Chapter 18

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Once we came inside for like the 90th time, everyone sat down and I threw a blanket over my shoulders ready for whoever was up next.

"Sick, my turn next," Kirishima yelled out

"Ok, I can do a perfect impression of Bakugo," He said then cleared out his throat

He took a deep breath then yelled, "DAMMIT DEKU YOU DAMN NERD,"

"Holy crap that was good," Todoroki said

I looked over at Bakugo and was blushing, but you would never be able to see it unless you were looking for it.

"OooooooOOOOOOOooohhhh, Does someone have a cruuuusssssshhhhhh," I teased

He looked over and threatened me by creating small sparks with his hands, I shrunk back into my blanket in fear afraid he would actually do something, and he laughed.

I wonder where Shinso is

"I believe it's my turn," Iida said

"Go ahead man," Sero said gesturing with his hand

Iida walked up to the front of the room and dislocated his wrist before putting it back into place, "Ok, now that's just weird," Shinso said emerging from the kitchen

Ah, that's where. My boyfriend sat next to my pulling me into his lap, "What were you doing in there bub," I asked

"Hmm? Nothing you should be concerned about," He said burying his head into the crook of my neck

"We should play, seven minutes in heaven," Uraraka suggested

Sero giggled then scanned the room, "That's the best idea ever,"

"I'll get the bottle," Tsu said getting up

"Are you sure this is a good idea," Iida asked making his signature karate chop hands

"Abso-fucking-lutly," Mina said positioning her hands on her hips

We formed a circle and Midorya placed an empty glass bottle in the center.

"Mkay, here are the rules, go into the closet and seven minutes later someone will yank open the door displaying whatever you're doing to the whole room without warning, get it got it good!" Sero said

"I'll go first," Midorya volunteered, spinning the bottle

It landed on Todoroki, and they both stood up and walked into the coat closet on the other side of the room.

(338 words)

Hey, hey, hey, I started a new story. It's a killugon college au fic so if you like Hunter x Hunter I recommend you check it out :)

-your author that's currently working on three books at once, ace<3

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