Chapter 3

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I was tires as fuck after the fucking work. I swear i felt my body give up. "Ahh my head aches!" Mew exclaimed rubbing his head. I sighed and knowingly put my head on his shoulders. "Wow, you haven't done this in a long time. Are you planning a murder on me?" "No! Can't i love my brother?" I said in annoyance. He laughed and patted my hair slowly. We entered the mansion which was fully dark and i almost tripped on one of peach's toys.

Korn slowly switched the lights on and the sight we saw made us smile. "It was so cute. With peach on Gulf's chest sleeping and Nanon sleeping with his head on gulf. "Okay, it's our turn". Mew said with a smile. Korn picked peach carefully in his arms while Mew did the same with gulf and stared at Nanon who was looking so adorable sleeping.

I realised that he actually sleeps with a pout? How adorable can someone be? I thought. "Damn he is light!" I whispered at the weight of his.

Taking him upstairs i put him on the bed lightly and covered him with the blanket. My eyes fell upon his red pouty lips which made me wonder how he would taste- "Ohm! Stop! Don't be stupid!" I told myself shaking my head in hopes of getting the thoughts out of my head. After z changing i slid beside him and stared at the ceiling with a small smile.

Waking up to a beautiful, handsome face is everyone's dreams and my one came true with Nanon on me. He was hugging me by my waist with his face nuzzled in my neck. I felt my heart beat faster at the close proximity. If it was someone else I would have kicked he/she away but i couldn't gather to do that to the guy beside me. He literally looked so adorable that i wanted to squish those bread cheeks which were squishing due to his style of sleeping.

I tried to move his hands slowly from my waist which i finally was successful at without disturbing his sleep after a whole 30 minutes and went to change as i had early work in the office and had few meetings with clients too. I showered quickly and came out of the bathroom to see Nanon alredy awake and was sitting on his bed clueless due to the sleep which was still hadn't gone and i swear it was hard for me to squish him.

"Good morning". He said in his sleepy voice and nodded back at him. I casually was rummaging through my closet when a scream almost bursted my eardrums. I turned back in anger and found him standing there with a horrified expression and looking at me. "What? Why the fuck did you shout?"

I asked in anger and he whimpered. "Why- why are you only in your towels? Why are you half naked?" He asked stuttering. I looked down and looked up at him with a smirk.

"Why? You don't like it?" I asked taking steps towards him and he kept walking back. "N-No I- m-mean you-" By the time he could finish his back thumped on the wall behind and i caged him between me with my arms around each of his side walls. "Wh-What a-are you d-doing?" I laughed at his scared expression and looked directly in his eyes. "Shh!"

I whispered putting my index finger over his soft lips. "I'm your soon to be husband. You have the right to see me like this. Or do you plane something else?" I asked with a smirk.

His eyes widened at the realisation of my words and quickly moved away from me. "What? No- no I have nothing to say! I'll- I'll get showered!" He said and ran inside the washroom with his towel and i couldn't stop laughing at his tactics.
After, a minute I changed quickly and went downstairs.

"Good morning! Food is ready!" Gulf said with a smile. "Mhm! Good morning babe". Mew said pecking Gulf's lips and kissing Peache's head who giggled back at him with pasta sauce around her face making her look cuter. I smiled. "Good morning, Ohm!" Korn said as he sat beside me with a huge file. "What is this?" I asked with a frown. "This is Mr. Nattawin's project deal. He gave me this with a pen drive which is at your office. I have looked though this and i think off and you will have a really good partnership if you accept and shake your hands with him".

I nodded. "I'll look into this in office!" He nodded. "Uncle Non!" Peach shouted in the direction of staircase and i saw him coming downstairs and internally laughed at his still red cheeks. "Aii! Are you okay? Why are your cheeks red?" Gulf asked in concern. "Uh- yeah I'm fine". "Tell me if you need something okay?" He nodded and sat down beside me with an awkward look.

"Phi Ohm is it okay for me to go out and buy books and stationaries for my college?" "You can go at 2 clock and come home by 4. Cause we are going for a wedding shopping today!" Gulf said with excitement. "Then I won't disturb you. I can go by my own-" "Jimmy be with him today. "What? You-" "I'll be okay! Just be with him". He nodded and mouthed me to be safe which i nodded.

"Good morning!" I heard a voice and my eyes met a pair of boys sitting in the conference room with a smiles on their faces. "Ah! Mile?" "He smiled and nodded. "Yes, how are you?" He asked with a smile and i smiled back at him. "He is Apo Nattawin, my best friend". He said pointing at the man who was sitting beside him and i could t help but notice the perfection the guy was. "Hello, nice to meet you Mr. Nattawin!" He smiled. "Nice to to meet you too Mr. Pawat. And please call me Apo!"

I nodded and turned back at Korn was holding the file. "So? Mr. Nattawin? Why do you want to be partners with our company?" "Well, your company is number one in Bangkok and i have seen the way you manage your work. I heard many things about your kind and understanding behaviour towards employees. Even though i know you are a mafia i want to get into partnership with you honestly for my betterment".

I was shocked at his boldness but calmly nodded back. "I'll let you know about it by tomorrow after talking to off. He is also a equally part of this company along with me. He is like the second CEO after me. He nodded and smiled. "Ofc, i know about Mr. Off! You can let me know and we three can set a meeting".

"What do you think?" I sighed and sat down. " I think we should accept the deal. It will profit us and so will it help them. Our company deals with fashion and theirs too. It will make a great partnership and profit". Korn nodded. "I agree".


Mile PhakPhum ✨

* CEO of PhakPhum and co.
* Partnership with off and ohm

* Best friend - Apo
* Mew and Ohm's older cousin
* 31

Apo Nattawin ✨

* Partner with mile
* Best friend - Mile
* 27

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