Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:

A tear escaped my eye, as I felt them change to a dark blue. Why couldn't my life stop coming up with bad things that happen next. I shook my head as I held Mitch in my arms. His wound on his wrist was now a scar, so it was more easy to see. I closed my eyes and put my hand over his wrist, a light of green was showing under my hand. Meaning that I was hiding his wound, not wanting it to haunt him for his whole life. Like mine has done to me.  

"Mitch, please wake up" I murmured through some tears, my voice was uneasy. I was hoping that my "enemy" Insane wasn't going to harm him anymore, and just leave him alone. I looked down at Mitch hoping he had heard me, and would wake up from it. But I was in no luck, he didn't even move when I said it.  

"looks like I will be carrying you to the car" I muttered quietly as I kissed my brothers head. I know he was 17 just like me, but I did care about him greatly. He was just so kind, and gentle, I couldn't bare the thought of letting anything or anyone harm him. Even if I let it happen twice now.  

I sighed getting out of thought and zapped Mitch into my Z24 outside in the back seat, having him laying so he wasn't uncomfortable sitting up front. Even if he was out cold anyhow. I locked the door through mind to my car, and went to Mitch's room first, to gather all of his important belongings. I packed up all his clothes in one duffle bag, then packed up all his weapons from Dark Rider training in a steal case that was locked. It was very important that no one gets into his weapons, Mainly since every single weapon is labeled down. Meaning Dark Riders are the only immortals that know how to kill every single immortal alive on earth existing. Different weapons that they have are made to kill a specific kind, and if someone got ahold of them, all hell would break loose, and we don't need that.

I shook my head just getting done packing everything, I ended up with 5 duffle bags, and they all just had Mitch's stuff in it. I zapped the duffle bags into the trunk of my car. I shrugged and walked out of the door, their was no use packing my stuff, I had nothing to pack. Going to the car I got into the driver seat and slammed my door shut. Making Mitch move a bit in the back of the seat. I looked back to Mitch, trying to get into his mind, but he had it well blocked. I sighed then turned my attention ahead of me as I put my car and drive, and started to drive down the driveway and later on down the road. I didn't know were I was going to go, but I knew I was going to get far away from here. Maybe I would go to True Blood? No not safe, Mason would sure go there first to look for me. Maybe I would go to my friend Lj's place? Hmm seems like an idea. But also a usual place I would go to. Eh I would wait to come up with that when Mitch wakes up...well...if he ever wakes up anyhow

*Mitch's P.O.V*

errr. My head was throbbing like I smashed it against a hard brick or concrete wall. I whimpered, keeping my eyes shut, trying to rest. Wait...I feel like im moving. I jolt awake and sit up in an instant, my heart pounding. My vision was blurry making me almost panic, but when I noticed I was in a car and Megan was driving, I instantly calmed down.  

"Megan?" I asked then shook my head suddenly wondering why we were in her car in the first place.  

"Mitch!, Your up!" Said Megan in a excited tone, sounding happy that I was up. Hmm wonder why. 

"why are we in a car?" I asked not really wanting to know how I survived, but I would ask Megan that later. My main concern was where we were going and why. 

I watched as Megan shifted in her seat a bit, really uncomfortably. Making me concerned a bit. "we are going to live somewhere else, just you and me" Megan said rather quietly. I knew she wasn't telling me something that I needed to know, but I will get it out of her some how. 

"Megan, why though? why are we leaving home? Aren't you scared of Mason finding out and hunting you down?" I asked a bit loudly, maybe too loudly, and I might have over reacted too much.  

"stuff that I found out while you were knocked out for almost a day" Megan said sorta trying to avoid the reason that I really wanted to know.  

I shook my head and zapped into the passenger seat, and looked at Megan with kind eyes. I didn't really meant to be scolding her or yelling. 

"what did you find out?" I asked quietly, in a very calm voice so Megan wont be too quiet around me. 

"you know how I harmed you during the spirit eclipse since it was out?" Megan asked me a bit uneasy.  

I looked forward and nodded a bit. "yeah I remember it, what about it?" I asked not really wanting to talk about it, but I knew it was very important. 

"I found out that it was Coy who conjured it up. Mitch he planned on killing you" Megan said worry in her voice. 

I stayed quiet and sink into the seat. I sorta figured that it was Coy, wasn't anything knew with him. He acts just like Mason. 

Megan quickly glanced over at me then back to the road. "Mitch? Whats up?" she asked me. I sorta cursed in my head for leaving it open for her to read it. I sighed knowing that I would have to tell her. 

"Megan, I knew it was Coy in the first place.." I said leaving out some parts, that I did not wish to say. 

Megan tended a bit an shook her head, anger slowly rising. 'damnit she read my mind again!' I yelled in thought and looked at Megan.  

"why didn't you ever tell me!" she almost yelled, her anger slowly taking over. I knew she was trying to control it cuz her vision constantly flashed to red back to crystal blue. 

"I was afraid that you would flip, I didn't want to tell you he was beating me everyday. Trying to kill me like Mason does to you Megan" I said quietly and sunk in my seat. 

Megan sighed and nodded not saying another word. "another reason why we are leaving" is all she said before she put in a cd and was listening to my last breath by evanescence.  

I sighed an stared out of the window, wondering where we were heading next. Hoping when we start our lives over again that it won't be he'll for us, like it has been lately. Truthfully I dreamed of always running away with Megan, and I guess I have my wish now.

*megans P.O.V.*

It has been two hours, making it twelve midnight. The sky was as dark as it could be. Th stares were out, as well as the moon. As I drive I could hear voices inside my head speak. It was very annoying. I looked over at Mitch who had his head hung low, fiddling with his fingers. I looked back to the road quickly and started to drive faster. Rolling the windows down to feel the wind blow on me. I also caught a smell of something bitter, an rotten. I shook my head trying not to let it get to me. 

"Mitch, we're do you wanna go?" I asked all of a sudden. Probably making Mitch jump because it was quiet in the car, except from the cd playing in the cd player.  

Mitch shuffled in his seat and sorta shrugged. "some where Mason and Coy can't find us" he said quietly. I knew he didn't like talking about it, but we had to. 

"I know that, I meant were"I said, trying to focus on the road. 

"maybe Dony's house?" Mitch asked and smiled a bit.  

I nodded in thought. Mason doesn't know Dony nor his brother or father. "yeah that will work, just remember not to get into Dontys way with his labs down in the basement" I said.  

I could sense Mitch tense and shake his head. Donty was a guy who tortures people for a living, using all sorts of stuff to bring pain to them. He wasn't a bad person either, he was a really smart scientist and could build and create about anything. 

I smirked a bit, I didn't even see them for years, it would be good to see them again. Mainly since I would get to talk to Donty about some things.

"Megan I have a question" Mitch said as he stared forward. he was a bit nervous which I didn't understand.

"what is it?" I asked and glanced over to Mitch then back to the road. Something was telling me that his question was gonna be the death of me.

"what is it like to be a-"

~~~~~~~~what is Mitch gonna ask Megan???~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~find out in the next chapter that is gonna be up soon or in a day~~~~~~~~

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