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The next morning, Caitlin woke up to the soft glow of sunlight streaming through her hotel room window. Las Vegas was already bustling outside, but her mind was elsewhere, replaying the previous night's unexpected encounter with Sam.

As she stretched, Caitlin tried to shake off the heaviness that had settled in her chest. She thought about Sam and their conversation. The memories played back like a film reel, each moment vivid and raw.

Caitlin and Kate met up for breakfast at a cozy diner near the hotel, eager to catch up before Caitlin headed to the airport. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and pancakes filled the air as they settled into a booth, both grateful for a moment to unwind and reconnect.

"How's the team feeling after last night?" Kate asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Pretty good, I think. It was a rough game, but our chemistry is getting better," Caitlin replied, pushing her thoughts of Sam aside for the moment.

Kate grinned. "You guys were all over the place last night. It was like watching a basketball-themed circus."

Caitlin laughed, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, and you guys were so perfect out there, like synchronized swimmers on the court."

"Hey, we might have looked like that, but you didn't see the chaos backstage. Almost tripped over our own feet during warm-ups," Kate shot back with a playful smirk.

"Well, if I remember correctly, you've always had two left feet," Caitlin teased, making Kate chuckle.

Kate raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? Says the girl who once dribbled herself into the bleachers."

Caitlin feigned offense, placing a hand on her chest. "Hey, that was once, and it was for dramatic effect."

Their laughter filled the diner, drawing amused glances from a couple seated nearby. The familiarity of their banter brought a comforting warmth to the morning, a reminder of how far they'd come since their time at Iowa.

"So," Kate said casually, setting her cup down, "can we talk about Sam?"

Caitlin hesitated, her fork pausing mid-air. "Sure, what about her?"

"I might have walked by during your conversation last night," Kate admitted. "Things seemed a little... tense."

Caitlin nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, I shouldn't have asked her to go to my hotel. It's just hard to find the line, you know? It's always a mix of feelings with Sam."

Kate reached across the table, her expression supportive. "It's okay to feel weird about it. You both will figure it out eventually. You and Sam have a lot of history."

"Thanks, Kate," Caitlin said, appreciating her friend's understanding. "I guess it's just hard to figure out where we stand sometimes."

Kate nodded knowingly. "You two have always been close, Cait. It's natural to feel a bit thrown off when things change."

Caitlin sighed, fiddling with her napkin. "I know, but it's like this constant push and pull. I feel like I let her down."

"You're allowed to feel that way," Kate reassured her. "Just remember, she's still Sam, and you're still you. You love her and she loves you. Whatever happens, that won't change."

They talked about how much they were going to miss each other. Caitlin joked, "I'll be counting the days until I beat you, I mean, play you again."

Kate chuckled. "Be for real, Caitlin. We both know how hard it'll be to beat the Aces."

They shared a warm hug, promising to stay in touch as they said their goodbyes. Caitlin felt a little lighter, knowing she had a friend who understood.


Caitlin and Sam continued their friendship, despite the unspoken tension lingering between them. They still talked and hung out, but Caitlin wondered why Sam hadn't told her about Lily.

One chilly night, after grabbing hot chocolate together, they sat in Caitlin's car, steam rising from their cups as they warmed their hands. The conversation was easy, familiar, until Sam shifted in her seat, turning to Caitlin with a hesitant smile.

"There's something I need to tell you," Sam began, her voice steady but careful. "I've been seeing Lily."

Caitlin felt her heart clench, but she forced herself to smile, determined not to let her emotions show. "That's great, Sam. Really."

Sam studied her, sensing the struggle beneath Caitlin's words. "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Yeah, of course," Caitlin replied, though her voice was a touch too bright. "I'm happy for you."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of unspoken feelings settling between them. The car felt smaller, the air thicker with things left unsaid.

Sam reached out, her fingers brushing against Caitlin's hand. At that moment, a spark of warmth and familiarity shot through Caitlin, a sensation she hadn't anticipated. When their fingers intertwined, Caitlin was struck by a wave of emotions that left her breathless. It was more than just comfort; it was a feeling of belonging and connection that went beyond friendship.

Caitlin's mind raced as she tried to process the flood of feelings coursing through her. This simple touch felt right in a way that was both exhilarating and terrifying. Her heart seemed to beat in time with Sam's, a rhythm that felt both new and familiar.

But just as the moment threatened to stretch into something more, Caitlin's thoughts shifted to Sam's relationship with Lily. Reality crashed back in, and Caitlin remembered that Sam had someone else in her life now. Her heart ached with the realization, the knowledge that the dynamics between them had shifted. Confusion washed over her as she grappled with her own feelings, questioning what this moment meant and what it said about her own identity.

The uncertainty of her own sexuality loomed large, adding a layer of complexity to her emotions. Caitlin was still figuring out who she was, unsure of how to navigate the confusing landscape of attraction and friendship. She felt lost, caught between the comfort of their bond and the fear of what it might mean.

She gently pulled her hand back, trying to ignore the immediate sense of loss. "It's, um, cold," she said, her voice a little shaky as she fumbled with the controls, turning the heat up. It was a flimsy excuse, but it gave her a moment to collect herself, to mask the confusion and longing she felt.

Sam watched her, a mixture of curiosity and something else Caitlin couldn't quite decipher in her eyes. It was as if Sam, too, felt the weight of the unspoken connection, the tension between friendship and something deeper. But she didn't press, didn't ask for more than Caitlin was ready to give.

In the silence that followed, Caitlin wondered if Sam had felt the same jolt of emotion, the same sense of rightness. The question lingered unasked between them, a silent acknowledgment of a bond that was shifting beneath the surface.

Sam cleared her throat, breaking the quiet. "Hey, are you going to come to my last volleyball game of the season?"

Caitlin hesitated, the thought of watching Sam and Lily together stirring a storm of emotions within her. "I don't know," she admitted. "I've been putting in extra work after practice."

"Please come," Sam said, her tone earnest. "It would mean a lot to me."

Caitlin nodded, though she didn't commit either way. "I'll see," she said softly. "We should probably head back."

As Caitlin dropped Sam off at her place, a wave of confusion and frustration washed over her. She drove to the gym, hoping the familiar rhythm of shooting hoops would bring her some peace.

The gym was quiet, the sound of the ball echoing as Caitlin practiced her shots. But her mind was scattered, her usual focus elusive. After a particularly frustrating miss, she slammed the ball down in frustration.

"Whoa, what did that ball do to you?" Kate's voice called out as she walked onto the court.

Caitlin sighed, wiping sweat from her brow. "Just... frustrated," she admitted.

Kate joined her, leaning against the wall. "Want to talk about it?"

Caitlin hesitated, but then the words spilled out. "I'm confused and scared, Kate. About Sam, about everything."

Kate nodded, her expression understanding. "It's okay to feel that way. You don't have to have it all figured out right now."

Kate paused and then asked, "Did something happen between you two?"

Caitlin hesitated but finally recalled the moment in the car. "She reached for my hand, and it felt like nothing I have ever felt before... but I pulled away."

Kate listened intently, then said, "Caitlin, it's okay to feel something, but I think you should talk to her about it. Nothing good comes from keeping your emotions in."

Caitlin nodded, still grappling with her emotions. "Kate, how did you know you were gay? And were you scared to come out?"

Kate smiled gently, understanding the gravity of the question. "It took time, Caitlin. I was scared, but I knew I had to be true to myself. It's a journey, and it's okay to be scared."

Caitlin took a deep breath, grateful for Kate's presence. In that moment, she realized that she didn't have to face her feelings alone. With friends like Kate, she knew she could find her way through the confusion, one step at a time.

A week later, Caitlin found herself standing at the entrance of the gym, the sounds of squeaking sneakers and excited chatter filling the air. Sam's volleyball game was in full swing, and the energy in the gym was palpable. Caitlin had decided to come, partly out of support, and partly to see if she could find some clarity in her feelings.

She spotted Sam on the court, her athleticism on full display as she dove for a ball and sent it soaring back over the net. Caitlin watched, a mix of admiration and longing stirring within her. Every cheer from the crowd felt like a personal echo of Caitlin's own heart.

As the game neared its end, Sam's team was tied with their opponents. The tension was high, every player focused and determined. Caitlin found herself on the edge of her seat, fingers crossed for Sam's team to win.

With one final, powerful spike, Sam secured the game-winning point. The gym erupted in cheers, and Caitlin joined in, her heart swelling with pride. Sam turned toward Caitlin's section, a familiar gesture of forming a heart with her hands, a habit they both had during their games.

Caitlin smiled, as she watched as Sam celebrated with her teammates, waiting patiently for a chance to congratulate her. But then, she saw Lily approaching Sam, embracing her in a hug and giving her a quick kiss. The sight made Caitlin's stomach twist uneasily, a reminder of the boundary she now found herself outside of.

Feeling the pang of emotions threatening to overwhelm her, Caitlin decided to leave. She slipped out of the gym, hoping to find solace in the cool night air.

As she reached the parking lot, she heard Sam's voice calling out to her. "Cait, you're leaving already? I don't even get a congratulations?"

Caitlin turned, her expression guarded. "You have Lily for that."

Sam frowned, confusion etched on her face. "What does that mean?"

Caitlin took a deep breath, feeling the tension between them. The words she had been holding back tumbled out before she could stop them. "I just mean, you have Lily now, Sam. She's the one you should be celebrating with."

Sam's expression shifted from confusion to frustration as she stepped closer. "Why are you being so weird about this? You're my best friend. I want to celebrate with you, too."

Caitlin shook her head, trying to find the right words. "Maybe that's the problem, Sam."

Sam crossed her arms, a mix of annoyance and hurt in her eyes. "What are you talking about? We've always been there for each other. What's changed?"

Caitlin looked away, her heart pounding in her chest. She hadn't intended for this to happen, for her feelings to come spilling out like this. "It's just... different now. I don't know how to explain it."

They stood in silence for a moment, the cool air doing little to ease the heat of the moment. Sam finally broke the silence, her voice softer but no less intense. "Believe me, I want nothing more than to celebrate with you, but you don't want me. Not like that anyways."

"You don't know what I want," Caitlin replied, her voice tinged with desperation.

Sam stepped closer, her expression pleading. "Then talk to me, Caitlin. Stop running away like you always do."

Caitlin's eyes stung with unshed tears. She felt exposed, vulnerable in a way she hadn't anticipated. "I can't," she whispered, her voice cracking.

"Just say it, Caitlin. Please," Sam urged, her eyes locked onto Caitlin's.

Caitlin took a shaky breath, her defenses crumbling. "I'm scared, Sam. I don't know what this is between us, and it terrifies me."

Sam reached out, her hand gently touching Caitlin's arm. "Hey, it's okay. We can figure this out together, whatever it is. You don't have to be afraid."

Caitlin looked up, meeting Sam's gaze. For the first time, she allowed herself to really see the warmth and care in Sam's eyes, the connection that had been there all along. She nodded slowly, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. "I don't want to lose what we have, Sam."

"You won't," Sam assured her, a small smile playing on her lips. "We're too stubborn to let that happen."

Caitlin chuckled softly, feeling some of the tension dissipate. "Yeah, I guess we are."

They stood together in the parking lot, the night air cool and crisp around them. Caitlin felt a sense of relief and hope, knowing that they had taken a step towards understanding their feelings.

"I'm sorry for being weird about everything," Caitlin said, her voice sincere.

"It's okay," Sam replied. "I get it. I really do."

Caitlin nodded, grateful for Sam's understanding. "Thank you."

Sam smiled, a genuine warmth in her expression. "Anytime. Now, let's get back inside before we freeze out here."

Caitlin stops, "What about Lily?"

"She had to go back with the dance team. I'll talk to her tomorrow," Sam said reaching her hand out to Caitlin. "Come on let's get my stuff and we grab a bite."

As they headed back into the gym, hand in hand, Caitlin felt a renewed sense of connection with Sam. It wasn't all figured out, but they had taken a crucial step forward. And for now, that was enough.

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