: 1260


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