Chapter Nineteen: Two Weeks Later (Christmas Eve)

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"Have a holly
Jolly Christmas"

"Paw-paw we hungry" Kai pouted

"Alright paw-paw will cook what ya wanna eat?"

"Pancakes" Jax yelled

"Good bacon daddy like the nasty kind oh eggs & grits" she say making a face

"Okay paw-paw got this" I laughed

They climbed up in the bed while I got up & went downstairs to start cooking their breakfast. I've been getting to know my grandkids they are something else. Kai is bossy & demanding & Jax is more laid back I love them both. As I was about to start breakfast the phone rung I grabbed it & answered it.


"Hi daddy, the kids not giving you a hard time are they?"

"Hey baby girl & nah just making them breakfast"

"Kai wants real bacon & Jax want pancakes huh?"


"Don don't eat pork so we always eating turkey bacon" she laughed

"I'm so many words she explained, what you doing up this early?"

"Couldn't really sleep"

"Something ya wanna talk about?"

"No not really, I was just calling to check up on the kids I'll see y'all later"

"Okay love you"

"Love you too"

Khalil Pov....
Ignoring Moo call for the third time this morning I rubbed my hand down my face & let out a breath. Not going to lie I've been kind of distant with everybody. Moms death is still fresh to me & it's really fucking me up. I haven't talked to nobody about how I feel about it because, I ain't trying to seem like a weak ass nigga. My phone rung again then a message came thru I read the message after the phone stopped ringing.

From: Moo 💜💉
Really Khalil if you didn't wanna go that's all you had to say 🙄

Replying to her message I got up & slipped on my hoodie & my Nike boots. Grabbing my phone I stuffed it in my hoodie & went downstairs. Grabbing the keys I walked out the front door locking it I hit the locks to my truck. Getting in I started the engine & connected my phone to the Bluetooth. I went thru my music & turned on Tupac Dear Moma & pulled off rapping along to it.

"When I was young me and my mama had beef
Seventeen years old kicked out on the streets
Though back at the time, I never thought I'd see her face
Ain't a woman alive that could take my mama's place
Suspended from school, and scared to go home, I was a fool
With the big boys, breaking all the rules
I shed tears with my baby sister
Over the years we was poorer than the other little kids
And even though we had different daddy's, the same drama
When things went wrong we'd blame mama
I reminisce on the stress I caused, it was hell
Hugging on my mama from a jail cell
And who'd think in elementary?
Hey! I see the penitentiary, one day
And running from the police, that's right
Mama catch me, put a whooping to my backside"

Adonis Pov....
"You better not be cheating on my niece I'll beat yo ass myself" auntie v said

Shaking my head I ran my hands down my face & sighed.

"Nah auntie it ain't even what she thinking"

"So what is it why you been distant yeah she called me up crying & she's pregnant too" she said hitting me

"Yea we was gonna tell everybody today, but I found a house & I've been getting it ready so I could surprise her & the kids & the shop was busy. I'm not cheating on her" I sighed

"A house I'm proud of y'all congratulations on the baby too"

"Preciate auntie"

My phone buzzed pulling it out my pocket I looked at the messaged & chuckled. Standing up I went over & gave auntie a hug & told her I'll see her later. As I walked out the door & got in my car I called Rin. She picked up on the 3rd ring

"Thank you, hello?"

"Where ya at & who that nigga in the background?"

"Out & nobody"

"Make me fuck you up Karin" I gritted

"Whatever can you bring me some chick fa la?"

"Have that nigga to bring it"

"Bet" she said then hung up the phone she got me all fucked with this little so called attitude she got.

"I've been calling him all morning & he haven't answered I think something is wrong." I say to my sister

"I'm sure everything is fine you worrying for nothing"

"No this isn't like him at all I know something is wrong I can feel it"

"Okay look we can call his sister & she if he's with her"

Grabbing my phone I called Rin she picked up on the third ring.

"Hey Mo" she said

"Hey Rin is Khalil with you I've been calling him all morning he hasn't answered"

"No I've been calling too but no answer either"

"I think something is wrong can you go over there & see"

"Actually that's where I'm headed now I'll call & let you know"

"Okay thanks so much"

"No problem"

Ending the call I put the phone down & sighed my sista came & wrapped her arms around me.

"He's gonna be fine"

"This just isn't like Khalil at all I'm worried about him & his sister haven't talked to him either"

I shouldn't have flew out to Cali I should have just stayed in Atlanta with Khalil. If something happens to him I wouldn't forgive myself.

Karin Pov....
Walking in stepping over broken glass I frowned I scanned downstairs & didn't see anybody. Going upstairs that's when I heard loud crying opening the door to his bedroom I saw him. He was on the bed with a bottle of Hennessy in his hand.

"Boobie what did you do?" I asked

"What ya doing here?" He slurred

"To check on you mo & I was worried about you"

"Fa what a nigga good moo" he chuckled

"No you're not what's going on with ya?"

"She fucking left me, moms left & this shit hurting me moo. She fucked up my whole world, how the fuck she gonna just be so selfish like that. I don't deserve to feel this fucking pain. Everybody think I'm good just because I say I'm good, I'm not okay my head fucked up my heart hurting. I'm strong fa everybody who the hell gonna be strong fa me huh?" He rambled

Going over to the bed I sat down I took the bottle & sat it in the floor. He pulled me in a hug & cried on my shoulders I couldn't do nothing, but be here for my brotha.

"I'm not a weak ass nigga moo"

"I know"

"Moo don't leave me promise ya ain't going nowhere"

"I'm not going nowhere boobie I promise"

We sat there for a good ten minutes in silence before I told him to get in the shower. I was gonna clean up all the broken glass before we leave I was gonna take him to my house. I've never seen him like this boobie was always the rock of the family. He's so hurt & broken now I feel so selfish for always putting him in a situation that he didn't have to be in.

Janelle Pov.....
Pulled up to the address Don asked me to meet him at. I don't know who house this was, but the outside was nice. Killing my engine I got out & hit the locks Don was leaning up against his car smoking a blunt. Going over to where he was standing he put the blunt out & said

"Preciate ya fa pulling up"

"Mhm whatever who house is this?" I asked

"Me & Rin house"

"I know you lying you bought my best friend a house?"

He chuckled & said

"Yea I bought us a house"

"Ooo you got money" I say being ratchet

"You a trip, help me with this one last thing before everybody get here"

"Who is everybody?"

He looked at me like the normal people laughing I followed behind him in the house. He gave me a tour & I must say he got some taste she's gonna love it.

"Best friend gonna love this house"

"Shid I hope so she been in my ass lately"

"As she should you got her fucked up patchy"

"Why ya even go there?"

"Hurt ya lil feelings?"

"Nah I'm good monkey"

We went back & forth joking around before we went in the living room.

"So what's this one last thing you need help with?"

"Can ya go over these papers I wanna make sure everything is good"

"What kind of papers?"

"I want Rin to adopt Kairi as her daughta"

"Aww you gone make me shed a few tears" I laughed

Later that Night
Khalil Pov....
"Who house is this?" Moo asked

"One of Don people I think" I say lying

She huffed & rolled her eyes chuckling I kilt the engine. This was one of Don Christmas gifts to Rin & the kids my lil sis deserves this & much more.

"I'm hungry come on & they food better be good or I'm calling auntie v" she ranted

"You just ate two hours ago"

"So I'm hungry again" she shrugged

Walking up to the door with Rin on the side of me I rung the doorbell. Two minutes later the door opened revealing Don, Jax, & Kai.

"Welcome home mommy" they both yelled

"Welcome home mommas merry Christmas" Don said gently pulling Rin into a hug

"Don you didn't" she say covering her mouth

"Yea I did this is our home now"

They shared a kiss making Jax & Kai giggle I scooped them both up & went in the house.

"Y'all missed ya uncle?" I asked them

"Mhm, but we had fun at paw-paw house him cook" Kai giggled

"And he didn't take my pancakes"

"Dang straight like that nephew?"

"It's all love" he say

Laughing at nephew I put him down & he took off running. I went dapped up my pops & spoke to everybody else.

"Wassup lil sis?" I say to Ken

"Hey big bro" she smiled

"You been alright?"

"Not really, but I'm managing"

Without saying anything else I hugged her & said

"You ain't gotta go thru this shit alone big bro a call away"

"Thank you"

"You ain't gotta thank me that's what I'm here for"

Karin Pov....
Don really bought us a house to make home I'm really standing here in full blown tears. This baby is really making me emotional.

"Congratulations baby girl" my dad said

"Thanks daddy"

He pulled me into a hug & kissed my forehead then maw-maw came over & hugged me.

"I'm so proud of y'all both"

"Thank you maw-maw"

"You welcome baby I'm so proud of the man he's becoming because of you & those kids. I've never seen him so passionate about nothing or nobody

"Thank you that honestly means a lot to me"

We talked for awhile before Don pulled me off to the side.

"You still got ya funky ass attitude?"

"I never had one" I rolled my eyes

Truth was I never had an attitude I just wanted to be up under Don. This baby has me clingy as hell I just know it's gonna be a girl & she's gonna be a daddy's girl.

"Chill with that shit fa I have ya rolling at something else"

"Do it" I challenged

He gripped me by the neck & stuck his hands in my pants. He was really turning me on right now I just wanted him to bend me over & have his way with me.

Ken Pov....
"Y'all nasty I'm telling daddy" I teased

"I don't know what you talking about" rin denied

Don just shook his head chuckling

"It's time to open up one gift everybody come in the living room" auntie v said

We all went in the living room & sat down accept for rin she passed out gifts to everybody. I opened mines & yelled

"I'm gonna be an auntie"

"Wait who pregnant?" Janelle said

"Open ya gift monkey" Don said

Janelle stuck up the middle finger & opened her gift she squealed & went hugged Rin.

"Don & I are having a baby" rin announces

Everybody was excited about rin being pregnant & Don asked Rin to be kai's legal guardian which made her burst into fits of tears. This wasn't how I was expected to spend my Christmas Eve, but I'm glad I came over to be with my family.

(Ken Gift)

(Janelle gift)

(Khalil gift)

(Karin Dad Gift)

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