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Y/n pov
"Um... y/n..." he said stopping his horse. I also stopped.
"What's up?" I looked at him worried that I said the wrong thing. "It's fine it was a joke Levi don't take me so seriously." I smiled.
"Ok then. Let's get going. We have to get to the wall for the final decision." He said to me ultimately deciding not to tell me what was on his mind. We visited the last five homes which were all near each other and made our way to wall rose. He barely spoke and looked deep in thought. Once we arrived he snapped out of it and went back to his cold demeanor towards everyone.
"Nice. Now that everyone is here we can finally conclude that there is not break in the wall or holes dug underneath it. We checked three times." The blonde said.
"I don't believe we have met properly. I'm y/n." I nodded he stuck his hand out to me and I refused it. I hate germs.
"Ok then... I'm Hannes." I nodded and walked away with Levi. Closer to Eren who was talking in a heated discussion with Reiner and Bertholdt.
"Cling to the side of the wall. It's safer there." Levi whispered to me while wrapping his arm around my waist.
"What why?" I asked.
"Just do it. Please." He said. I nodded and did as he said. Then there was a transformation. People were blown off of the wall. Who was it? What was going on? I asked myself as Levi grabbed me and pulled me back to the top.
"Where is everyone?" I asked referring to the arguing boys.
"They're all shifters. That's Bertholdt up there." He pointed to the giant skeleton I somehow hadn't noticed. He was blowing off steam and barely stable. Eren's Titan was fighting the armored Titan below us and it was going horribly for him.
"That's Reiner." He jumped down and it followed. We tried to help stop the armored Titan but only got in the way. Eren got close to winning but Reiner pulled a dirty trick and Bertholdt stopped defending himself to land on top of them. Eren and Ymir were taken and there were heavy injuries. Five hours later we decided to go after them.

"Birds." I said. Two flew down to me hearing my call. "Trace the group of three boys and one girl who were here earlier. Lead us to them." They have a nod and as soon as our horses were down we went after them. We found them in a Forrest. They ran away forcing Eren with them. Ymir has turned against us and stolen Christa as well.
The chase went on for a while until we ran into a shit tom a titans. Eren had escaped and had to watch his friend Hannes die. Then he punched the Titan and some other titans attacked it and the Titan shifter who betrayed us. Ymir brought back Christa then went to help those traitors. She was one too but I couldn't bring myself to believe that.
While fighting off titans in front of the group I had made a realization, my blood mixed with theirs disintegrates them. I sliced open my hand and then ones arm to test my theory and as predicted the totem turned to ash.
"That's so fucking cool." Jean said as he rode past me. My hand was still open and bleeding. It hurt but that's fine, I found a new weapons in myself.
"Dumbass! Nows not the time to realize you can self harm!" Levi plucked me up from the ground and onto the back of his horse. I did this a few more times opening new cuts when I stopped bleeding out of one. He looked freaked out by my doing so but didn't stop me.
In the end a bunch of people died because nobody knew that they were traitors. I mean I couldn't even see it. Erwin even lost an arm. He was alive but in constant pain. A lot of our comrades died fighting off titans that we led to the traitors. It was our fault. Why were we so naive?
I was thinking over the events of today while treating my self inflicted cuts up and down my arms.
"What are you sulking for?" Levi asked me. He sat on the bench next to me and finished wrapping my hand in a bandage for me.
"Because Levi. So many people died. They're gone because I couldn't see that they were bad guys." I slumped back not giving a second thought to my attitude.
"It's not your fault y/n. They were deep undercover." He sighed and sat back with me. "You can't fight like this. Hurting yourself to kill a few titans will end you on the battle field. You don't heal like Eren so you'll have to find a new way to fight or go back to the way I taught." He lectured me.
"What do you mean I don't he's like Eren? He heals normally?" I stated.
"No he doesn't? He only takes a few hours to a few days to be back in his healthy state. Don't be silly." He said.
"So you're saying you guys take longer to heal then?" I asked now being totally confused. Because of me frowning up alone I never really realized others don't heal like I do. I just thought it was normal to only take a few hours or days. He looked at me shocked and shook the face away.
"What do you mean by 'you guys'?" He asked getting suspicious of me.
"I mean you guys as in the rest of the human race excluding me." I said as if it was normal.
"No! Cuts these deep would take weeks to heal anyone else here! What's with you? You're not one of those traitors are you?" He eyed me suspiciously. Now I knew how it felt to be Eren, always on the good side but being questioned as a bag guy.
"No! Of course I'm not!" I yelled "I didn't know this. I mean it's not like I pay attention to people around here and before that I grew up basically alone. I assumed it was normal for people to heal quickly!" I defended myself loudly. Hanji heard the commotion and came over.
"Lovers quarrel? What's wrong?" She asked.
"This girl! She's crazy! She heals as quickly as Eren and then asks if it's unnatural!" Levi exclaimed.
"Well I mean yeah she grew up alone. And it's not like she pays attention to any of us." She said being relieved it wasn't some big revelation.
"You knew?" He asked scowling at her.
"Yeah I took the girls blood every day for a month." She sighed. You think you would've noticed her natural ability to heal from your attacks since you trained her." She laughed
"In any case it doesn't matter if you can heal fast or not, if you drain yourself of blood you'll die. Then what? You can't help us dead. Also you're putting yourself in unnecessary pain." He explained calmer now.
"That's kind of what I signed up for Captain. I knew I would die somehow but if it's for a good cause..." I said
"If iTs fOr A gOoD cAuSe." He mocked me. "Bullshit. You can't come in here, make everyone's lives better, and then leave to die." He stood up and walked away.
"Don't worry about him y/n. He's just trying to protect you." Hanji put her hand over my knee and stood up. "He has a point too. If you're going to die don't let it be on the battle field." She smiled and left me to think.
'Maybe I should go after him. He seems really upset.' I thought to myself. I went in the direction he went to catch up with him and talk whatever he was angry over out. It was probably my irresponsibility and reckless endangerment. He always get triggered when I sacrifice myself for the good of the team. I never die though so he should be happy about that. When I finally found him he was waiting in his office.
"About time you found me slowpoke." He said standing up.

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