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Louis POV~

I woke up next to the person who gave me the best time ever last night.

We saw a movie and drive around town, went late night swimming, and got ice cream at 2 am.

I don't how to explain my relationship with Scarlet, I mean, I want to cuddle with her for hours and whisper sweet nothings into her ear. But at the same time I want to fuck her so hard we literally combust into flames. But we promised we would wait. And I am going to hold true to my promise.

I don't know what my heart is doing. I have never felt this way. She just makes me want to be something different than I was back home.

I will not repeat previous events. I want to keep this girl as long as I can. If my fucked up past will let me.

I feel her shift a little bit and remember she is still in the room. She is literally the definition of perfect.

Her red hair makes even the brightest red apples dull. Her personality so booming and open, but yet she has wall put up so she's mysterious and pulls you in. Her body makes my breath hitch in my throat whenever I see it; she has curves in all the right places. She's thin, but not too thin. Her body fits with mine like puzzle pieces.

When her lips collide with mine, I swear all negative feelings I've ever felt disappear. She makes me so happy.

I get out of the bed and get dressed thinking about making Scarlet breakfast.

Scarlet's POV~

I wake up next to nothing. Where is Louis? I get up and instantly feel cold air hit my feet.

What the fuck?

Why were my socks off? I walk into the bathroom and start with turning on the water.

I turn on a small light in the corner of the bathroom and turn off the overhead light. I shower in the dark for 2 reasons: 1. It is very comfortable. 2. I don't like looking at my body.

As I am cleaning my hair and body, I have glimpses of my dream last night. Thirsty much?

He is very attractive. He has a great personality. He is smart. He is the perfect boy. Why makes me so special to get him?

My dream was quite uncalled for. I hope it wasn't obvious what I was dreaming last night speaking the person co-starring in my dream, was in the same bed as me.

I step out of the shower and dry off, then slip into the clothes I prepared for myself.

When I start walking down stairs I am greeted with a smell of bacon and eggs.

"Mornin' love." Louis chirped.

"Hey babe." say while planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Woah, what's got you in a good mood? Your dream?" he says.

Oh my god? How did he know?

"Just kidding love! But what's got you peppy?" He buds in before I make a mistake and spill.

"Oh nothing! I'm just glad I get to see my parents! They are coming back tomorrow!" I practically scream.

"Oh yeah! Well I'm happy for you!" He says enthusiastically.

We eat our breakfast and decide on going to school today because we need the attendance and we get out early so its simple.

When we walk into the school I get a few odd glaces, but mostly smiles.

Before Louis and I reach our locker, I get a text.


She's alive, but barely hanging on.

Tell Louis about your "innocent" past, or else I can make poor little Mikaylah 6 ft. under.



What kind of sick joke is this? No one knows she's 'missing' they all think its just a cliche Mikaylah move.

I hadn't noticed I stopped in my tracks until Louis pulls me from my fucked up thoughts.

"Baby? You doin' alright?" he asks, noticing my frazzled expression.

"Yeah! Just fine! I need to use the rest room! See you in class!" I speed walk away from Louis to the bathroom and try to collect my thoughts before I return.

I can cover this up right? Yeah I can. This shit happens all the time.

Wait, no it doesn't.

Ugh. Why does it have to go like this? Fucking Carma is hitting me hard right now.

My phone beeps twice signalling 2 messages.

Erin :-):

Bitch where are you

Class is starting


Do me a favor and keep this secret or else more than Louis will know about sweet Scarlet and her issues.


Well, great day so far. Not.

I walk into class and sit in between Erin and Louis.

Louis had became very close to my friends, we all get along fairly well. And I'm happy about that.

"Well Scarlet great you could take time out and join us." my 1st block teacher scowls.

I swear, he has a bug up his ass 24/7 when it comes to me.

As class is coming to a close I walk with Erin and Louis to our Lockers. When we reach our destination, Erin stops me.

"Have you seen Mikaylah? I haven't seen her in forever." Erin asks.

"Uh no. Ha I haven't seen her." I half ass answer her question.

"Okay what's going on? You are acting really weird." she asks. This time, more demanding.

"I uh. Uhm. I think I'm pregnant?" I say,

What the fuck did I just say.


"Erin I have to go, I'll talk to you later." I grab Louis' arm and drag him to class.

The rest of the day goes by slow. But fortunately, Its coming to a close. When all is said and done, I drag Louis to the car and we drive to my house.

I am going to get this over with now. Might as well.

"Babe, what's got you in a hurry?" Louis asks look overly concerned.

"Louis, we need to talk." I say.

"Alright love, shoot."

"Well, I'm not as innocent as I let on, things have happened in the past four years none of us are proud of.

He shook his head, so I continued.

"When I first met Mikaylah everything was going well, but then things got difficult. I had to pull many people down, to get next to Mikaylah in the social ladder. And that included some things.

I will not tell him about the terrible things I did. I will say pussy girl things and leave out the gory details.

"I became heavy anorexic. I wanted to be Mikaylah. Hell, I still do. I would go weeks with just having maybe some bread. I became so Ill that I couldn't really be active at all, I had a scholarship for tennis coming my way, but I became too frail, and weak, that I couldn't even play properly. I also spread rumors about multiple people that were popular so they would go down, and I would go up. There was this one girl, Alexandria. I said she would sit on this hidden corner on the weekend and would show anyone a good time, for free. it seems harmless right? Just a rumor? No! She fucking killed herself after she lost all her friends. Who fucking does that to a human?"

I couldn't speak anymore. I was breaking down in front of the boy who had already made me so happy, and we weren't even dating.

"Babe, no one has a perfect past. We all make mistakes. Everyone. He said while hugging me.

"Thank you. Louis, you really are my savior." I say.

I get another text almost sending me over the edge.


You didn't tell the whole truth Scar, and your not the only one who's going to pay.

This isn't over.




Hey well I am pulling a Pretty little liars theme. I hope you all don't mind. And I introduced a new Character ;-) She will have a big part in this story. So anyways yeah I'll update soonnn


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