Chapter Four: Three Years Later

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"Hey that's mines, mommy uncle boo took my pancake" Jax huffed

"Leave my baby food alone Khalil"

"Dang nephew unc can't have none?"

"I don't play bout my pancakes" he says

My brotha & I burst out laughing because it was true my baby loves his pancakes. That's all I would eat when I was pregnant with him pancakes & grits.

"Jax hurry up & finish eating so we can get going"

"Okay mommy"

Maneuvering around the kitchen I made my brotha a plate of food. Khalil came over last night after work to get a plate. His ass got full & ended up staying the night because he didn't want to drive back home.

"Boobie you still coming by the shop?"

"12:30 right?"

"Yes & please don't be late"

"I'm not I got ya moo"

"Bring me some food too since you always eating all mines"

"Yo shit be good asf"

"You need a girlfriend Khalil"

Washing the dirty dishes I went upstairs to finish getting dressed. I have a busy day ahead of me interviews & clients back to back. Hopefully these interviews go well because I'm in need of some more help. After piecing the rest of my outfit I snapped a little a picture then grabbed my things. Heading back down stairs I was about to call Jax, but I heard him giggled with my brotha.

"I'm ready mommy"

"You look so handsome let me take your picture"

He stood against the wall & posed I posted his picture along with mines on Instagram.

@K.Rose: That smile 💙

@K.Rose: Brown Skin Beauty

After posting our pictures I slipped my phone in my purse.

"Come on Jax, boobie make sure you lock my door"

"Aight, be good nephew love ya"

"Love you too uncle boo"

We've been busy since we opened the shop this morning. No complaints just a lot of happy paying customers. I managed to do three heads & two interviews & have two more interviews. I have filled most of the stylists positions just needed to fill two more spots on the upper lever & I'll be fully staffed.

"Hey Boss lady ya looking good" Q say licking his lips

"Preciate Q, & what I tell you about flirting with me?"

"My fault boss lady I can't help it" he chuckled

Shaking my head, I went over to Renzo station he didn't have any clients at the moment. Renzo was one of the first barbers I hired when I first opened. We've become like brotha & sista our bond is tight just as if he was my blood brotha.

"So I'm interviewing two potential candidates to fill the last two spots up here so you won't be swamped with all the clients" I say

"Preciate that, the last two you hired is pretty chill" he say

"Good, you know we all family around here I want you to show them the ropes. You are the boss up"

"Gotcha, you think we could get a receptionist up here I know Lei be tired as hell running back & forth"

"Yes I'll consider that do you know anyone who's looking for a job & have the skills?"

"Not off the top of my head, but I'll put the word out"

"Okay & let me know"

We talked for a few more minutes before I headed back downstairs to the lower level of the shop. As I stepped foot of the last step I see my receptionist & some guy having a heated conversation. Going over I stepped in and said

"Is everything okay Lei?"

"He walked up in here demanding service, I politely told him we don't do walk in on Wednesdays. Oh & he's very rude."

"Okay Lei I'll take it from here you can go on break"

"Yes ma'am"

She walked away & I turned my body towards the guy. He indeed had a mug on his face

"How can I assist you today?"

"Like I was telling ole girl I need my shit braided"

"This is a place of business & I won't allow you to talk to my staff nor myself in that type of tone. We won't be assisting you" I say keeping it professional

He huffed & was about to say something, but my brotha walked in with food.

"Nigga I told you come help me with this shit"

The guy looked at my brotha sideways & said

"Fuck outta here"

"Can you take it in the back thanks boobie" I say

"Yea whatever it's more food in my car I gotta grab"

He went in the back & the guy was just standing there with the same mug on his face.

"Are you going to make an appointment or not?" I ask growing impatient

"Yea man, you have any for today?" He asked

"Sorry we don't take walk-ins today-"

"I need my shit done today" he say cutting me off

Taking a deep breath I said

"If you wouldn't have cut me off I was going to let you know I could braid your hair. Now I'm not sure if  I want to braid your hair let alone have you in my shop"

Walking away I went in the back where my brotha had set up the food. I asked him to pick up some subs from penn station. Every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday I'm feeding my staff. Looking through the bag I grabbed my personal sub out along with a napkin & set it aside.

"Greedy ass" Boobie said

"Shut up I haven't ate since breakfast did you get you something to eat too?"

"Yea it's in that bag, can you do me a favor?"

"What's that?" I asked

"Braid my homie hair he out there"

"I know you not talking about that rude ass guy"

"Yea, you remember Don?" He chuckled

"No I don't & he needs some manners"

Khalil shrugged & said

"I been telling him that shit"

"How was school did you have a good day?"

"Good & yes"

"Any homework?"


Pulling back up to the shop I kilt the engine & got out grabbing Jax food & my wallet. Shutting the drivers door I opened Jax door & got him out & then hit the locks. He grabbed my hand & then opened the door for me.

"Thank you baby"

"You welcome mommy"

My stylist spoke to Jax & he spoke back we made our way upstairs to my office.

"Stay in here & eat your food if you need something Renzo is out there & I'm downstairs okay"

"Okay mommy"

Kissing his forehead I sat his food down in front of him & went into the barbershop part of the salon.

"Hey Renzo Jax is in my office can you keep an eye on him he eating"


Walking out the shop I went downstairs as I was going downstairs my phone rung. It's my cousin vonnie.

"Hey Vonnie wassup?"

"Shit wassup with ya?"

"At the shop working"

"I feel that boss status, can I get Jax fa the weekend?"

"Why you always taking my baby Vonnie?" I whined

"Its G birthday weekend & I'm getting all the boys ya know I can't forget about my lil homie"

"I miss Gio you going to have to bring him to my house for a weekend"

"Fasho, can I get my homie or what?"

"I guess so, what time you want me to drop him off?"

"I'll come scoop him around 6:00 Friday?"

"Okay you know I'll be at the shop, but I'll have his bag & stuff in the car"

"Bet love ya"

"Love you too"

Ending the call I slipped my phone in my smock & went over to my station where my client was.

"Sorry for the wait, low ponytail right?"

"It's okay & yes no heat"


Starting in her hair we made small conversation it didn't take long to do her hair. Twenty minutes tops & I was finished she was satisfied as always. I stayed at the shop until 8:00 & then headed home with Jax. We picked up a pizza & wings on the way home since I didn't feel like cooking. Once we ate we took our baths & put our night clothes on & drifted off to sleep.

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