*Mitch's P.O.V*
i growl in pain, my eyes where tightly closed. My head was throbbing like something hit me in the head that was 1 ton. I slowly open my eyes, my vision felt more different than normal. I could see a neon green glow right in front of my eye sight. wondering if it was my new eye color now, but glowing. I wince almost jumping as i heard unfamiliar voices run through my head.
"what the fuck" i growled as i sat up and held my head on either side with my hands. wanting the voices to stop desperatly.
They yelled things at me, like i would understand. I couldnt even make out the simple words that they were saying, it made no sense to me. was this the start of my new demonic life now, or is it the start/beginning of hell. My throat was dry, and it started to burn like it was on fire.
"blood" i muttered under my breath, i suddenly felt weak and my eyes turned to a grey instantly.
I forced myself to stand up, and i couldnt help but sense everyone around me. their scent. I took a deep breathe in, inhaling all of the sweet smells of their blood traveling all around me. My mind begging me to go for a bite of them.
I growled deep at myself, once i noticed what was going on. "no! knock it off!" i scolleded myself. i was letting my new urges get to me. now i know why Megan didnt want to change me, it was a great risk.
"ahhh your up i see" Donty's voice boomed, making me jump almost hitting my head off of the ceiling.
I looked up at him in a bit of shock. "yeah, but i dont feel like i use to. its utterly killing me inside to out" I said and whimpered feeling my throat sting once more.
"well no shit you will feel like that, u are a new blood demonic" Donty said then he saw my eyes and sighed. "you better go hunting, but i dont know if thats a right thing to do" Donty said a tiny bit quietly, but it sounded like he was shouting at me instead. Great more hearing powers as well uhh weird indeed.
I look at Donty a bit confused, but rage suddenly took over me. This is something i could not control, Im going insane arnt i? "What do u mean it wont be a good idea for me to go hunting?!" i snapped at Donty as i approached him. I smirked as I saw Donty's face get a hint of fear in them, but he didnt move an inch. "would you rather have me dieing from thirst? or kill everyone in this bloody house, one by one" I growled in a threat. I wish i could stop my rage, but it controlled me like nothing i ever expeirenced before.
DOnty flinched abit with my word choice, mainy my attitude. ha wish i could see donty more like this, scared for once at the presents of a new blood demonic. with no mercy inside me, this was too easy.
"thats not what i was meaning to say Mitch. Just calm down, i know that your a new blood so your anger is more high up then anything. I know you want blood, but your going to have to wait till Asher gets here" Donty said and crossed his arms over his chest replacing his fear with dominance.
'strike one' i thought and growled at him. "dont you ever know not to dominate over a demonic, means you will get killed, not spared" I growled and was about to grow out my fangs and tare into his flesh.
My eyes went wide as i noticed what was happening. I quickly hit the ground to my knees and held my head. It was now pounding, and my head was starting to bleed. I could see blood flow down past my eyes and down my mouth.
"make this stop!" I yelled. having my eyes tightly shut, and a death grip with both hands on my head.
donty instantly was by my side and tried to block the voices in my head. It didnt help any what so ever, they began to get louder. It was making it worse instead of better, i wanted blood! i wanted to kill! now im being tormented by evil demonics that are dead in one of the realms.
"ill get asher" donty said quickly and with that he was gone in an instant. leaving me alone to defend for myself, how the hell was i suppose to know that this was the cost of being a demonic. Im starting to question if this was all just a mistake.
I screamed very loud as i felt something break one of my inner ribs. i instantly had a hand to my side feeling the bone plan as day rip through even my skin, now outside of my body. Blood was oozing down from my wound, making it even more painful to even hold myself up.
My head instantly was forced upwars, something was controling my body. My eyes changed to their neon green instantly as i look straight ahead of me. My vision altered into this ghostly type of vision, no longer looking the same. a guy that looked identical to me walked up to me with his demonic claws out. My eyes widened in fear, it was not a guy. It was a reflection of me, staring at me, and moving around just like me.
"blood" spoke my reflection as it laughed in such a haunting matter.
The laugh banged around in my skull, echoing constantly making me screach very loudly.
"get me blood you slave" growled my reflection as it approached me in a threatening matter it was about to tare my throat out as suddenly my vision changed back to normal and my reflection vanished before me.
I instatnly dropped to the ground fully on my stomache. no longer did i feel pain, i was glad it was over.
"your lucky i came just in time" spoke a strong voice, seeming to hover over me.
I opened my eyes once more and looked up, instantly seeing one person i thought i would never see again. It was Asher.
"Asher?" i asked as i sat up noticing no pain, i felt normal. i sighed in reliefe, noticing also my blood lust was no longer there, and my mind was free from voices once more.
"well no shit, i sure not the Easter bunny here to give you some chocolate eggs" Asher said with a smirk and handed out a helping hand>
I smirked and laughed as i grabbed Ashers hand as he helped pull me up to my feet. "thanks Asher, hell if you where not here right now i probably would have died" I said with a small scared chuckle then looked at the floor.
"no you woundnt have actually died at all. it was nearly a illusion of what just happened to you. every new blood gets it at some point, it scars them but never harms them" Asher said as he looked toward the door then back to me and shrugged. "plus im here to help you Mitch not to stay here and talk like old budds" Asher finally said a bit more calmer.
"wow, that would explain how i saw my reflection." I muttered then looked at Asher confused. "how can you help me? I thought demonics have to learn their control and powers on their own" I said very confused, even if Megan did say Asher was able to help with all of that, i just never was fully sure.
Asher smirked at me like i was some pre-schooler just learning the ropes. "I already have full knowledge of my powers, control, and anything else you may think of. I was going to train you instead of giving them to you full. Though i cant do training now since well you know Marissa and that whole fight 'till death your doing, is coming closer than you think" Asher said and shook his head slowly "But Mitch i did just give you full control over yourself, so you dont go insane and try to kill everyone here plus go hunting without doing the same"
"what do you mean its closer than i think?" I asked now a bit concerned.
"meaning Marissa is already in the perimitter of where you are staying now, meaning in other words tomorrow is when you to must fight" Asher said and smirked a bit. "i do have faith in you Mitch, and i do believe you will succeed"
I smiled a bit glad that at least one of the strongest immortals ever to live actually believes i would be able to take down marissa in ease. "thanks for the support, but how are you going to get me ready in time for that?" I asked and shook my head slowly losing hope.
Asher walked up to me and put a kind arm around my shoulders. "The knowledge i will give you, will automatically let your brain know how to use them. No worries, just a switch of knowledge is all you need for training, But it might hurt.....a lot" Asher said and chuckled at the last part.
"kool...wait! what!?" i shouted but my timing was bad because in the instant Asher grabbed a hold of my head with his demonic claws and dug them through my skull and through my brain>
I started to scream in agony it felt like hours of pain went by instead of 10 seconds. I saw images run through my head of ever power and knowledge known for demonics to be held with. Asher gre his claws back in and looked at me. seeing my eyes blood shot from what just happened. "good you took it better than i though you would" asher said with a slight sense of humor in it.
I looked at Asher like he was mad, even if i know pretty well that he isnt like that. "better than you though!!" i yelled "what were u expecting to happen? me to laugh like a hill billy?" I said in a sarcastic attitude.
Asher smirked and laughed a bit. "of course not. i was expecting to feel ur brain pulse through the claws and explode all at once" he said making me grow quiet.
"wow, no comment" i said o.O good to know a friend will possibly do this even if he knows and expects it to kill me as well.
"now now Mitch, go hunting and when you come back make sure you come to me, so me, you, and Megan can work out the details for tomorrows big fight" Asher said and with that he left as well as donty who was amused by what just happened.
I sighed and looked toward the window, knowing that tomorrow is going to be a big day. 'I hope Megan understands that what im doing won't kill me. even Asher has faith in me that i wont die. Or...was he just saying so' i thought. With that i jumped out of the window and went to go hunt my feast for the day.
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