Bittersweet Chocolate

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"What's the percentage pass rate?"

Natalia quirked up a brow at her werewolf friend as he scarfed down his lunch like an animal, her nose wrinkling at the bits and pieces of food flying across the table. She really did love all of the boys equally. But sometimes, just sometimes, she wished she wasn't as outnumbered as she felt with testosterone. Boys could be disgusting when they wanted to.

She busied her hands with the unopened milk chocolate box, "do you have to eat like you have no manners?"

Embry snorted, grabbing a napkin to wipe at his face, "sorry. Was hungry," he grinned, "couldn't help it."

"And to answer your question: No. I don't know what's the percentage pass rate," stabbing in a straw, Natalia took a quick slurp of her chocolate milk and let out a satisfied sigh as she leaned atop the table, "but I'm pretty sure it's impossible to fail English."

"You'd be surprised at what I can fail," Embry rubbed a hand over his face, "I think I'm screwed. I even forgot to write a few quotes down in my essay."

The exams were finally over after a long, toiling week of dread and stress. Natalia thought she was never going to see the end of it, until the last day finally came and went. Her last exam had been biology, one of the hardest tests she'd had to take up till now. But other than that, she wasn't as fearful of her other subjects, knowing that she'd studied quite hard these past few weeks.

Now, it all depended on her grades, that would dictate wherever she'd end up. Maybe.

"What do you want to study?" her mother had asked a few nights ago during dinner as they feasted on some roast duck and Chinese pancakes with a few vegetables that Natalia had cut into thin slices.

The girl had shrugged, "I'm not sure."

After all, what with all the run-ins with the vampires and all other events, her future had completely been disregarded in favour of trying to stay alive in the present moment.

Not the greatest tactic, but it wasn't like she had any control over whether some mythical creatures were out to get her.

"Why don't you look at some of the culinary schools in the country?" her mom encouraged, "I think you have the talent. You work hard. It's a good future you have under your hands if you do it smartly."

"I'm--I don't know," the thought of becoming a cook was daunting. There were a lot of late nights to consider, missed family events and forget the holidays where most people would be celebrating with their families. Natalia wasn't sure whether she'd wanted to sacrifice all of that for a career she wasn't even certain she wanted.

"Anything else that caught your fancy? I thought you said the universities had come for a talk last week."

"Yeah there were a few," the girl pushed around her vegetables in her plate, appetite now gone, "there were things like design, architecture, pre-med. But I'm not sure I'd be able to do that one," she mentioned, shuddering at the last career option.

There had been another subject that pricked her interest. She just wasn't sure how her mother would take to that idea.

"Well, I don't have any future plans outside of La Push. Not until this whole vampire fiasco is out of the way anyway," Embry's voice brought her back to reality, and it was only then that Natalia realised she'd crushed her milk carton until her fingers were coated with her drink.

She hurriedly found a napkin to wipe at her mess as she replied, "Well, what about after the vampire fiasco?" she prompted, "don't you think you should think long-term about it?"

"The vampire fiasco is an excuse," Embry flashes her a wry smile, "I have maybe just a year more to decide. I just don't want to do anything I don't enjoy, you know? I wanna make sure of it."

"Yeah," she mumbled, "you're right."

Another meeting between the wolf pack had been set that evening, following Sam and Edward's meeting on the no-man's land just outside the treaty line. All wolves had paced uneasily at the thought of their leader getting out of safe ground and as if in need of comfort, everyone seemed to crowd around each other; limbs touching and huddled close as though the physical proximity gave everyone the sense of safety and protection needed.

Natalia found a space right beside her said wolf, who upon noticing her lingering by his side, grasped her hips and didn't hesitate to pull her into his lap.

She flushed. It was quite normal for Jacob to be so touchy, so possessive. Now that she knew of his ways, she was used to it. But that didn't mean it had any less of an effect on her.

"Do I really have to sit in your lap?" is what she whispered into his ear, feeling the shade of stubble at his jaw brushing against the skin along her shoulder.

She felt him grin against her skin as he pressed the softest of kisses to her shoulder, "no choice there, daisy."

Heat exploded through the back of Natalia's neck, and as though Jacob had heard her heartbeat skidding inside her chest, he let out a soft chuckle, hands gently grazing her waist like it was second-nature for him to do so.

"Right, so we're here today so I can talk to you about information I got from the Bloodsucker--I mean, Edward," Sam cleared his throat gruffly. It was clear he was still not convinced about calling his nemesis by his actual name, "apparently, the blood we've been scenting is from one of the members of the Volturi."

"What's that?" Paul's tone was sharp.

The air felt crisp and tense. Even Jacob felt as hard as stone around her, his grip tightening ever so slightly along her waist.

"The Volturi-- they're the largest coven of vampires that exist. Their job is to keep their existence a secret to the human population. They had a run-in with that bloodsucker--I mean, Edward-- when he left town a few months ago."

Jacob's chest rumbled with a growl, causing Natalia to jump slightly, "you mean, when he disappeared and left?" he hissed.

Sam nodded, "ever since they met Bella, it's been a recurring problem according to them. Vampires are not supposed to disclose their secrets to the human population. Doing so means instant execution."

"And yet that bloodsucker still lives," Paul growls.

"That's the problem. The Volturi seem to suspect that Bella hasn't been turned yet. If they find her pregnant with a--" Sam paused, his eyes narrowing dangerously as he spat the word out, "--half-breed, then things will get bloody around here and I can't risk our pack."

"So what's the solution here?" asked Jared as worried whispers echoed around the room.

"Edward thinks--he believes that we should distract the Volturi if ever they come too close. Until Bella gives birth, anyway--"

"What?!" Leah all but exploded, practically jolting up to stand with her hands curled into fists and her teeth bared, "are you insane?! What are we, his guard dogs?!"

"Trust me Leah, I hate the idea as much as you do," Sam's tone turned firm, his eyes darkening as he growled, "sit down."

Leah growled back. Sam took a step forward, nostrils flaring as they locked eyes in a fierce silent battle.

"I said," Sam's jaw ticked and he punctuated every word, "Sit. Down."

It lasted a few moments, before Leah looked away and with a grunt, slid back into her seat.

Sam's chest deflated and he looked around the room, jaw ticking, "I don't like it either, but for the sake of the pack and for the sake of our community, we have no choice. We have to protect them, even if it means being decoys."

"When you say decoys," Quil piped up from his seat next to Seth, "what exactly do you mean?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary," Sam replied, "a few extra shifts now that you're gonna be on summer holidays. Just enough that they know they can't cross the border."

With that, a rota was set with all the wolves that would take turns to run around the perimeter. Nothing too worrying, and yet concern blossomed through Natalia's chest the more she heard them talk. Sidling over to Emily as the rest of the wolves discussed their plan of action, she laid a hand on the older woman's arm so that Emily took notice of her presence.

"You okay?" Emily's lips curved. But it was a forced smile. Anyone could see that from miles away.

"I just--I don't get it," Natalia's chest was a knot of worry that seemed to tighten with every passing second, "why are we doing all this? Just so--just for Bella to have her child?"

"Sounds about right," Emily let out a soft sigh, "but ultimately, Sam just wants us to be safe. Having the Volturi around isn't going to make things any better for us. That's why he's reinforcing patrols."

"Is it--" the words clawed a the back of Natalia's throat. She took a breath, exhaled softly, and said, "is it ever going to stop?"

Her words came out as a soft murmur. But it was almost as though Jacob was right beside her, for his head lifted from the little huddle of wolves standing across the room and his dark eyes locked onto her face.

You're safe with me, was what his gaze said, I promise.

Heat bubbled through Natalia's lower stomach. She looked away, pressing her lips together to stop herself from blushing.

"I hope so," Emily replied, completely unaware of Natalia's interior battle, "I'm also kind of sick of all this vamp stuff."

Same Emily, Natalia thought, same.


"You're doing it all wrong."

Natalia huffed. It wasn't her fault if she didn't know how to properly put up a tent, but before she could whip around to chastise Jacob about helping her instead of sending out snarky comments, large hands slipped around her waist to pull her against a warm chest.

A very warm, and a very, very bare chest.

Instantly, her face pinked. Butterflies erupted through her chest when her russet wolf buried his face into the juncture between her neck and collarbone.

"Well," she tried to clear her throat, "w--why don't you help me?"

Jacob hummed, buried his face even more. She felt his lips ghost against her nape and shivered, mouth parting in a silent gasp as he pressed the softest of kisses there.

"Jacob?" she forced herself to stay on-track, "You gonna help?"

It took a few seconds before the said young man parted from her, hands falling away as he made a move to grab the tent partitions from her hands, "hate to break it to you Daze but--" his lips curled up in amusement, eyes glittering with mischief, "you kinda suck at tent-building."

"Well if there was a manual I'm sure I wouldn't have sucked as much," Natalia shot back.

It was one of those rare weekends that Jacob had managed to steal for himself, deciding that him and Natalia needed a bit of time alone. What with the constant threat of the Volturi on their tails, the wolves had been working extra shifts and practically wringing every ounce of their energy to make sure that their reserve was safe from any vampire nomad. Which was why Sam hadn't denied Jacob's little camping suggestion. He knew for a fact that mated pairs needed that kind of time alone, and that with danger lurking at every corner they turned, that kind of time was rare.

This was supposed to be their little trip away from reality, where they could bask in each other's company and forget everything but themselves for a little while.

"You're sure about this, right?" Natalia asked once more as she watched her wolf setting up one side of the tent.

Jacob looked back at her over his shoulder, "Hundred percent," his eyes softened, "plus, Paul and Jared aren't far from us. They'll know if anything happens. And then Quil and Emery are taking their place when night falls."

"Still," the idea didn't sit well with the girl. It wasn't fair, that she got to spend some time with her boyfriend -- well, her mate -- while the others had to work double time.

"Hey," Jacob, having already set up one end, straightened up to face her, "I did my extra rounds earlier this week to make up for the missed patrols this weekend," his thumb caressed her cheekbone before pushing her hair away from her face, "so there's nothing to worry about. I promise."

A wolfish howl reverberated through the forest. Natalia flinched, though her boyfriend laughed good-naturedly and stepped towards the other side of the tent, "see?" he gestured towards the source of the sound, "Paul agrees."

God. Did they really have to have such good hearing that nothing went amiss?

That was the one thing Natalia wished they could change. She didn't wish for half of the pack to know exactly what was happening every single minute. It was embarrassing.

Tent all set, the pair decided to take a stroll down to the beach where Natalia had the greatest idea to jump from the cliffs. That was how they found themselves atop one of the highest rocks, a reluctant Jacob holding her in place by the arm as they gazed down at the swirling waters below.

"You sure you wanna do this?" came Jacob's reluctant question. His grip was firm on her arm, as though he didn't exactly approve of her taking off.

"Oh c'mon Black. You chickening out on me?" she teased.

"I'm far from capable of taking care of myself," Jacob said, "but you? I'm not so sure."

"That's why you're here right?" Natalia grinned, a smile so pure that it hit Jacob right in the chest like cupid had decided to shoot his arrow.

She's beautiful, Jacob thought to himself.

"Come on!"

And before he knew it, his mate was tugging him towards the sea below. He caught up in a speedy job and they both jumped, Natalia's scream piercing the air.

Jacob's body felt suspended in air for a minute.

And then, descending straight into water.


Water engulfed him whole. He felt it; in his ears, up his nose.

Natural instinct kicked in. He pushed up, grabbing for Natalia's arm as he broke through the surface with a gasp.

His heart skittered right until his mate came up with a cough, "Talia! You okay?!"

"Yeah," She was coughing so much that he swam over, arms lacing around her waist to hold her up against him. But then she grinned, the smile so wide it broke across her face like the sun against clouds and all thought lost him as he gazed up at her in wonder.

"Man that was fun," she laughed and he found it contagious, laughing along with her and shaking his head, "you're an idiot," he said breathlessly.

"I'm fun," she retorted with a cheeky grin.

Jacob tugged her body close, so close that she had no other option than to hold on to his broad shoulders, "you're an idiot," he repeated, grinning affectionately at her scowl.

"You don't seem to mind," replied Natalia.

"You're right I don't," he leaned in close enough that their foreheads touched, his grin widening tenfold when he heard Natalia's heart pick up speed. His mate was the cutest thing alive and nothing could convince him otherwise. Absolutely nothing.

"Should we--uhm--head back? It's getting dark," Natalia mumbled. Her words trailed off as his dark orbs met hers, and she swallowed thickly at the emotion she found swimming there.

He looked at her like she was the one that held his world. Like she was the one that put up the brightest stars in his night sky.

"Jake?" she tugged at the hair at his nape and Jacob blinked, looked away, "yeah yeah, sure."

"You sure you're okay?" she frowned.

"Yup," Jacob didn't give her the chance to ask more, swinging her arms around so that she held onto his back as he started paddling towards shore.

Because how in the world was he supposed to tell her that every touch, every fucking smile, every skip of her heart made his insides burn and his skin prickle with an itch he can't quite ignore?



"You're playing it safe," Natalia motioned at her boyfriend with her marshmallow stick, "fine. How many crushes have you had in the past?"

Night had settled over the forest and when the shadows had started creeping up on them like ghosts, Jacob suggested retreating to the tent where he hung up a small lamp light that cast a warm glow atop their humble abode for the night. They soon found themselves digging into the marshmallow stash and playing a game of truth or dare. If Natalia ignored the howling wind and the roar of the ocean a few miles away, she could almost let herself imagine that this was safe.

Although, everywhere she was with Jacob was a safe space. He was everything in one; a human heater, a protector, and a hot boyfriend.

"Am I going into the dog house for this?" Jacob pursed his lips, "cause otherwise I'm just gonna lie--"

"Nu-uh boy, you can't lie," Natalia popped a marshmallow into her mouth, "you're sworn to be honest by the truth or dare gods."

"That doesn't exist."

"It does so," she replied indignantly.

"Fine fine," he couldn't resist smiling at her chubby cheeks from the marshmallows she'd shoved in her mouth earlier, sliding down his sleeping bag and tucking one hand under his neck, "my first crush was a girl named Annie. Don't know why I liked her, maybe because she shared a few snacks with me. My second crush was in sixth grade, when this girl called Giselle chose me during our game of truth or dare. And then--well," he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment, "--you know my third crush."

Bella. She didn't have to say it out loud. The name rang through her ears like a taunting echo. A mocking laugh.

"My turn," Jacob said abruptly, "truth or dare?"


"You scared of my dare?" his eyes glittered mischievously.

"No," she popped another marshmallow, gave him one in the process, "maybe a little."

Jacob chuckled before eating his own marshmallow, "right. You said you had a boyfriend before."

"Uh-huh," Natalia threw him a look, but he continued nevertheless, "how--" the words stuck to his throat. He hesitated, pressing his lips together before he continued, "how far did you go...with him?"

The girl blinked at him. Weird question to ask, but she decided to answer anyway, "not...far. I mean, we made out and stuff. He tried to sneak a hand up my shirt. But we got caught before it could go any further."

Just the thought of Natalia with another man made Jacob's chest rumble with a warning growl, his eyes darkening as the girl quickly added, "that was a long time ago. I forgot what he even looks like."

"Tenth grade isn't that long ago."

"Well, I haven't lost my v-card yet," her chin jutted out defiantly, "but apparently you have."

Guilt crashed through him and he looked away, jaw flexing as he sucked in air through his cheeks. There was no denying that.

"So," Natalia's voice was thick with irritation, snappy, "truth or dare?"

Jacob found her eyes, spotted the annoyance flickering over her features and took his time to answer, "truth."

"Who--" Natalia's fingers found the hem of her sleeping bag and they plucked at the material, her voice small when she asked, "who was it?"

Jacob let out a breath, "do we have to do this?"

"You're the one who started it."

Jacob grunted. She had a point.

He lifted an arm, gesturing thin air in exasperation, "It was a girl--her name was Samantha. We met at Paul's party."

Natalia was silent, urging him on.

"Well, you know how Paul was--before the whole imprint thing.

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