"Why are you so mesmerized by that girl Stefan are you still in love with her?" Tania yelled in my face
"I'm not in love with her, but I have love for her that's the mother of my son" I explain
"This the same bitch you beat damn near everyday & allowed ya friends to rape her, I don't fucking get it"
"It's nothing fa ya to get she has nothing to do with ya"
She started yelled some shit, but I ignored her & went in the bathroom. I'm not going to lie I dogged Karin out in every way possible & I still love her. It wasn't my fault tho I didn't know I had a disorder. The shit I did I didn't even know I did it until she tried to explain to me, but I wasn't hearing the shits. I have split personality disorder it's under control now even taking therapy. I'm trying to reach out to Karin so I can apologize to her & my son. I missed so much of his life dealing with this mental illness.
"Stefan I swear on our unborn child I hate you" Tania yelled
Snatching the door open I grabbed her by the neck & said
"Watch ya fucking mouth don't put shit on my child"
Q Pov.....
"Damn ya shit wet & tight asf" I groaned
Gripping her waist as I slid in & out of her it was taking everything in a nigga not to bust quick. Her pussy had a good as grip on my dick. Speeding up my pace she arched her back & dug her nails in my skin. Mid stroke my phone rung I ignored it & finished stroking her.
"Q I-I-I'm gonna c-cum" she moaned
"Let that shit go"
Couple more strokes she released her juices & moaned loudly. Bending down I kissed her lips & pulled out nutting on the sheets.
"Damn" I chuckled
She covered her face trying to be shy & shit
"You ain't gotta be shy boo"
"I can't believe we did that" she whined
"You mines now it was gonna happen sooner or later"
She groaned I got up & went in the bathroom to turn on the shower. I was spending the day with my jr & Ken was going to hang with her best friend. Ken & I ain't exclusive but when it came down to it she was my shawty & I was her boo. What we got going on don't need to be explained to nobody.
Khalil Pov....
"It's been a minute since I came to see ya, just know I ain't forgot about ya boy. Everything smooth I opened up a lounge & it's racking in big money. Mo & I trying fa a baby I know if ya would have met y'all would be homies both y'all mf's crazy as hell. You know I like my women a little crazy it's all good tho I love mo that's my mf'n baby. Damn man I can't believe they really took ya away from us Key. Rin doing good her & Don together & expecting a baby girl. Shit crazy key my lil sis out her on her grown woman shit. Found out my pops wasn't really my pops fr, I got two more sista's & two brotha's from my real pops. My og really shook our world up oh & my pops who raised me wasn't dead. We been through some shit I had a break down man shit was wild. Just wanted to touch bases with ya man I'll be back to visit ya. I love ya boy"
Getting up I dusted my pants off Key was a good friend of mine. He went to the army after we thought my pops was gone he was over there a good two years before he got killed. That's what made me turn to the streets fr I lost all hope after he died man.
"Khalil is that you?"
Looking up I see his sista Lauren I haven't saw her since the funeral.
"Yea wassup Lauren"
"Hey how you been?" She asked hugging me
"I been good what about you how's ya moms?"
"No complaints, & she's okay taking things one day at a time"
"Gotta stop thru there y'all still at the same spot?"
"Yea, & my moms will be happy to see you, she just asked about you & Don a couple weeks ago"
"Give me ya number"
Digging in my pocket I gave her my phone so she can lock her number in.
"Donny my man you're back"
"Yea, I'm coming to buy the chain, bracelet, & ring I ask ya to hold for me"
"I got ya come on over here while I get ya together"
Walking over to the other side of the store I blew out a breath. Today was the day I was gonna ask Rin to be my wife. A nigga is nervous as shit because if she denied me as her husband I'll be hurt as fuck no lie. Rin was a different bread from the bitches I dealt with in the past. Waiting on E I pulled my phone out & checked my messages. I had a few from Izzy, a few from Rin, & Pops texting them all back I slipped my phone back in my pocket.
"Here ya are my friend" E said coming back
"Preciate it how much I owe ya?"
"Fa you my friend 4300"
Pulling my wallet out I swiped my debit card & placed it back in my wallet. My next stop was going to pick up Izzy from the airport & then link with Khalil. A nigga is eagerly waiting on the arrival of my daughter I want to hold her & give her the world.
"You all set my friend come back & see me soon"
"Fasho preciate ya E"
Janelle Pov....
"I didn't want to tell you this until after you have my god baby, but I'm moving to Cali with Eli in a couple months"
"Aww I'm so happy for you babes" Rin said
"Thank you, I don't want to leave, but I know it's gonna be a lot of opportunities for me out there"
"You should I love Atlanta, but I think it's time to uproot & change the scenery. I wanna move to Texas or either Oklahoma just to give my family a fresh start Atlanta hold a lot of my pain & I don't wanna be reminded of that every time"
"That's understandable have you & Don talked about it?"
"No not yet maybe after Reign is born we can start looking. I've already been looking at building spaces for the both of us & Oklahoma has a lot of nice spaces."
"I think you should go for it honestly I'm so proud & happy for you. You've been through a lot & deserves nothing but happiness"
Rin emotional ass started crying & I hugged her she winced out in pain.
"You okay boo?"
"She's kicking I hope she's coming out soon"
"She will, & I can't wait"
She smiled & then Kai came in the kitchen she stopped & said.
"Eww mommy you pee"
Looking down we both saw that her water broke she started to panic.
"Oh my god she's really coming" she cries
"I'm going to load up the car so we can go"
Kennedi Pov.....
Spending time with my besties seem like it's been forever since the three of us spent time together. We did do a Group FaceTime last week & I told Lori how I didn't like that she was being distant. She broke down & told us what's been going on with her & I felt bad. So now we're all good & hopefully it stays that way because I love both my girls.
"People are talking about you & Q" Ava said
"People always speaking on what they don't know about" I shrugged
"Y'all an item aren't y'all?" Lori asked
"We just vibing end of conversation"
"Oop" Ava said laughing
These are my best friends & all somethings I don't necessarily have to tell them everything. Q & I aren't an item or none of that we just know where we stand period. As far as people talking I just let them because at the end of the day people always believing the hype.
"Anyway, I was thinking that we can have a girls night out tonight"
"Yess I need to go out a bitch been stressed" Lori day twerking in the seat
We all laughed & Ava spoke up & said
"Yeah a girls night sound like the move where we going?"
"The Lounge"
"Ain't that where Q & his friends hang out at?" Lori asked
"Yea so we going to the lounge because my brotha is the owner & he gives me whatever I want" I smirked
"Free liquor all night"
Laughing at them I pulled my phone out & uploaded the picture of me. Ava took it earlier before we left out to go shopping.
@Pretty.Ken: If I we're you I'd adore me too 🖤🤍
Later That Night....
"Don't fucking touch me Adonis" I huffed
"Mean ass girl"
"It's yo fault I'm pregnant if you would have just left me alone" I cried
"We both was wildin in the sheets damn near every night it's yo fault too"
"Weak ass pull out game"
"Ain't nobody tell ya to have bomb ass pussy I'm shooting that shit up every chance I get" he said seriously
Before I could respond the hospital door came open in came the doctor. I was hoping it was time to push because I'm tired of being pregnant & sharing my body.
"Ms. Ellis how you feeling?"
"Tired of being pregnant"
The doctor laughed lightly, but I didn't see shit funny I was being serious. She came over & checked to see if I was dilated any further.
"You're still at 3 centimeters"
"Oh my god" I whined
"Are you in any pain?"
"Good I'll be back in a little while"
"Hey doc is alright if she take a walk?" Don asked
"That's a good idea it will help"
"Come on Don yo daughter gots to come up outta here right now"
Slowly sitting up in the bed I swung my feet over the bed. I was ready to walk this baby outta me.
Q Pov....
"But mommy me & Da-Da big chilling" Jr whined
Alyssa & I laughed my boy was something else, but you couldn't help but love him. Jr & I spent most of the day together took him to LEGO land, the park, grabbed some ice cream & went to the mall.
"I know, but it's time to go"
"I stay with Da-da"
"You can stay the night next time I'll take ya to the Zoo aight" I say
"Okay" he pouted
"Go get ya stuff jr"
He got down off the couch & went ran upstairs I wanted to have a conversation with Alyssa.
"I'm kicking it with this female I'm telling ya this because she's gonna be around. No she ain't met jr yet I wanted to talk to ya about it first"
"You talking about the chick ya post on instagram she pretty & I appreciate that" she smiled
"Preciate that Aly & yea"
Before she could say anything Jr came back down with his bag & shoes on. I scooped him up and ruffled his curls & said
"I love ya Jr I'll pick ya up tomorrow & we can big chill aight"
"Aight Da-da" he smiled
"Be good for ya momma"
He nodded his head & I walked them to the car I got Jr settled in the back seat. Told her to text me when her & jr made it home. Going back in the house I shut the door & uploaded the picture I took of Jr.
@BigBandz.Q: Lil Q but his name hold big weight
Emory hospital at 1:35am
"Stop crying boo it's okay" I say rubbing my hands down my face
"B-b-but this baby has a penis I wanted my princess" she cries
"We can make a princess"
I bent down & kissed her forehead & said
"Thank you for giving me my first son but it ain't gone be my last I need at least three more. I appreciate ya fa loving my daughter as if she was your own. I appreciate ya fa giving my rude ass a chance. I admire the way you love & care fa others & how ya always put people before you. I want to spoil ya & show ya the world. I want to be ya lover, homie, & best friend. I wasn't the man I am now when ya first met me. You got a nigga like me going soft, but only fa you & our kids. I love you & wanna know if ya want to make me the most luckiest man in the world & become Mrs. Brewster" I asked while kneeling down on one knee.
"Yassss talk ya shit patchy" nelle semi-yelled
Rin was in full blown tears she had Kash cradled in one arm & her other hand covering her face.
"Stop crying mommas" I say getting up going to wipe her face
"Bihh you better tell my patchy yes tf"
Chuckling I stood there waiting fa her to answer me a nigga was sweating & nervous. She nodded her head & said
"Yes I'll marry you"
Leaning over careful not to smush my son I shared a deep & passionate kiss with my fiancé. I slipped the ring on her finger.
"Let me see the ring & congratulations on the engagement & my nephew "
I gently took my son out her arms & held him with a smile on my face.
"Wassup lil man it's ya daddy I can't wait until ya older so I can teach you & ya big brotha everything I know about how to treat a woman. & be a man"
Planting a kiss on his small forehead I went sat down & enjoyed this bonding time with my lil one.
Karin engagement ring
Kashmir Domani Brewster
Born: June 3rd 2017
6pds 12 oz
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