Chapter 1

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nodded her head. She'd been a life-saver this past year. 

Suddenly, Lisa walked in. 

"Hey." I said. "Just getting a hammer." I picked one up.

Millie didn't try and hide her glare. She and Lisa were...not fans of one another. 

"So I just ran into Sid." Lisa stated. "Did you almost shoot a yorkie?"

"Well, they are annoying dogs." Millie said. She was lying. She has a yorkie at her house.

"Technically." I nodded my head. 

"What's going on?" Lisa asked.

"Nothing." I shrugged my shoulders. 

"How come I don't believe you?"

"Because there's no trust between the two of you." Millie pointed out. "He feels the need to hide stuff, you question his every thought....not exactly a--"

"Mills." I said. "We talked about this."

"Yeah, I know. We should be peaceful for the kids' sake." Millie rolled her eyes, walking out of the garage.

"I don't like her in my house, Dean." Lisa stated.

"The kids lost enough. I wasn't taking her away from them too." I said. "Anyway, I, uh...I don't know. I just got this...Spidey-sense."

At the mention of Spiderman, Wyatt clapped his hands.

"Okay. Are you hunting something?" Lisa asked.

"Wy, come on." Millie called out.

"Bye, Daddy." Wyatt said.

"Bye, little man." I waved. "Honestly? Uh, at first I thought that I was but I'm pretty sure that I got worked up over nothing. It's know, it happens."

"Are you sure?" Lisa asked.

"I'll tell you what. Because, you know, I have an OCD thing about this why don't, uh, why don't you and Ben go to the movies?" I suggested. "Hit the Cheesecake Factory, hang out with the teeming masses and I'll do one last sweep just to be a hundred percent."

"And the other kids?"

"Millie's taking them to her house." I said. 

"Okay." Lisa nodded. "Be careful."

I scoffed. "Careful is my middle name."

Lisa smiled and leaned up to kiss me. Her lips brushed mine and I pulled away. She gave my arm a squeeze. She had a look in her eye. A 'we're making progress' look like getting over Saige was just a small road bump in the relationship we had.


I dug past my old leather jacket to find dad's journal. I spotted Si's in there too. 

The light above me flickered. I grabbed a gun with rock salt bullets loaded into it. 

I turned around. A thump echoed from across the garage. 

I moved closer, checking on the other side of the car. When I turned back, I came face to face with Azazel. Yellow eyes. 

"Hiya, Dean. Look what the apocalypse shook loose." He smiled. "You have fun sniffing that trail? Because I sure had fun batting you around."

"You can't be." I said.

"Oh, sure, I can."


"Yeah, kiddo. The big daddy brought your pal Cas back, right? So why not me? Add a little spice to all that sugar."

I shot at him, but nothing happened.

"Really?" Azazel asked. "After all we've been through together?" He grabbed my by the throat. "You know, you got a great little life here. A pretty lady. Real understanding. Hell of a kid. And how do you keep your lawn so green? I mean, come on, Dean. You've never been what I'd call brainy but did you really think you were gonna get to keep all of this? You had to know that we were coming for you sometime, pal." He threw me to the floor. "You can't outrun your past." He wrapped a hand around my throat again.

There was a sharp pain in my chest then it all went dark.

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