Bills garage

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My alarm went on at 9:00 am. I got out of bed and I went to take a shower. I took a hour long shower so it was now 10:00.  When I got out of the shower I got dressed. I wore a gray tank top and some denim overalls

And I straighten my curly hair and put it in a claw clip

And I did light makeup (kinda like this)

I went down stairs and saw Richie watching tv. "Sup loser." I say. "Hey mother fucker!" My brother says. I sit on the couch and watch tv with him. We were watching saved by the bell. "I actually love this show!" I say. "Same. but don't tell ANYONE! Not like you actually talk to people" Richie says. "Ok,ok" I reply.
We watch a episode then a new show comes on. I walk to my room and start drawing. I draw a skull.

Richies POV
I was downstairs by myself when the phone rings. I get up and answer. "Hello.Tozer resistance,Richie speaking." I say
"Richie h-hey can y-you and y/n m-m-meet
T-the lo-losers at m-my garage?" Stuttering bill
Asks. "Yeah sure I will tell y/n." I say. I hang up the phone and run up the stairs
And barge in y/n's room. "Stuttering bill wants
us to head to his garage." I state
"Ok let's go." Y/n says. She gets off her bed
and we walk down stairs and get out our front door. We get outside and she locks the door.
We get on our bikes and race to bills garage.

Y/n's POV
Once we get there I see Eddie and once I
See him I feel this weird thing
In my stomach.
I don't know what it was. But

I ignore it like all other feeling I have.
Slightly wave at him but he just walks somewhere else. What the hell?! I then walk up to
Him and he just looks at me then
He rolls his eyes and walks away
What did I do.

ugh he is being a dick. More Then he usually is.
We all then go into bills garage. There are some chairs where Richie Eddie and bev sat.
I sat on the floor as far away from Eddie
As possible. I made sure not to look at him.
Everyone got situated and bill started talking
"That is where g-gorgie disappeared. The iron works and the black spot... everywhere it happens it's all connected by the sewers. And they all meet up at-" bill starts then gets interpreted "the well house" eddie says everyone looks at him I don't I can see him with the side of my eye. "The well is in the Neiblot street." Stan speaks. "You mean the creppy ass house we're all the junkies and hobos sleep?" Richie says
"I hate that place, it feels like someone is watching me" bev speaks up.

"T-that is we're IT l-lives" bill spoke
"I can't imagine anything wanting to live there." Mike states "mhm" I say agreeing to him
Suddenly eddie jolts up and walked to stand in front of the projector.

"C-can we stop talking about this? W-were kids! I-I can barely fucking breath I-I feel like I am having a fucking asthma attack! A-and we're kids and it summer!!" Eddie starts to panic then while he says it is summer he pulls the max down.


"P-put the m-map back up" bill says
"Na-uh" Eddie says shaking his head then the projector starts playing pictures of, wait bills family? I am so confused.. then Eddie moves away and we all just watch. Then it stopped on a picture of bills family. It slowly zoomed in on gorgie.

Then it starts moving to bills mom
And her hair going kinda crazy till it revealed
The creppy clowns face. It then starts too zoom in on it's face. "Turn it off" Beverly says

"TURN IT OFF!" I yell. Wow I am actually talking. Mike then kicks the projector.
Then it stoped.

Then it turns back on to revile the clown and it kept zooming in then going black and doing that then it turned on but the clown was 3D
"Dang this is how I die" I ask myself as it starts
To crawl the boys all fall over. Me on other hand was by myself.
How great is that.
I then fall and cut my chin on a pice of glass.
I get up and lay on my back on the floor
and I guess wait Till we all die because that seems like the only option this clown is giving us.

Then the garage door opens and I see Beverly
In a corner with complete fear.
The then puts a hand on bens shoulder and says thank you then she hugs bill. I stand up and walk over to them. And wipe the blood of my chin.
"It saw us, It knows we're we are!" Eddie says
"It always did. S-so let's g-go!" Bill replies
"Go? Go wear?" Stanly and Ben ask
"To N-Neiblot. That is we're G-G-Gorgie is." Bill states.

"After that?!" Stan asks worried. So I touch his shoulder and look up and give him a reassuring smile.

And out of the corner of my eye I see Eddie roll his eyes.

"Stanly is right! It is summer! We should be outside." Richie says backing up Stan but also looking down like he is guilty I guess.
"IF YOU SAY SUMMER ONE MORE F-F-FUCKING TIME." Bill stuttered and then walked away and got on his bike and rode off.
"Bill! Bill wait!" Bev screamed then
As soon as I know it we are all going after bill.


Looks like y/n is talking a little!
This is really fun to write and it makes me feel good I guess lol. Have a good day!!❤️🎈❤️

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