houses and buildings flashed by like a blur,
and hoseok found himself curled up in the seat
right next to jeongguk, who was behind the
wheel with his hair sticking up in all directions.
hoseok felt bad that he disturbed the younger
man's slumber, but the latter kept assuring him
with a smile that no, not at all, i was wide awake.
so here's both of them, in the car while the
city was still asleep. hoseok sure did ask for
jeongguk to take him somewhere far. he
expected the local park or the coffee shop just
around the block, but when he slid down the
window to get some fresh air, his nostrils were
suddenly hit by salty air.
with wide eyes, he turned to jeongguk, who
just smiled in delight without even looking
at him. the ocean? hoseok thought as he
shifted in his seat.
and wow, it had been such a long time since
he saw the beautiful view of the ocean. although
it was quite different from the one he used
to go, this brought back a lot of good memories.
jeongguk stopped the car while humming
under his breath, taking the keys out of the
ignition and pocketing it.
"well?" jeongguk smiled. "somewhere far,
"this is so cliche," hoseok shook his head, laughing.
"but it's okay. you're cliche. you've always been
kind of cliche."
that made jeongguk pout, but the charming
smile returned again. "come on, what are we
waiting for, hyung?"
the sand felt soft beneath hoseok's sneakers
and the chilly wind blew in sync with the waves
tossing. the sun was peeking just a little bit
from the horizon, still fully asleep to be awake.
the sky was a mix of colors that was pleasant
to the eyes, although the dark tone was more
dominant than the bright ones. there was no
one here except for them, and hoseok found
everything so peaceful while he walked with
jeongguk by his side.
"so. . ." jeongguk trailed off; his hair dancing with
the wind while hands hidden in his pockets. "am i
allowed to ask what happened?"
hoseok drew a deep breath, before sighing. "it's
a long story."
jeongguk paused in his tracks, showing a little
smile. "i can listen."
hoseok hesitated for a moment as he looked back
at the boy, but when jeongguk tugged his sleeve,
it's almost terrifying that he found himself following along.
// i honestly don't know where i'm going with this one, but thank you so much for the love and support! x
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