Tozirs are never normal

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Y/n pov
I woke up at 9:43 am and take a shower.
I get dressed into a white tank top and a black sweater and jeans

I then style my naturally curly long hair

I tried to find my contacts but I could not find them

"Shit! Where are they?! Ugh fuck I have to where my glasses." I whisperd in anger.

I put my glasses on and went down stairs.

"Hey I am going on a walk!" I said to Richie and mom and left the house.
I started walking towards Eddie's house and saw mrs.K car was not there.

I go to his front door and knock.
He opens and smile when he see's me.
"Hey I was going on a walk if you want to come?!" I say
"Yeah!" He replied and we grasped my hand and we left.

We were walking and talking about random stuff.

"I am just saying that It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky!" Eddie says laughing
I laugh "but like when they go on there backs to play in the mud?!" I ask
"There probably have there eyes shout so mud won't get in them!" Eddie replied and we both start laughing.

Somehow we ended up at the kissing bridge.
Me and Eddie look at each other. And then we end up making out at the kissing bridge.
I always thought this place was stupid but when I was making out with Eddie. It did not feel stupid. I loved it.

We stoped making out because we realized it was 2:03 pm.
He dropped me of at my house.
"Love you bye!" Eddie said as he kissed me ran to his house.
I smiled
That was fucking adorable.
Then I went into my house.

I go to my room and call Beverly

"Hello Beverly marsh speaking." The voice says
"Hey bev it is y/n!" I said
"Oh hey!!! Girl I have a lot of gossip to tell you!" Beverly said
"Ooo same!!" I replied
"Yay ok! So basically bill and I are dating and we made out!" Beverly said
"Holy shittt!!! Me and Eddie are dating and we also made out! A few times actually!!!" I said
"Holy shit! This is crazy! Alsooo I heard that gretta is saying she had sex!" Beverly said
"Oh fuck! Who would want to fuck her anyway?!" I ask
"Right?!" Beverly said laughing

We talk for hours about everything till I heard yelling and banging from downstairs.
"Hey Beverly I have to go I will call you back." I said and I hung up.

I walked down stairs to see my mom and holy shit my dad?! How! He left!!! He SA me when I was younger then he left! This can't be happening!

My dad was throwing stuff at my mom and they were both yelling. I did not know what to do. Richie was already down here so I ran to him.

"Richie what do we do?! He will kill Al of us!" I say
"Do what mom would do! Pray!" Richie said but before we could we heard a big thump.
We looked over so see my mom on the floor and my dad about to kill her.

I did what I knew was the only thing possible I ran and kicked his dick.
He almost feel. He looked at me and said
"Oh y/n,Y/n,Y/n. You have grown to be a beautiful young women." He said touching my hair. I had tears in my eyes getting flash backs.
Someone then hit him with a pan. It was Richie!

I rushed to mom and saw she was not waking up.
"Richie call an ambulance!" I said trying to stay calm.

I then grabbed a glass cub and smashed it on my dad.
I felt discussed that he touched my hair.

I got upstairs and I got scissors and I cut my hair.

I cut my hair and I actually liked it.

Richies pov
I saw y/n run upstairs and I did not bother to get her.
I sat by mom trying to help her till the cops came with the ambulance.

They got to my our house and they got my mom in the ambulance and y/n ran downstairs and I saw her with short hair.

Y/n pov
I had tears in my eyes and I was scared but I showed to fear.
I had to be strong.
The cops asked us questions and we answered.
It was hell.
The ambulance drove away and the cops did not really care what we had to say so they took my dad and left.

Me and Richie just sat outside.
I grabbed a cigarette and lite it and started smoking it.
"I like your hair." Richie said
"Thanks..." I said
There was a moment of silence till
"Rich? Do you think things will ever be normal?" I ask
"Y/n you are Richie Tozirs twin sister...Things will never be normal." Richie says in a slight laugh.

We sit outside talking like we did when we where kids. Just talking about memory's
"Remember when we were seven years old I was watching the school play because bill, you and stan were in it, and you and stanly had to kiss! And Beverly and bill had to kiss! I did not even know Beverly then but that kiss seemed personal!" Richie said laughing and I laugh along.

"Richie your right." I said
"REALL?! About what?! I mean I always am right but you know." Richie says
"That Tozirs are never normal." I said as we walked back inside our house.

Too be continued

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