Chapter 8

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I locked the door to my room then sat up against it with my knees to my chest. My eyes were overflowing with tears but I don't know why.

I guess when Bakugo yelled it kind of reminded me of my dad about to hit me.

I pulled my sweatshirt sleeve over my hand and wiped my cheeks dry only for them to get soaked again the river of tears flowing from my eyes.

I pulled my phone out from my pocket and put my headphones on to distract myself from reality.

I stood up and unlocked the door to my room. I reached for the knob but retracted my hand and walked over to sit on my bed.

Why does life have to be so hard? Why can't I just live a peaceful life as a future hero in training?

I spread bits of lightning between my fingers pulling like you would saltwater taffy.

Someone knocked on my door and I quickly wipe the tears from my face, "Hey Denki, are you doing ok? Can I come in?" Mina asked her voice muffled by the wood

I got up and opened the door to let her in, then I walked back to my spot on my bed.

Mina closed the door behind her, "Are you doing ok you seemed a little shaken," She asked with a concerned tone of voice

"I'm fine," I said lying through my teeth, "Are you sure, don't lie to me,"


"It's just that when Bakugo screams like that it sounds like my dad yelling at me," I said

"Oh, do you want to talk about what he would say to you" she asked climbing onto the bed next to me

"Maybe," I said starting to cry again, "Maybe in a little bit,"

"So, you and Shinso huh?" She said changing the subject

I started blushing a dark crimson red, "Don't think I didn't see those small hickies forming on your neck," She said, "and not to mention the fact he was holding onto your hips like no tomorrow,"

Mina took my blushing face into her hands and wiped the remaining tears away, "The Bakusquad will always be here for you. You know that right?" She pulled me into a tight hug

I nodded and returned the gesture, "Shinso looked pretty worried when you left the room," She said releasing me from the hug, "Are you ready to come back out or do you want to chill here for a bit,"

"Actually can you get Shinso for me please," I asked

Mina then got the most mischievous grin on her face and left the room yelling, "HEY SHINSO YOUR BOYFRIEND WANT TO 'TALK' WITH YOU,"

Dammit Mina.

Shinso walked in room and locked the door a few seconds after she yelled that with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his sweatpants, "So we're dating now are we?" He asked flopping down next to me

I buried my head into my hands, "No, Mina just yelled that to annoy me,"

He lifted my head with is pointer finger and pressed a small kiss on my lips, "Aww, your blushing," He said in that same seductive tone of voice

I wrapped my arms around his neck, "Oh, be quiet," I said smashing our lips together again

"Hitoshi Shinso, will you be my boyfriend," I asked pulling away, "I'd be honored," He said

"Yo, you two making out in there," Kirishima said, "Cause the Deku squad is here,"

"Yeah yeah, we'll be out in a second," I responded standing up

Shinso stood up as well and towered over me pulling me in for one last kiss before we exited the room together.

(594 words)

Who is she doing two chapters in one day *flips hair* Lol I'm sorry I'm so cringy

-your bored author, ace <3

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