Chapter 7

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Louis' POV

I couldn't stop pacing. After aout 59 SIT DOWN's from Harry, I finally sit. I felt so bad. What was Claire thinking? Is she crazy? I don't know what got into her, but Rose was in the ER. And it scared me. I fell asleep to nightmares of a bleeding, unconscious Rose.

I woke to someone shaking me. I open my eyes to see a nurse. I checked my watch. 3:12 in the morning. Rose had been unconscious for 4 hours.

"Uh, Mr. Tomlinson?" she asks me. I nod my head and sit up to find Harry gone.

"Ms. Styles has been asking for you." she says in a bored tone. I immediately jump up.

"Follow me, and watch out for wet floors." she cautions me and points to the yellow signs on the ground. But, of course, TOMS do you no good, and I fall on my arse. Great.

We get to Rose's room. I look at the fragile girl. She's pale, and her face in a twist of pain.

"Hi, Louis." she says, extremely weakly.

I walk over to her bedside and hold her hand.

"Hi, love." I say, never letting to of her hand. Her hair spread around her, like soft rays of sunset around the sun, that is weak and dying, only to be reborn the next morning, full of life and energy.

"I can go home, Louis, just a few bruised ribs." she says and try's to smile.

"That's good." I say and sigh, brushing a hair behind her ear. I was relived nothing bad had happened.

On the car ride home, we had Berny, our driver, take us home while we slept. When we got home, we all went straight to bed, even the girls, who always like to stay up late. I carried Rose, still asleep, (She was a very heavy sleeper, surprisingly.) into her room. I laid her down on her white duvet, and hunkered down next to her.

Still asleep, at 7:42 a.m., Rose started twitching and whimpering. Worried, I instantly envelop her in my arms, her head on my chest. She stopped. I smile at my girlfriend, and think that I didn't care if she had cancer, and was bald. (A/N: BALD IS BEAUTIFUL :)) I would always care for her, no matter the cost. She meant so much to me, and to Harry, I just couldn't let her get hurt again.

She meant too much to me, to Harry, besides, she was a special person. Claire could be jealous all she wanted, just because she will never be as pretty as Rose, or be with me, but she will, NEVER, EVER, again hurt her. That was a promise.

I must have fallen back asleep, because next thing I know, Rose is stirring in my arms.

"Hey, sleeping beauty." she says to me.

"Have you been watching me sleep?" I ask her.

She blushes, "Yes, and your face looks like a bunny when you sleep."

"Ok, first, my face doesn't look like a bunny when I sleep, and second, I didn't know I had a stalker." I say to her and wiggle my eyebrows.

She laughs. "Okay, I was thinking, maybe we should go to the water park?" she says and give me adorable green eyes.

"Ug, fine, but we have to convince the others." I say to her.

"Already there." she says and winks.

"Guys!" she yells to the outside of the door. The door caves in and in come tumbling Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Liam, along with Carly, Trisha, Dawn, and Hayley.

"Let's go, Lou, get up!" Niall said

"Niall!" Dawn says. "But seriously get your lazy butts up and lets hit the water park!" and with that everyone scattered to their rooms to get dressed. I scrambled up to my room. I took a shower in record time, didn't bother my hair, and ran to my drawer full with swim trunks. I pick up white trunks, with dark green stripes going diagonally across the side from the hip to the knee.

I pull them on and grab a dark green shirt. I walk out of the hall to find everyone waiting downstairs looking at me.

"What, I broke my record time for the shower!" I exclaim.

"Whatever, just get the keys, I'm driving." says Harry, giving me a 'what took you so long' look.

When we arrive at the water park, it's pretty much deserted but brand new. I remember it's a Thursday. We pull in, get our tickets, and discover this is not only a water park, but it's also a theme park. We get the park hopper tickets, and our lockers and stroll right in.

Thanks to the desertedness, no fans, no screaming, and no lines. Perfect.

We walk to our lockers to drop off our clothes, and explore the park. Rose we drop dead beautiful in a white and green bikini that matched my shorts, but I noticed little cuts on my hips and in her stomach area. I would have to ask Harry later.

"Lets go on that!" Rose screams, pointing to a very large, tall, almost vertical slide.

"Whoever doesn't do it, has to lick everyone else's toes!" she says and races up the ramp, next to the stairs. I follow, and everyone else, not wanting to lick any toes, smartly follows.

After that encounter, Harry wanted to do it over and over again. We told him no, and moved on. After riding literally every ride in the park, we decided to take a break, eat, then check out the theme park half of the park.

Now Niall, being Niall, packed half of a BBQ. Burgers, frozen lemonade, potato chips (fries), and potato salad.

"Geez Nialler, how can you eat that much?" Carly asked Niall, as he was on his 3rd burger.

"I am a machine that devours food." he says simply. We all shake our heads, and check out the theme park.

After about 25 rides, Harry's girly screams, and a couple of burgers later, it was 6:55, and we decided to go home. When we arrive at home, I pull Harry into the elevator, and press the gym button.

"What's up, Lou?" Harry asks me.

"Harry, what's wrong with Rose?" I ask him as the elevator lifts upwards.

"What do you mean?" he asks me, with a fake look of confusion.

"Harry, maybe the others didn't notice, but I did, Rose has small cuts all over her hips and stomach, what happened to her?" I ask him as the doors open to the fancy gym.

"Umm, nothing, uh, ya." he says as he intently focuses on a 10 pound weight.

"Harry, I know you're lying, but I need to know, Harry!" I say to him.

"When Rose was little, she used to get bullied for having a twin brother, which made me think about how humans can be so horrid, anyway, I always stood up for her, but as we got into middle school, I started leaving her alone, thinking that the bullying had stopped." he said. "But it hadn't."

"A boy named Andre taunted her, and it wasn't about me anymore." he continued "He called her a whore and a slut (A/N sorry for bad language but it gave it drama. *le faint ;)) and other horrible names, but that's not all." he continued

"He would slip on these brass knuckles with little spikes and he and his cronies would play a "game" called Punch The Rose and punch her untill she blacked out, then leave her." he said slowly "I didn't know about it untill her best friend, Katie, found her and brought her to me." he wipes a tear from his eye

"And fom that day forward, I promised she would never be hurt again, which is why I'm so protective of her." he finishes.

I was in incredible shock and anger. Why would someone do that to ROSE, TO ROSE, WHO WOULD NEVER HURT A FLY! I shook my head and gave Harry a hug and a pat on the back.

"I'm sorry Harry." I say. He nods and says "It's ok, it feels better to tell someone who cares for her as much as I do." he says and smiles.

I smile at him as we decent back to the ground floor.

I knew Rose was Broken, but I was helping her Heal.


See what I did there? Haha hope you enjoyed this chappie, I enjoyed writing it. LOL=Lots Of Love ~Belle ;) xoxo

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